Author Topic: Item of Power Balance Feedback  (Read 2919 times)

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Item of Power Balance Feedback
« on: January 05, 2013, 01:01:59 PM »
I'd like to get a few more eyes and opinions on this item of power. It's for a character of mine (Champion of God, if that matters). I think it's pretty balanced but I wanted to get a few more opinions. Is it too powerful? Not powerful enough? Just right?

[-3] Solomon's Guard
When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve.

Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honor, Sacrifice'.

Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose, usually is represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons
Angelic Origin. This blade was wielder by an angel and shared in the angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like holy water or that of a cross or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.

Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.

Divine Purpose.  Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart; if this is not the case, the bond between the Knight and the Sword is broken and may only be restored by undergoing some sort of trial of faith. When swung without such purpose in mind and heart, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond is immediately broken, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand.

Basically, the GM and player should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could either receive a fate point to stay his hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your Knight is still responsible for how the sword is used, with similar repercussions.

Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty. When swung in keeping with its purpose, Solomon's Guard grants a +1 to the wielder's Weapons skill.

Honor. The honor of this blade illuminates the wielder's path. In the presence of acts this blade finds to be dishonorable, it glows fiercely, alerting the wielder to danger. It provides you with a +1 bonus to Empathy when detecting lies, +1 to Alertness while Avoiding Surprise, and +1 to the Mystic Perception trapping of the Lore skill.

Sacrifice. While wielding Solomon's Guard in defense of others, the blade hardens your Convictions into a brilliant aegis.  You gain Armor:2 against all physical stress). When facing an opponent offensive to your faith, you may spend a fate point to increase it to Armor:4 for the duration of the scene.

It's a Sword. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. As a sword, it possesses the damage and other attributes of any sword (page 202).

Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.

Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, Solomon's Guard already includes the one-time discount (page 167). This means that if the character possesses more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Solomon's Guard is the second or subsequent artifact the character gains, the refresh cost is –5.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 01:52:14 PM »
Personally, I'd be more inclined to give the more normal Inhuman or Supernatural Toughness than I would a custom power ala Sacrifice. They have built in pricing structures and everything.

That said, I'd say that, roughly, Divine Light is -0, Duty is -1, Honor is another -1, and Sacrifice is worth about -2. So I'd go with it being overpriced just a little.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 02:54:52 PM »
Personally, I'd be more inclined to give the more normal Inhuman or Supernatural Toughness than I would a custom power ala Sacrifice. They have built in pricing structures and everything.

That said, I'd say that, roughly, Divine Light is -0, Duty is -1, Honor is another -1, and Sacrifice is worth about -2. So I'd go with it being overpriced just a little.
Tend to agree, as written I would say it's -2 refresh cost after the +2 rebate.  If you just model duty like normal inhuman toughness I would even go as far as saying it's a -1 refresh.  Due to a +1 catch of needing to keep in line with the swords agenda.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 03:51:20 PM »
[-3] Solomon's Guard
When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve.

Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honor, Sacrifice'.
Just picking at nits but it wouldn't be in Latin if made during King Solomon's time.  Rome didn't start expanding (even in Italy) until almost 400 years after Solomon's time.  Hebrew would be better though Phoenician, Ugaritic, Amorite, Ammonite. Moabite, and Edomite languages are possibilities - those are the Canaanite cultures.

Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose, usually is represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons
Angelic Origin. This blade was wielder by an angel and shared in the angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like holy water or that of a cross or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.
Is the last sentence meant to be a power of the sword? 

Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.

Divine Purpose.  Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart; if this is not the case, the bond between the Knight and the Sword is broken and may only be restored by undergoing some sort of trial of faith. When swung without such purpose in mind and heart, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond is immediately broken, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand.

Basically, the GM and player should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could either receive a fate point to stay his hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your Knight is still responsible for how the sword is used, with similar repercussions.

Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty. When swung in keeping with its purpose, Solomon's Guard grants a +1 to the wielder's Weapons skill.
There's nothing wrong with this mechanically but D&D killed flat "+1 swords" for me - they have no flavor.  Given the description, I'd suggest something like "While guarding another, this sword grants a +2 to defensive maneuvers and blocks.  It also allows you to extend a Weapons block to cover adjacent allies."

Honor. The honor of this blade illuminates the wielder's path. In the presence of acts this blade finds to be dishonorable, it glows fiercely, alerting the wielder to danger. It provides you with a +1 bonus to Empathy when detecting lies, +1 to Alertness while Avoiding Surprise, and +1 to the Mystic Perception trapping of the Lore skill.
These seem more about perception than honor.  Have you considered renaming this power to "Wisdom"?  Solomon was famous for it...  ;)

Sacrifice. While wielding Solomon's Guard in defense of others, the blade hardens your Convictions into a brilliant aegis.  You gain Armor:2 against all physical stress). When facing an opponent offensive to your faith, you may spend a fate point to increase it to Armor:4 for the duration of the scene.
I agree with Deadman and JDK here - use the Toughness powers if you're granting armor and / or stress bonuses.  That said, I'd be tempted to rewrite it to something like "You gain Inhuman Toughness while acting within the blade's purpose.  You may spend a fate point to take a consequence an adjacent ally would have been subject to - these heal as if one level lower in severity (you have Inhuman Recovery but only for consequences taken in this manner)."

It's a Sword. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. As a sword, it possesses the damage and other attributes of any sword (page 202).

Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.

Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, Solomon's Guard already includes the one-time discount (page 167). This means that if the character possesses more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Solomon's Guard is the second or subsequent artifact the character gains, the refresh cost is –5.
For costing purposes, I'd break each power out individually.  I'd also rate it at -4 prior to the IoP discount; -1 for Duty, -1 for Honor, and -2 for Sacrifice.
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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2013, 05:19:00 PM »
Everything I might say has already been said, except this:

Personally, I see Sacrifice as being too weak for a -2 power... though, probably too strong for a -1 power. I'd suggest beefing it up a little, or or reducing it's power and cost. Alternately, maybe it increases defense rolls by one, and two if you spend a fate point. I suspect specifying offensive to your faith is likely to be far too awkward and pointless, and suggest you drop that part. If it bothers you maybe refluff it as defending youself throiugh sheer power of will, instead of faith. Also, giving the option to take sponsor debt instead of paying a fate point wouldn't be a bad idea.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 01:41:53 AM »
Honour seems a bit too good to me. It's three half-stunts for 1 Refresh.

But it's not really broken, so I guess it's okay.

Anyway, I'm doing an IoP list update so here's a version of Solomon's Guard that could be added to it.

(I went with the apparent consensus that Sacrifice is best represented as Toughness.)

Description: When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve. Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honour, Sacrifice'.
Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose. This is usually represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons.
[-0] Divine Purpose. Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart. When swung without such purpose, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond between sword and wielder is immediately broken until the wielder repents with an appropriate trial of faith, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand. Basically, you and your GM should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could receive a fate point to wither stay their hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your character is still responsible for how the sword is used.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. Regardless of type, it's weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-1] Angelic Origin. This blade was wielded by an angel and shared in that angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like that of holy water, a cross, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.
[-0] Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.
[-1] Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty. When swung in keeping with its purpose, Solomon's Guard adds one to its wielder's Weapons skill.
[-1] Honour. The honour of this blade illuminates the wielder's path. In the presence of acts this blade finds to be dishonourable, it glows fiercely, alerting the wielder to danger. It provides you with a +1 bonus to Empathy when detecting lies, +1 to Alertness while Avoiding Surprise, and +1 to the Mystic Perception trapping of the Lore skill.
[-2] Sacrifice. When you wield Solomon's Guard in defence of others, the blade hardens your convictions into a brilliant aegis. This Power is identical to Supernatural Toughness with the Catch that you only benefit from it while defending others.

Save_vs_DM, if you don't want me to add this to the list just say so. I don't want to overstep my bounds here.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 04:06:33 AM »
Good suggestions, folks. Unfortunately, the GM has house ruled that you can't put any existing powers into an Item of Power. And there's no way my Champion of Faith can take Inhuman stats of any caliber. So that solution is down.

And the reason I asked is that the GM thinks the weapon is overpowered. He wants to drop the "spend a fate point to double armor" part of Sacrifice. I just waned a second opinion to see if maybe the GM was overracting a little.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2013, 07:22:35 AM »
Unfortunately, the GM has house ruled that you can't put any existing powers into an Item of Power.

What? Why?

That's a really weird houserule.

I'd be tempted to institute the exact opposite houserule: no making up Powers just for your item.

Anyway, I definitely wouldn't call this item overpowered.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 07:53:55 AM »
Anyway, I definitely wouldn't call this item overpowered.
Sadly, he does not agree. According to him this weapon is balanced. Well, he's the one who made it, so I'm not surprised he things that. I'm actually thinking about dropping the weapon, as it really doesn't do what I wanted.
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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 10:33:39 AM »
Okay, how does this look. Is this balanced?'

[-3] Solomon's Guard
When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve.

Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honor, Sacrifice'.

Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose, usually is represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons
Angelic Origin. This blade was wielder by an angel and shared in the angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like holy water or that of a cross or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.

Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.

Divine Purpose.  Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart; if this is not the case, the bond between the Knight and the Sword is broken and may only be restored by undergoing some sort of trial of faith. When swung without such purpose in mind and heart, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond is immediately broken, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand.

Basically, the GM and player should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could either receive a fate point to stay his hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your Knight is still responsible for how the sword is used, with similar repercussions.

Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty as a sword guardian of humanity. While guarding another, this sword grants a +2 to defensive maneuvers and blocks. It also allows you to extend a Weapons block to cover nearby allies in the same zone.

Honor. This blade hardens the wielder’s honor into a tangible shield against harm. While guarding another you gain Armor:2 against all physical stress.

Sacrifice. You may spend a fate point to take a physical consequence an adjacent ally would have suffered. You may recover from these physical consequences as if they were one level lower in severity. So, you recover from moderate consequences as though they were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene.

It's a Sword. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. As a sword, it possesses the damage and other attributes of any sword (page 202).

Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.

Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, Solomon's Guard already includes the one-time discount (page 167). This means that if the character possesses more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Solomon's Guard is the second or subsequent artifact the character gains, the refresh cost is –5.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2013, 10:46:51 AM »
That version of Honor, Duty and Sacrifice are -1 Powers each (the first clearly is, the second is because it's conditional, and the third is Inhuman Recovery with a weird Catch that's at least +3 and an additional power that definitely isn't worth more than -2 and The Catch should totally apply to), meaning this version should only be -1, not -3.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2013, 10:48:46 AM »
That version of Honor, Duty and Sacrifice are -1 Powers each (the first clearly is, the second is because it's conditional, and the third is Inhuman Recovery with a weird Catch that's at least +3 and an additional power that definitely isn't worth more than -2 and The Catch should totally apply to), meaning this version should only be -1, not -3.
Well, isn't Angelic Origin worth at least -1 refresh? I mean holy bypasses the catches of a lot of things. Surely that's worth -1. So it should be at least -2.
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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2013, 10:53:20 AM »
Well, isn't Angelic Origin worth at least -1 refresh? I mean holy bypasses the catches of a lot of things. Surely that's worth -1. So it should be at least -2.

Matter of opinion. I'd personally say Holy is free, especially to a Champion of God who already has access to it in a variety of ways (paying for it two or more times is silly), but yeah, some people would say it's -2.

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Re: Item of Power Balance Feedback
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2013, 10:57:35 AM »
Matter of opinion. I'd personally say Holy is free, especially to a Champion of God who already has access to it in a variety of ways (paying for it two or more times is silly), but yeah, some people would say it's -2.
Well, that's what I'll go with. I'd rather have a weak -2 than a too strong -1. Now to see if I can't figure out how to make Holy Touch useful.
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