Hi, I haven't posted on here before but I was having a go at making a Fetch changeling character as they seem to be among the most physically formidable of the Sidhe and wondered if anyone could give me a few suggestions.
The Example Fetches in OW41 seem to suggest that they can have any Speed/Strength/Recovery/Toughness ability up to at-least Supernatural [-4] as well as Physical Immunity to magic (provided the practitioner is frightened), Shapeshifting and possibly Worldwalking (Via mirrors).
Although the physical powers are listed under each fetches shapeshifted form, so would my character have to take a Shapeshifting ability to access them?
I thought I could start him off with:
Glamours [-2]
Emotional Vampire [-1] Fear
The Catch [+3] Is Cold iron and possibly True Courage, governing:
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
and a couple of stunts related to frightening people
Maybe I could throw in Inhuman Strength or Speed or immunity to magic later. But I'm struggling to find different ways for their appearance to change as they delve into their Sidhe nature. In OW it says that they appear as: "vaguely humanoid, black wavering shadows with ghostly white eyes."
So here's my list of possible changes so far:
Eyes with an unnaturaly white iris
Unnaturally black hair
Unnaturally black skin
Shadow flickering and moving on its own
If anyone could suggest a few more that would be much appreciated