Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB009 - Waiting on the World to Change

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I'm actually on a logitech myself, so I don't know that I'd blame the entire brand. :)


--- Quote from: Mickey Finn on June 27, 2007, 12:45:28 PM ---Ok, it's official. I need a better mic. Silly Logitech.

I sound like I'm broadcasting from Yuri Gargarin's tomb.

Priscellie, on the other hand, sounds as dulcet as a night DJ on a long road trip.

Maybe I need more sleep.

--- End quote ---

You may need a bit more than sleep or equipment upgrades to catch up in the "dulcet department". Sorry  :P

I enjoyed the episode.

To continue with the theme of "What are we waiting for?", I am currently waiting for the Alera-Love podcast, and a picture of the cover of Captain's Fury.

Mickey Finn:

--- Quote from: gahmsw on June 27, 2007, 02:27:13 PM ---You may need a bit more than sleep or equipment upgrades to catch up in the "dulcet department". Sorry  :P

--- End quote ---

I meant for what I was typing, not how I sounded ;)

And Logitech is normal a fantabulous brand, but every now and then, there's a glitch. My headphones are top notch, but the mic attached apparently sucks.

Likewise looking forward to the Codex Alera focused Butcher Block...
I've been lurking for about 6 months now and am finally feeling like making some contributions to the board... hope to be talking with all you fine folks online.  So... here's to changes.


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