Time travel via mental projection. The OP supposes that Harry was able to project himself back in time into the role of his own subconcious. I like this theory, mostly because of the cool factor, but the dialogue with Harry sounds a lot like a more experienced Harry offering advice to his younger self. Accepting that as apremise I started speculating about how this might be accomplished.
this actualy fits into my own ideas of what a mantle is , and how it works.
I think the mantles, bob, the archive are essentially different versions of the same thing- programs/ databases made of pure infromation, and to some degree stored in the NN.
we know, from Jim, that other versions of Bob exist. We can speculate, from Jim's evil laugh, that some of them are much more impressive then Bob.
Bob's a PC. single system, stored in a single place, but pretty awesome
now whats the archive? its obviously not all in the head of that poor little girl,
it wont fit. Its a network of some kind, with some parts in Ivy, some stored in her ancestors in the past, some potential in the future. this givers her some level of precogntion; thats why she got so upset about not being able to help harry in changes. Now lets go one step farther-
a cloud/ distributed system. imagine avst system, so large that no sinbgle person's past/ present/ future selves can possibly hold the thing. A system capable of calculating weather/ environemnt/ biological changes on a global scale. Imagine
Giaia.some part of it is hosted in mother winter, im sure. Some lesser part in Mab. Now some in Molly. But the same holds true for summer. Its all one ,mantle, just different aspects of split among the now six hosts.
Each person is a distinct entity, but each has access to the central server.. and the server has access to them, which is why they start to resemble twins even when they arent bioligicaly related at all; they are all different points on the same curve.
now Harry has some limtied access to this. He cant use it now, but in the future he might be able too, with propper experience and some soulfire to 'hack' the system.
he now has a tool for both seeing the future, and changing the past.. as long as hes damn carefull with it.
and so Priscellie can eyebrow me for calling myself a dumbass too, i shall now call myself a dumbass too because I just figured out how future Harry could have fixed little chicago. And why/how Molly's feelings could infleunce Mab. Shes part of the system now, after all.
someone please tell this theory makes no sense at all