I'm not gonna argue specific decimal values, but let it be noted that I was going to until I realized how painful that would be for everyone involved.
Oh, good. Mine was entirely arbitrary simply to express the point that I thought the nature of an Aspect quite a bit less important than a point of Refresh free-will wise.
I disagree with your conception of Refresh, because characters don't actually get to spend their own Fate Points. Take my mob kidnapping example: refusing the Compel could prevent the kidnapping. And spending a Fate Point can Declare things that your character doesn't interact with.
That's certainly true, but 'doesn't always' and 'never' are different. Every time a player spends a Fate Point to resist a Compel to
do something specific that's both the player doing something and the character exercising his free will to resist his impulses. The point crosses the line and becomes part of the character and not merely the player at that point...and the higher his Refresh the more often he can do that. And thus the more free will he has.
So while Refresh does correspond generally to free will, it's not terribly exact.
No, not exact, but close enough for government work.

Even with 12 Refresh, you might still be a slave to corruption if your Aspects have been reshaped the right (wrong) way.
No, he won't be. He may be completely corrupt but
he chooses to be that way he could always,
always, choose again and be otherwise. He can have moments of humanity, mercy, any of those things he feels like. He can be a whole other person, for a while anyway, simply by deciding to be. Will he? Maybe not. But because he can he is not a slave to his dark side, just very in touch with it.
Those Aspects reflect what you are and what your nature makes you do much more than your Refresh does.
Yes, they do. But they don't reflect at all
the degree to which you have no choice but to do it. That's free will, it's what Refresh is for, and it's part of what (canonically) Lawbreaker takes away. Warlocks are compulsive, even if they want to,
they simply can't stop and that's part of the horror of them, and why I like Lawbreaker costing Refresh and think it's, if by no means necessary, at least very desirable if you want to emulate the books properly*.
*Note: This is far from the only thing to use the DFRPG for, IMO. It works very well for a lot of urban fantasy (and pretty well for some other stuff), large parts of which you should scrap Lawbreaker entirely for, again for proper emulation. The same for many homebrewed worlds. I'm purely talking about if you're using it for the Dresden Files world.