Author Topic: Help me balance these guys!  (Read 12797 times)

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Help me balance these guys!
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2012, 12:36:07 AM »
Especially if the Sponsor is gonna enforce morality on you.
I wouldn't say that.  See above re: a compel is a compel is a compel
Compels 'enforcing morality' are no more (or less) potent nor punitive than those enforcing immorality, or those injecting new opposition, or anything else.
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Help me balance these guys!
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2012, 04:38:48 AM »
Oh, and Sanctraphrax, while i've got you on the proverbial line, Is there a thread for homebrew templates or some such? Or would that come under "Generic NPCs"?
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

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Re: Help me balance these guys!
« Reply #47 on: December 24, 2012, 06:15:54 AM »
So, assuming anyone was interested, my version of Naoam Sayar, at the same power level as the rest:

Name:Noam Sayar
High Concept: Spearman Of God
Trouble: Backsliding
Other: Former Warlock, Not Comfortable With The Council, Strange Bedfellows, Spear of Destiny, Forcefully Faithful

Fantastic: Conviction,
Superb: Alertness, Contacts,
Great: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons,
Good: Burglary, Endurance,  Lore,  Rapport,
Fair: Guns, Deceit, Stealth, Fists,
Average: Craftsmanship, Investigation, Might, Presence,

Destroyer Of Abominations: You hit harder when your enemy is something blasphemous. All attacks that you make with the Weapons skill inflict two additional stress to creatures that are in some way unusually offensive to your faith.
Fire And Brimstone: Threatening someone's body isn't really your style. You prefer to threaten the soul. You may use your Conviction skill for the Threats trapping of the Intimidation skill when threatening someone with eternal damnation, divine hatred, or some similar fate.

Sponsored Magic [-5] (Soulfire)
Refinement [-2]
Bless This House [-1]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Holy Touch [-1]
Righteousness [-2]
Spear of Destiny[-3]
Sponsored Faith [-0] (You may take points of Sponsor Debt in place of Fate Points in order to power your True Faith powers)

Total Cost: 17 Refresh
Fate Points: 1
Spear of Destiny (+3 Soulfire Offensive Control)
Holy Symbol (+2 Soulfire Defensive Control)
Wanderer's Cloak (6 shift Block or Armor 3, 5/session) [6 Enchanted Item Slots]

The Spear of Destiny [-3]
Treat as a Sword of The Cross. It’s “aim” is Retribution.

Rote Spells
“In Nomine Deus!”
Type: Soulfire Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 7
Control: Rote, requires the Spear.
Duration: 1 action
Opposed By: Target Athletics, magical blocks
Effect: A simple Weapon:7 attack at Epic aim. Given Soulfire’s unique properties, quite deadly against “the unclean”.

“Thy Rod and Thy Staff Comfort Me”
Type: Soulfire Evocation, Defensive Block
Control: Rote, requires Holy Symbol.
Duration: 1 exchange
Effect: a shield of Soulfire coalesces in front of Noam, protecting him from harm. Can be used as a 6-shift block or Armor:3.

And throw on a Maneuver of some sort, maybe blinding holy light.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Help me balance these guys!
« Reply #48 on: December 24, 2012, 07:31:58 AM »
Oh, and Sanctraphrax, while i've got you on the proverbial line, Is there a thread for homebrew templates or some such? Or would that come under "Generic NPCs"?

There is no such thread. Not because it's a bad idea or's just that nobody ever started one. (As far as I know.)

If you want to start such a thread, I'm pretty sure I can rustle up a few templates to add to it.

I wouldn't say that.  See above re: a compel is a compel is a compel
Compels 'enforcing morality' are no more (or less) potent nor punitive than those enforcing immorality, or those injecting new opposition, or anything else.


Didn't really think that one all the way through.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Help me balance these guys!
« Reply #49 on: December 24, 2012, 05:43:21 PM »
I like the new Noam! Changing his Conviction was wise, and i like the Discipline drop. As for his rotes, i had planned to add an actual "healing" spell similar to that of the Soulfire-wielding former Gatekeeper that Belial666 wrote up. (Who was awesome). A "blinding Light" type maneuver would  be good (possibly carrying the effects of a Holy Touch?), so i'll hammer those out.

Sanctaphrax, I'm willing to start the thread, but I'd honestly prefer if you did it. Your name under the thread title will probably carry a lot more weight than mine, encouraging people to post. I actually asked because I managed to get this Orc template into something actually playable at Snorkeling after two milestones or Scuba Diving right out of the box. Speaking of which, this custom power level is basically just Scuba Diving+1 refresh, if im not mistaken? And like five extra skill points?

(edit- A brief note on Noam- Any campaign that features him is honestly begging to feature Nicodemus. I'm planning a who sub-plot where Noam is constantly being tempted with a coin and all his old power back and more.)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 05:50:48 PM by Hick Jr »
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

Not-so-secretly a power hungry megalomaniac with a Modular Abilities addiction.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Help me balance these guys!
« Reply #50 on: December 24, 2012, 08:50:05 PM »
Sanctaphrax, I'm willing to start the thread, but I'd honestly prefer if you did it. Your name under the thread title will probably carry a lot more weight than mine, encouraging people to post.

Okay, sure.

Speaking of which, this custom power level is basically just Scuba Diving+1 refresh, if im not mistaken? And like five extra skill points?

Scuba Diving is 17 Refresh and 45 skill points, this is 18 Refresh and 52 skill points. So yeah, it's pretty close.