Author Topic: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please  (Read 2007 times)

Offline MZFalconer

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Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« on: January 05, 2013, 07:05:56 AM »
Hi, I haven't posted on here before but I was having a go at making a Fetch changeling character as they seem to be among the most physically formidable of the Sidhe and wondered if anyone could give me a few suggestions.

The Example Fetches in OW41 seem to suggest that they can have any Speed/Strength/Recovery/Toughness ability up to at-least Supernatural [-4] as well as Physical Immunity to magic (provided the practitioner is frightened), Shapeshifting and possibly Worldwalking (Via mirrors).
Although the physical powers are listed under each fetches shapeshifted form, so would my character have to take a Shapeshifting ability to access them?

I thought I could start him off with:
Glamours [-2]           
Emotional Vampire [-1] Fear               
The Catch [+3] Is Cold iron and possibly True Courage, governing:     
Inhuman Recovery [-2]           
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
and a couple of stunts related to frightening people

Maybe I could throw in Inhuman Strength or Speed or immunity to magic later. But I'm struggling to find different ways for their appearance to change as they delve into their Sidhe nature. In OW it says that they appear as: "vaguely humanoid, black wavering shadows with ghostly white eyes."
So here's my list of possible changes so far:
Eyes with an unnaturaly white iris
Unnaturally black hair
Unnaturally black skin
Shadow flickering and moving on its own
If anyone could suggest a few more that would be much appreciated  :)

Offline Locnil

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 09:32:26 AM »
Personally, when making a "tell" for a fetch changeling, I wouldn't go for any specific mark - what's disturbing might well vary from place to place. I'd make it an aura of sorts, making people instinctively fear him, perhaps even representing it as a Power. Something like the Nosferatu from Vampire: The Requiem. This aura could grow stronger as they become more fae, leading to bigger compels.

Other than that, your power list looks fine. Incite Fear should probably be added. If you use Custom Powers, Mental Dangerous Aura might be an option further down the road. Feeding Dependency for fear might also fit, but then you start getting too close to the Malvora.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 12:11:29 PM »
When one of my players played a Fetch-spawned Changeling, he took powers to specifically mimic the form his Fetch parent was in during his...conception. That seems a valid way to go. Beast Change is a valid adjunct to this idea if the Changeling can also look normal when they want.

Alternately, Modular Abilities is the way you should be looking if you want variable powers of some variety. Incite Fear is another fun possibility going down a very different route.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 11:50:22 PM »
Deadmanwalking beat me to it- True fetches just possess the Physical Immunity and a boatload of Modular Abilities points. If you want to represent the character as a "turns into your worst nightmare" ala Trauma, Modular Abilities, Supernatural Sense (Deepest Fear), and possibly Beast Change or Glamours is the way to go. If you just want a terrifying scarecrow of a person, what you have there is accurate. Ditto on the Incite Emotion, but go for potency. It's unlikely you'll ever stack up enough Refresh to take the Physical Immunity to magic, but check with your GM.

On your original topic, Fetches look like anything they particularly care to look like. When they're hunting, they appear to you as something you're frightened of. The Noseferatu "unnatural aura" idea is excellent-even under a Glamour, people can just sense something wrong.
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Offline MZFalconer

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 01:28:54 PM »
Thanks for all your advice, it's been quite interesting to see how different people would go about it. I never really thought of having fetches use Incite Emotion, I thought they just shifted into something frightening and used a high intimidation skill.
I do like the idea about using the aura of wrongness as a tell. I can see how it could be utilised to help unnerve opponents but how it could be compelled to make it damn hard to convince someone you're trying to help them.

How do you think I should go about showing this tell? a 0 Cost supernatural power?

Fearful Aura/Dread Miasma [-0]
Due to your ancestry you exude an aura of subtle menace making others uncomfortable in your presence. +1 to attempts to frighten or intimidate others. -1 to attempts to get others to trust or confide in you.

As he draws more deeply on his Sidhe Heritage I can see the effects getting stronger and this becoming more of a problem...

To Hick Jr.: I don't think it would be too hard to get the physical immunity with its rather large [+5] Catch.

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 05:09:08 PM »
As far as your "fear aura" tell: I would consider just making that you trouble aspect if you can't turn it off.  There are times when it could be used to you advantage granted, but I think it would cause you problems more often then it helps.  Even if your enemies are effected by it, they are just as likely to unload a clip into your chest as they are to run and hide.  As well as the fact that there would be quite a few big bad supernatural baddies that it probably wouldn't work on.

Offline Locnil

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 08:27:15 PM »
That's pretty much what I intended too.

That said, your custom power looks fine, so long as the GM works to prevent players from abusing it. Maybe if you used them both in tandem.

Offline MZFalconer

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Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 01:05:37 PM »
Now why didn't I think of that XD
Yeah, the trouble aspect sounds like a sound plan, for it getting stronger I suppose the GM could just call in more compells on it...