Author Topic: Interesting Focus Items  (Read 8725 times)

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2012, 05:38:02 AM »
The only mechanical cause of the absence of a focus item that I can determine is a Compel.  All Compels being equal, and none being inherently 'bad', I see no wrong in arranging a character narratively such that a certain type of Compel to which they would otherwise be subject is difficult to induce, or even impossible.  Yes, the character will in this way ensure that their bonuses are available when they need them, but they will also be simultaneously and inextricably denying themselves the accompanying Fate Points from those never-were Compels.
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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2012, 08:45:03 AM »
The only mechanical cause of the absence of a focus item that I can determine is a Compel.

I dunno about that.

Maneuver + tag for effect can disarm someone. Whether that counts as a Compel on the victim is up to the GM.

Hard to justify maneuvering away a focus ring or a pair of focus underpants, though. At least a belly button stud can be pulled out with minor tissue damage. Getting a tight ring off someone in a fight would require cutting off the finger, and pantsing away somebody's undies is pretty tricky.

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2012, 04:19:51 PM »
I dunno about that.

Maneuver + tag for effect can disarm someone. Whether that counts as a Compel on the victim is up to the GM.
The way I've usually played it is like this--maneuver and tag to disarm for the duration of a scene (or until the player goes and picks it back up) without a fate point, while a compel would mean they lose the item for an extended length of time.

pantsing away somebody's undies is pretty tricky.
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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2012, 11:21:16 PM »
Well in the campaign I play in, there are two characters with focus items. My character (focused practitioner) and a changeling with sponsored magic.

My character has a pendant of crystal, set in silver and hung on a silver chain. This gives her +2 complexity on divinations

The changeling uses magix related to summer. He has one plastic waterpistol as well as some valve for a waterpipe for focuses. I believe his focuses are to gain more power for his evocation-magic.

I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Lavecki121

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2012, 07:51:50 PM »
The reason I feel it is a perversion of the rules is that it's practically impossible to lose.

Harry can (and often does) drop his blasting rod.  The bellybutton stud is just this side of using a tattoo as a focus item.


I feel like a Tattoo would be really easy to break. Any scars and cuts would immediatly cause the focus to be scattered and thus needing realignment.

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2013, 12:24:26 AM »
I feel like a Tattoo would be really easy to break. Any scars and cuts would immediatly cause the focus to be scattered and thus needing realignment.

Hard to justify maneuvering away a focus ring or a pair of focus underpants, though. At least a belly button stud can be pulled out with minor tissue damage. Getting a tight ring off someone in a fight would require cutting off the finger, and pantsing away somebody's undies is pretty tricky.

The right physical consequences could be compelled for stuff like that.  You have a "severe burn" on your arm?  Compel to say he loses his tattoo foci...same with trying to cut someone's finger off

Offline Haru

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2013, 01:17:18 AM »
I feel like a Tattoo would be really easy to break. Any scars and cuts would immediatly cause the focus to be scattered and thus needing realignment.
Spray paint, or a paint bomb if you want it a bit more drastic, should also work rather nicely.

One dirty little trick to find a good way to disarm somebody  of something undisarmable (that word looks like it's in pain :-\ ), is to put it in front of the players. If the players got a wizard with a tattoo focus, send them a sorcerer with a tattoo focus and see what they do. Whatever they come up with that works will be fair game for you to use against them later on.
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Offline jberger990

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2013, 02:30:04 AM »
An old bolt action rifle, one of those with lots of wood to carve runes into. As an upside, it is simple enough that it could last a couple or rounds in a fight, or even a whole fight if very little magic is involved, without losing it's ability to shoot. Makes it easy to get around the "no kill with magic rule"

99.999% pure water, frozen as part of jewelry, kept in a container, whatever. The important part is just how difficult this is to make, as water disolves a little bit of whatever container it is in. The high difficulty of purifying water should lend it significant magical weight.

Henna tattoos, gets rid of the hole "permanently destroyed if you get hit" aspect. Would be good for spells that apply only to the body, such as a shield, that shields only you. Could even be an excuse for why you wizard has inhuman speed or the like, the tattoos increasing his reaction time. Also works well as an enchanted item

Winged sandals, especially for speed.

A vial containing the last breath of a dying relative, a newborn's first tears, the ashes of a hero, grave dirt from a mob boss, that sort of thing.

A ceramic statue of a flying pig

A bell.

A rope made up of a cat's footfalls, the beard of a women, the roots of a mountain, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and a bird's spittle.

Offline DMS

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2013, 12:37:51 AM »
I really, really want to make a focused practitioner with a brace of dueling pistols packed with Forzare level force.  You wouldn't get a ton of uses out of them, but they would pack the punch of several jackhammers in each shot. 

Now that I think of it, Harry sort of uses something like this in Ghost Story, but I've kind of blocked most of that book from my memory.


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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2013, 01:29:04 AM »
Like the Force hand-cannons idea though I have to ask...not a fan of Ghost Story?

Offline DMS

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2013, 03:58:22 PM »
not a fan of Ghost Story?

No, it's easily my least favorite of the novels.  I thought that it could have used another judicious editing before publication.  Jim's usually really good at including a lot of pop culture references without making them seem like obvious fan service, but he was less successful on that front with Ghost Story.  Granted, this is all my opinion, and I love the series like I will love my first-born child (assuming he/she isn't somehow prenatally mortgaged in a deal with a Faerie Court in the next few years), but I felt like Ghost Story was a huge sidetrack from the over-plot of the series.  I know that I'm not aware of where the series will go from here, so it could (and likely will) tie into the plot in future installments, but it seemed to deviate so drastically from where the series had been heading til that point.  It's the only one that I haven't been able to reread more than once.

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Also: my first reading of it was on audiobook, and James Marsters didn't read that one.  The temp guy drove me nuts (he said "potatuhs" instead of "potatoes").  It lent to the overall feeling of that book not fitting in sequence.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 01:26:06 PM by DMS »


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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2013, 04:35:28 PM »
Firstly, great breakdown DMS.

Secondly, I think the core of the story was Harry dealing with the fact that well...he's Harry (and has a lot of...issues) and, secondly, the Molly-arc. I think, for me, where it falls most flat is that Ghost Story seems to be on an island of its own (as you indicated by saying that it feels segergated from the main plot). I don't feel Harry grew as a result of his experiences, I don't feel Molly has been handled well at all post-Ghost Story (minus the one bit at the end of Cold Days).

Harry is still Harry and everyone is still pretty much themselves (granted, you can say there has been attempts to move the characters forward but...). Everything feels pretty much the same in Cold Days as it did before Changes/Ghost Story. That I feel is the biggest let down for me because I felt that maybe things where changing as a result of Changes and Ghost Story (which isn't a problem if you like the characters as they were prior to those books...I personally wouldn't mind seeing some development).

The one thing I disagree with is...I thought the mind-battle in Molly's head was awesome. I felt it was consitent-ish with the character. How else would she portray all of that do you think?

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2013, 05:03:07 PM »
The one thing I disagree with is...I thought the mind-battle in Molly's head was awesome. I felt it was consitent-ish with the character. How else would she portray all of that do you think?

Sure, I agree it's consistent with her character.  I took issue with it being consistent with the mood of the story at the moment. 
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So, them's my thoughts on that.  If you had a different reading, that makes me happy because the more enjoyment folks get from these books, the better place the world is.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 01:27:22 PM by DMS »


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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2013, 05:23:30 PM »
I totally agree with you that the impact wasn't in the right places and that Butcher missed the ball a bit with the character arc's and their progression here. Like I said, it falls down even more when you consider the lack of follow-up with it in Cold Days.

All of this though, of course, is just a matter of opinion. I also agree with you on your last statement and will add that in everything, we gotta bring the fun!

Offline Lavecki121

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Re: Interesting Focus Items
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2013, 08:27:11 AM »
First off, DMS that filler guy was no marsters and I had issue with that as well, constituency is key.

However your conversation has gotten dangerously close to(if not already breached into) spoiler territory so you should probably put up spoiler edits