Author Topic: Help with Holy Touch  (Read 6489 times)

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Help with Holy Touch
« on: January 06, 2013, 10:40:06 AM »
Long story short, I'm playing a Champion of God and I'm looking to get some use out of my Holy Touch power. The problem is, I have two things working against me. The first is that my character is really liberal Unitarian - about the only things he finds offensive to his faith are Vampires and Demons. The second problem is that so far we have not run into either of these creatures (and it doesn't appear that we'll be doing so any time in the near future).

So, how do I actually get some use out of my power I spent my precious refresh on? What tricks can I pull with it?

And if this power really is useless in this game, does anyone have a suggestion for a power swap?
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 10:51:19 AM »
Anything with a Holy Stuff Catch definitely applies, so at the very least add Ghouls and probably Outsiders as additional targets.

That said, if none of that stuff ever shows up...yeah, it's a waste. And your GM is being a bad GM, since by having that power (and the Faith powers in general, really) you are basically putting up a giant "Throw Unholy Things At Me!" sign on your forehead both in and out of character. Any GM who isn't taking that invitation isn't doing their job, and is straining the plausibility of the game setting given how Guide My Hand works regarding you being where you are needed.

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 10:59:37 AM »
That said, if none of that stuff ever shows up...yeah, it's a waste. And your GM is being a bad GM, since by having that power (and the Faith powers in general, really) you are basically putting up a giant "Throw Unholy Things At Me!" sign on your forehead both in and out of character. Any GM who isn't taking that invitation isn't doing their job, and is straining the plausibility of the game setting given how Guide My Hand works regarding you being where you are needed.
I guess I should drop it, then. Though the ironic thing is that we finally encountered some Ghouls - only my CoG is dealing with some Greek thingies with the Scion of Prometheus. Finally a chance to shine and I'm not there. Of course it's kind of a moot point, as I didn't have any space at all to pick up the Fists skill.

So assuming I did drop it, you know any good replacements? I already tried the GM on Sacred Guardian, but he said it was overpowered and only works for Foo Dogs.
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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 11:02:48 AM »
What are your stats? And how much Refresh are you working with?

Depending, you might not need anything, a mortal stunt might be the way to go, or just having some extra Refresh might be cool. Though, on the low Fists thing, them touching you also does them damage, which is enormously cool, since having, say, Ghouls taking stress when they hit you is both useful and funny.

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 11:15:40 AM »
What are your stats? And how much Refresh are you working with?

Depending, you might not need anything, a mortal stunt might be the way to go, or just having some extra Refresh might be cool. Though, on the low Fists thing, them touching you also does them damage, which is enormously cool, since having, say, Ghouls taking stress when they hit you is both useful and funny.
Whoa, wait, really? You mean it works in reverse? And I don't have to spend a fate point for it. Wow, that's actually really kind of cool!
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Offline Haru

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 11:19:20 AM »
If you don't encounter them very often, you might as well drop it, and if you actually need it once in a blue moon, you can spend a fate point to get it as a temporary upgrade.

I've created a defensive power for one of the players in my pbp game, you might be interested in:

The Lord is my shepherd [-1]
Description: As a fighter for the good cause, you are protected by your faith when facing dangers greater than yourself.
Skills affected: none, really
I shall not waver: You may spend a fate point to grant you armor:2 for a scene. This armor can only reduce additional* damage from supernatural sources (eliminating claws and strength powers for the most part, you know: the nasty stuff).
He restores my soul: If you need to take a mental consequence, you may take 1 more shift off the attack than the consequence is usually worth (for example a mild consequence would be worth 3 shifts instead of 2).

*additional means, that it can take away the stress that for example claws would add to an attack. Claws+inhuman strength would add 4 shifts of stress to an attack, with this armor active, it only adds 2. If there is no additional stress from supernatural sources, the armor does nothing. It would not, for example, work against the extra stress a regular old weapon would add to an attack. It also does not work against the surplus of an attack roll. Still good against a lot of bad guys, I think.
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Offline Save_vs_DM

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 11:46:53 AM »
If you don't encounter them very often, you might as well drop it, and if you actually need it once in a blue moon, you can spend a fate point to get it as a temporary upgrade.

I've created a defensive power for one of the players in my pbp game, you might be interested in:

The Lord is my shepherd [-1]
Description: As a fighter for the good cause, you are protected by your faith when facing dangers greater than yourself.
Skills affected: none, really
I shall not waver: You may spend a fate point to grant you armor:2 for a scene. This armor can only reduce additional* damage from supernatural sources (eliminating claws and strength powers for the most part, you know: the nasty stuff).
He restores my soul: If you need to take a mental consequence, you may take 1 more shift off the attack than the consequence is usually worth (for example a mild consequence would be worth 3 shifts instead of 2).

*additional means, that it can take away the stress that for example claws would add to an attack. Claws+inhuman strength would add 4 shifts of stress to an attack, with this armor active, it only adds 2. If there is no additional stress from supernatural sources, the armor does nothing. It would not, for example, work against the extra stress a regular old weapon would add to an attack. It also does not work against the surplus of an attack roll. Still good against a lot of bad guys, I think.
I actually suggested a similar power (actually it only gave Armor:2) and the GM turned that one down. I'm very probably limited to official sources only.
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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2013, 03:01:01 PM »
Yeah, it's a cool trick. It is based on the Red Court in Grave Peril burning when they touch Michael's shoulder after all, so yeah, it works without active intervention on your part. Though they wouldn't take it if using weapons or some such since they nee to touch you.

And it's still not worth it if it never comes up. Though on Haru's point, I'll note that I certainly don't let PCs just pay FP for temporary powers without serious magic or very specific situations being involved, and I think many GMs feel likewise.

So...stats? Again, can't give you good advice on what to grab without context.

Offline Save_vs_DM

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 09:53:43 PM »
Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Investigation, Weapons
Good (+3): Empathy, Endurance, Presence, Rapport
Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Lore
Average (+1): Discipline, Guns, Resources, [ooc=Scholarship]English, German[/ooc]

Leadership (Presence)
Riposte (Weapons)
Scene of the Crime (Investigation)

[-0] Bless This House (housed Application of Righteousness extra brings it to a +0 because the GM never uses it).
[-1] Guide My Hand
[-1] Holy Touch
[-2] Righteousness
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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 10:04:55 PM »
Hmmm. Footwork ala the Fists Stunt but for Weapons is probably the most powerful defensive ability you could grab for 1 Refresh, so I recommend that. Another option would be one or more conviction stunts, of which there are several potentially good and useful ones available.

I'd probably stick with stunts rather than powers for the time being.

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2013, 11:05:52 PM »
I might just leave the Refresh open. With Guide My Hand and Righteousness you'll be needing FP.

The Lord is my shepherd [-1]
Description: As a fighter for the good cause, you are protected by your faith when facing dangers greater than yourself.
Skills affected: none, really
I shall not waver: You may spend a fate point to grant you armor:2 for a scene. This armor can only reduce additional* damage from supernatural sources (eliminating claws and strength powers for the most part, you know: the nasty stuff).
He restores my soul: If you need to take a mental consequence, you may take 1 more shift off the attack than the consequence is usually worth (for example a mild consequence would be worth 3 shifts instead of 2).

Hey, I haven't seen that one before. It's not on the list.

Mind if I add it?

PS: Does the armour stack?

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2013, 11:27:12 PM »
Of course you can put it on the list. I've only used that power in my pbp and not very excessive there, and I didn't think of putting it in the custom power thread.

I kind of thought it to stack. I wanted the "I shall not waver" part work as a reverse acaebg. Where acaebg reduces the toughness power of a creature, isnw is supposed to reduce the strength power or take claws out of the equation. So if something with supernatural strength attacks you, it can only add as much stress, as if it had inhuman strength. Supernatural strength + claws? Reduced to inhuman + claws or supernatural strength.
Calling it armor seemed to be a good choice, since it is a defensive thing, but I was never really happy with that wording. If you like to do a rewording, I would not mind, you are better at it than I am.
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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2013, 12:22:18 AM »
I would suggest that if it is intended to stack with other sources of armour then it requires explicit wording to that effect.
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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2013, 05:13:30 AM »
Armour is a good way to describe that effect, but since armour doesn't normally stack the exception should be noted. As Tedronai said.

Anyway, I'll add such a note. Wording looks fine otherwise.

PS: I've been considering a consequence-strengthening Power/houserule for high-powered games, since 2/4/6/8 is pretty feeble when weapon 8 is common. Your Power reminded me of that.

How much Refresh would you say it's worth to multiply the value of each consequence by 1.5 or 2? And should that cost get bigger for people with extra consequences?

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Re: Help with Holy Touch
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2013, 08:35:56 AM »
PS: I've been considering a consequence-strengthening Power/houserule for high-powered games, since 2/4/6/8 is pretty feeble when weapon 8 is common. Your Power reminded me of that.

How much Refresh would you say it's worth to multiply the value of each consequence by 1.5 or 2? And should that cost get bigger for people with extra consequences?

I'd say -2 Refresh for normal Consequence Value x1.5 (3/6/9/12), or -4 Refresh for Value x2 (4/8/12/16), and keep the same pricing whether or not the character has extra consequences.  I'd also suggest folding this power into the Toughness/Recovery suite as a third option that can also be discounted by a Catch.