The Red Court was behind SF-FM-LH
IntroHaving read the two threads by Cenphx (
part 1,
part 2), I'm still unable to say who is behind all the plots in SF-FM-LH. In some ways I'm even more puzzled, with new possible suspect being proposed. Here is the list:
- Raith
- Arriana
- Cowl
- Mavra
- Erkling
I did not put Luccio, as I see it as different version of the Cowl hypothesis (reference to a "he" in Fool Moon).
This an attempt to make the case for the Reds. I don't have proof they are the ones, but feel it's a real possibility.
New WOJFirst there is a new WOJ found by Knnn in the LHK yahoo group:
Appearance: before or after losing the glamor? An Ash quote comes to mind "You got real ugly." had a bat-like face, horrid and ugly, the head too big for its body. Gaping, hungry jaws. Its shoulders were hunched, powerful, and membranous wings stretched between the joints of its almost skeletal arms. Flabby black breasts hung before it, spilled out of the black dress that no longer did anything to make it look more feminine. Its eyes were wide, black, and staring, and a kind of leathery, slimy hide covered its flesh, like an inner tube lathered with Vaseline...
Powers: unknown, but enough to scare Harry who does things like float elevators on wind at the drop of a hat with a minor charm bracelet.
Their ability to mask themselves could potentially be used to look like someone else--or /you/, for that matter. They also have narcotic saliva that renders a victim passive while the vamp feeds, and is addictive and habit-forming, to boot. They get the standard vampire package of 'stronger and faster than you,' and Harry harbors some suspicions that looking one of them in the eyes could be bad for him and way bad for someone without his
kind of mental defenses.
That's only the Red Court's vampires, though, and they're just one of the vampire factions. They just happen to be the first ones Harry makes want to kill him.
The White Court, Black Court, and Jade Court are way different.
/shamelessselfpromotion off
That WOJ seems to imply that the Reds where we ones who tried to kill Harry first. Not the Whites, not the Blacks.
Secondly, we should consider when those books were written. When Jim wrote Storm Front, he wasn't sure he was going to get published, and he had spent just one week plotting the whole serie. So there is a high probability that some of the minor characters described didn't even exist at the time.
For instance, the Erlking, Mavra, Cowl may have not existed when Storm Front was written. (BTW, if anyone as more info on how the first books were written, plz share).
The reds were already described in Storm Front, so it would fit.
Storm FrontThe Reds are the most credible culprit. The only absolute connection to one of the suspect is the bloodcurse, which is known by the Red Court:
As a former priest, Martin must have known of the bloodline curse, and its potential for destruction.
Bianca knew nothing, as she was a low level operative. That changed after SF:
She paused and then said, “In a way, I’m grateful to you, Dresden. If I hadn’t wanted so very badly to kill you, I would never have amassed the power and the contacts that I have. I never would have been elevated to the Court.” She gestured to the crowd of vampires below, the courtyard, the darkness. “In a way, all of this is your doing.”
Fool MoonNo direct link to anyone.
Love HurtsThe belts are possessed by a Rampire.
Why it's not RaithRaith didn't know that Harry was an anchor of the curse before BR, and the plot in LH had the aim to harm the WC. And it would mean the WOJ is wrong, as the White were not the first.
Why it's not the ErlkingThe Erkling is savage, not evil. He has no motivation what so ever to attack the White court (LH). It's improbable is infected, and Nemesis seems to be part of these plots.
Why it's not MavraThe new WOJ says that the Reds are the first trying to kill Harry
The role of CowlCowl was deeply involved with the Reds, and heavy-weight division wizard. I suspect he gave some magical support: helped trained Sells, made the Belts.
The role of NemesisKravos is so insane (suicide for revenge?) that he was probably infected. It's also possible for the FBI guy and Sells. That fits with the Reds: Bianca helped spread the infection, Arriana may have been infected. The Nemesis connection also significantly weakens the Erkling hypothesis, as he's most probably non infected.
Motivation: killing HarryWhat was the aim of the plots?
The WOJ says it, to kill Harry.
In Storm Front, the attacks by Sells had a very high probability of killing Harry: Sell was going to try, and Morgan would probably do it even sooner.
In Fool Moon, someone pointed Denton toward Harry, and pushed him to break the circle protecting the Loug-Garou.
Question: why the plots were so indirect?
Answer: Because Nemesis/the reds didn't have complete control, so each one still acted by its nature. Aurora still wanted to prevent bloodshed, Denton still wanted to fight crime, Kravos/Sells still wanted to become powerful wizards. They were not puppets.
Last WOJQ: Have we met the people who created the Hexenwolf belts yet?
A: That's another "I'm not gonna tell you" question. I will say, "kind of," "not really," and "yes." But we'll get into more of that during Cold Days as well.
I believe it was simply a reference to Nemesis.
If not: kind of=Cowl, not really=Nemesis, yes=Arriana.