Author Topic: Starting a DRPG Game  (Read 8976 times)

Offline Leshrac

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Starting a DRPG Game
« on: September 27, 2007, 03:09:14 AM »
The book may not be out yet but I am getting an online group together to start a DRPG game. 

This will not be a play by email game, but rather will be hosted on site that online chat and rp on a constant basis with varying groups of players, while i will be hosting the room, and organizing major events free play is available not only in this room, but other rooms that will have activity.

As that I do not want to advertise or market the site, if you have interest in this please message me and I will give you direction for how to register for the site, and where to go to find the DRPG room on the site.