Author Topic: Custom Templates  (Read 50356 times)

Offline johntfs

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2013, 01:14:23 AM »
Alrighty then. Because I do math like fish do bicycles, I may have messed up the interaction between Human Form and Limitation. Constructive criticism is welcome. First, the Vesuvian.
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Okay, I'm sorry, but by Supernatural Sense: Bullshit Detection is going off a little bit here.  Your "Limitation" is that he can't use his Strength, Toughness and Recovery unless he's near a large, open flame.  And as an "Oh, by the way" he also has at least two super-quick methods (Vulcanomancy and Breath Weapon) to create said large, open flame.  Yeah.  No.  Maybe if you pegged his Vulcanomancy and his Breath Weapon to the Limitation, that might work.  Otherwise, no, I don't see this as a viable template.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2013, 02:16:06 AM »
Okay, I'm sorry, but by Supernatural Sense: Bullshit Detection is going off a little bit here.  Your "Limitation" is that he can't use his Strength, Toughness and Recovery unless he's near a large, open flame.  And as an "Oh, by the way" he also has at least two super-quick methods (Vulcanomancy and Breath Weapon) to create said large, open flame.  Yeah.  No.  Maybe if you pegged his Vulcanomancy and his Breath Weapon to the Limitation, that might work.  Otherwise, no, I don't see this as a viable template.

They need to use a maneuver-tag and wait two turns to get the fire going. That's actually a pretty meaningful weakness.

But not a meaningful enough one for a 60% rebate, in my eyes.

-I agree on the Human Form double dip thing, but I think i misread your earlier posts about how it would be a good mechanic for the skins. I'm not going to just make constant little edits to the thing- I'm editing it in a google doc and i'll post the full thing when I'm comfortable with it.


If one of my earlier posts was vague or confusing, feel free to ask for an explanation.

-Skins are meant to be enchanted objects essentially usuable only for this and maybe Armor. The base Skinwalker has four skin slots from his Ritual:Biomancy.

So skinwalker has to sacrifice an enchanted item slot in order to gain access to a form? Sounds cool.

-I'm switching back and forth on the form points because i'm really uncomfortable with them being able to have Mythic anything, but i want them to be able to have both building blocks, Echoes maybe, and some Creature Features stuff.  Blood, bracken and bone but i am terrible at math. Sorry once more.

Sorry for what?

That aside, I think it's reasonable to say that Modular Abilities can't be used to buy Mythic Powers. The limits of Modular Abilities are vague, so it's really up to the GM to decide where they are.

And for what it's worth, when I made a modular abilities variant (Variable Abilities) I didn't let people take Mythics with the generic shapeshifter ability set.

-Rereading Tricked, skinwalkers probably have Demonic-Co Pilot but that power is kind of awful IMO.

I'm not a huge fan of that Power either. The list has some rewrites, which might be worth a look.

The skills section is a remnant from when they would have had Mimic Abilities. On that note, Mimic Form is appropriate for them. Would cutting them down to 7 Form Points, Mimic Form, Supernatural Recovery, Supernatural Sense(Lore), and True Shapeshifting be reasonable? And the Limitation really depends on your campaign and it's setting, so in any future posts i'm just going to put a question mark for the Limitation.[/quote]

Not sure what the point of having Mimic Form when you have True Shapeshifting is.

Also you'd have to change the Limitation if you're getting rid of Biomancy.

Otherwise sounds like a plan.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 07:12:40 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2013, 04:32:07 AM »
I kind of hammered down on the "lolol i'm a garden shed" aspect of True Shapeshifting. In this context, it's meant to mechanically represent an animal form. You could probably do it with Beast Change to be honest, which makes them quite a bit more playable.

Oh, and some "base form" ideas for the Skinwalker
Spider Climb [-1]
Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Claws (Venomous) [-3]
Inhuman Speed [-2]

Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Claws [-1]

Mountain Lion
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Claws [-1]

Super Vulture
Wings [-1]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Hulking Size [-2]
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Offline vultur

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2013, 11:43:08 PM »
Can Valkyries take Refinement?

Yes - but only for item slots. Added that in to the template "Options", thanks.

Offline johntfs

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #64 on: January 07, 2013, 04:20:45 PM »
This is my take on the scions of Dragons.


A person who is Dragonborn is related in some way to one of the great Dragons like Ferrovax or Siriothrax.  They need not be direct children (and usually aren't) but somewhere in their parents' history some ancestors got their freak on with a dragon.  Dragonborn tend to be large people, either physically or socially.  They're usually the leaders of whatever group they're associated with. 

Generally, Dragonborn encountered are in one of three situations.  They're bound servants of their Dragon progenitors.  They're murderous flesh-eaters existing from meal to meal until they're destroyed, usually by the bound servants of their Dragon, which considers such behavior to be a humiliating breach of secrecy.  Or they're independent operators trying to avoid one of the above two fates.

A high concept that indicates your heritage: Dragonborn Soldier.  Vengeful Spawn of Siriothrax.  Something like that.

At least the following Powers:

Echoes of the Beast (See in the dark, +1 to rolls involving eyesight) (-1)

Human Form (involuntary) (+2) (Affects all powers below)(The Change is triggered by injuries or strong emotions.  The upshot of this means that the character has to take at least a Mild Physical, Mental or Social Consequence in order to change.  Also, opponents may tag the consequence for free during the scene.  Finally, if the consequence was physical, the Change causes the character to "exchange" it for the Mild Mental consequence of Enraged.

Beast Change (humanoid dragon (-1) (skills exchanged are usually those of Guns, Driving, etc for those like Fists or Athletics)
Claws (-1)
Supernatural Sense (-2) (Can see in the dark and see through Veils and Illusions using Alertness)

Feeding Dependency (Meat)(+1)(Affecting all powers below)

Inhuman Strength (-2)
Inhuman Toughness(-2) and Inhuman Recovery (-2) The Catch (+3) is enchanted weapons or weapons made from precious metals (gold, silver, platinum)
Wings (-1)
Total Base Refresh Cost: -6


As Dragonborn mature they may increase some of their abilities, add new ones or modify certain disadvantages.

They may shift Human Form (+2) to Human Form (+1), making the Change voluntary.  This is usually the first thing most Dragonborn attempt to do once the Change hits them.  That said, this, like all other aspect changes and the like, is subject to the GMs permission.

They may increase their Strength and Toughness to Supernatural levels.

They may also add certain powers such as:

Breath Weapon (-2) (Fire, Frost, Acid, etc)
Hulking Size (-2)*
Inhuman Speed (-2)

Breath Weapon and Inhuman Speed are both bound by the Feeding Dependency.  Hulking Size is only bound by Human Form.

Finally, Dragonborn with a positive Refresh count as humans, even in their "beast forms." 

Athletics, Lore, Fists, Performance, Conviction, Discipline, Deceit.[/spoiler]

« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 03:39:37 PM by johntfs »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2013, 03:28:37 AM »
Here's a Template I thought of a long time ago, but never wrote.


Fate has plans for this world, and for the most part it doesn't need help executing those plans. It bends events quite well on its own.

But sometimes things go wrong. That's why Fate recruits its Agents. It selects children of heroic potential early in life and manipulates their lives to shape them into suitable servants. When it finally decides to initiate them, generally in their late teens, it marks their foreheads with astrological signs and they leave their old lives behind.

Agents of Fate exist to ensure that things go the way that destiny says they should. They're gifted with supernatural insight into Fate and the ability to manipulate probability, so they're generally able to shape events without much direct intervention. But if necessary, they can do a fair bit of damage.

Musts: An Agent of Fate must have a High Concept that reflects its role as a servant of destiny. In addition, every Agent of Fate must take the following Powers:

Wizard's Constitution [-0]
Marked By Power [-1]
Prophecy [-1]
Probability Manipulation [-3]
Controlled Fate [-1]

Options: Agents of Fate can develop their natural abilities further, allowing them to purchase Precognition, Inexplicable Knowledge, and upgrades for Controlled Fate and Probability Manipulation. Agents can also learn mortal magic, so they can purchase Supernatural Martial Arts and various forms of spellcasting.

Important Skills: Lore, others.

Minimum Refresh Cost: -6

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2013, 03:32:30 AM »
johntfs, the Dragonborn looks pretty good except for the copypasta Sponsored Magic at the end.

Though I would hesitate to allow people to take both Claws and Breath Weapon. It's such a bad idea...

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2013, 03:37:28 AM »
Here's a Template I thought of a long time ago, but never wrote.


I guess the part I'm missing is why this isn't just a particular manifestation of the Emissary of Power template, but actually a template in its own right...
In addition, maybe to what I'd call unnecessary minimums on the powers taken.  I don't see why a fledgling Agent of Fate couldn't be represented with Prophecy and Controlled Fate alone, or something of the like, and develop the rest of the powers (and possibly others) during play.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2013, 04:59:57 AM »
Yeah, it's an Emissary variant. Like the Summer/Winter Knight.

I made it -6 base because all of the Musts on that list are part of my mental image of an Agent of Fate. A "fledgling" Agent doesn't really fit with what I imagined.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2013, 05:12:44 AM »
Sanctaphrax, are you aware of the nature of Fate in the DV?

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2013, 05:19:04 AM »
I don't put much stock in that interpretation, and so I didn't consider it when writing that Template.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2013, 10:05:30 PM »
Updated the first post again.

Left out the Skinwalker and the Thunderbird because, IIRC, they're going to be edited soon.

Hick Jr, are you still planning on making a Jade Court Template?

Offline johntfs

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #72 on: January 12, 2013, 03:59:40 PM »
johntfs, the Dragonborn looks pretty good except for the copypasta Sponsored Magic at the end.

Though I would hesitate to allow people to take both Claws and Breath Weapon. It's such a bad idea...

I was borrowing from another Template and the Storm stuff got stuck on the end.  I've deleted it.  As for Claws and Breath Weapon, a normal mortal gets the same effects for 0 Refresh if she has a knife and a pistol.  Plus, Breath Weapon is Feeding Dependent and both of them are "form dependent."

I'm thinking of adding a new potential ability called "cannibal" which gives a +1 to attempts to kill and eat sentient beings.  Essentially this would be a "Lawbreaker" ability for the Dragonborn and would stack with each "cannibalism" incident.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #73 on: January 12, 2013, 04:04:30 PM »
I was borrowing from another Template and the Storm stuff got stuck on the end.  I've deleted it.  As for Claws and Breath Weapon, a normal mortal gets the same effects for 0 Refresh if she has a knife and a pistol.  Plus, Breath Weapon is Feeding Dependent and both of them are "form dependent."

That's what he means. It's such a bad waste of Refresh.

I'm thinking of adding a new potential ability called "cannibal" which gives a +1 to attempts to kill and eat sentient beings.  Essentially this would be a "Lawbreaker" ability for the Dragonborn and would stack with each "cannibalism" incident.

This might be better built as a re-flavored Blood Drinker, only for flesh. That way it has real benefits that encourage them to indulge.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Templates
« Reply #74 on: January 12, 2013, 09:01:10 PM »
Indeed. Once you've spent Refresh on adding a weapon rating to unarmed attacks, you should not have to spend more Refresh on that same effect again. The fact that Claws and Breath Weapon use different skills just adds insult icing to the injury cake.

And I agree that Blood Drinker sounds like a good way to model that effect.