Author Topic: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index  (Read 69699 times)

Offline Elegast

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[Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« on: December 12, 2012, 08:00:23 PM »
Theories index

What is it?

An attempt to gather all the theories concerning the Dresden Files. This is NOT a place to make new theories.  All theories should be posted in their own thread.

How can I help?

Yes, Cthulhu has a hat. The editor said so.

The only way to keep this thread up-to-date and exhaustive is to share the work between the forum members. I would be glad if some forum members could take the time to share their theories on this thread.

Only theories which have already been widely discussed/criticized by the community can be nominated: typically, that means at least a thread dedicated to it.

A theory is expected to come as a one sentence proposition (it can be right or wrong).

Why has Harry build LC? (That's not a statement, it can't be right or wrong)

 A. A. Summers is Aurora's daughter (Slate as the father?)

BETTER: add a link to the theory
A. A. Summers is Aurora's daughter (Slate as the father?) (source)

BEST: add a link to the profile of the user who proposed the theory
A. A. Summers is Aurora's daughter (Slate as the father?) (source)-GrandPanjandrum

I reserve the right to refuse a theory if no link is given with it.

How are the theories organized?

The theories are gathered in three different categories:

Mystery solving theories :
those are theories trying to solve a problem that Jim has been specifically dangling right before our noses. Example: "Mab fixed Little Chicago". Harry and Bob spend many lines explaining that there is a mystery to solve. Those have far better chances of success, and have less unexpected solution.

WAG (Wild Ass Guess) :
 that's a theory which basically creates a problem where there may be none, and then solves it. Example: "Harry=Kemmler". We know who Harry is, we know who Kemmler is, so there was no real problem in the first place. Those theories have lower probabilities of success, but when they are right it's quite spectacular.

not plot-relevant, and few argument for/against.

Inside a category
Subjects are ordered alphabetically

Inside a subject
Theories are ordered by credibility.

Theories about published books in mystery-solving section, future ones in WAG.

How are the theories rated?

I gave the theories ratings to give newcomers a vague idea of the strength of a theory according to the prevailing consensus on the boards. I could not (I had not the courage ;)) to organize a poll for all theories, so I classified them in a very subjective manner in four categories:
75%-100% chances of being true
35%-75% chances of being true
15%-35% chances of being true
0%-15% chances of being true

I still followed some principles:

Green is for nearly certain
I gave green rating only there is WOJ (Word of Jim) supporting it (Mab captured Molly), or if a scene in the books shows it (Odin leader of the Hunt).

Blue is the default for great mystery solving theories

Ex: Cowl=Simon

Orange is the default for great  WAGs

Ex: Infected objects come the hoard of Siriothiax. The rating may seem harsh, but those theories tend to fail: for instance the 'Statue in Graceland was made with Demonreach's stone' was great, but failed simply because Jim hadn't thought about it.

All time-travel/mind-wipe are viewed with suspicion

I gave a red rating to all Time-travel theories, except the Little Chicago one which is very strong and solving a mystery.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"(Sagan)

When rating, I'm not measuring the quality of the theory, but comparing the strength of the claim to the evidence provided.

Ex: my Blackstaff= Raven Banner, where I'm actually arguing that a walking stick in wood is a banner, gets immediately thrown into red.

How to change the rating of a theory?

The easiest way: ask me on this thread, I'll comply in most cases.

The best way: make a poll. Any poll with more than 20 answers supersedes the previous rating.
Who can edit the index?

Serack, Knnn, TheCuriousFan, Elegast.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 03:01:47 AM by Elegast »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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Offline Elegast

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Re: [All series spoilers] Theories index
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2012, 08:00:35 PM »
75%-100% chance of being true
35%-75% chance of being true
15%-35% chance of being true
0%-15% chance of being true

Mystery solving theories from A to L

Black Court
There is a link between the Black Court and the outsiders. Very strong evidence  or Highly Speculative (missing WOJ)
Black court vampires have gone beyond the outer gates. Speculative

The Blackstaff is Mother Winter's walking stick. (Reference, Discussion) Very strong evidence 
The Blackstaff is the Raven Banner. (Source) -Elegast Highly speculative
The Blackstaff is Dagda's staff. (Source) Bakoro Highly speculative

Blood Rites
Mavra under veil seen in Sight behind Kincaid. Speculative
Mavra's objectives were: revenge on the White Court, planning DB. Speculative

Calvin & Hobbs comic
Mab brought it. -MsDuck Strong evidence
Time-travelling Harry brought it. Speculative
The bloodcurse true target was Merlin. Speculative -GrandPanjandrum

Cowl = Simon (Reference) Strong evidence
Cowl is a fomor. -MsDuck Speculative
Cowl = Klaus (Reference) Speculative
Cowl = Harry Highly speculative
Cowl = Gatekeeper Highly speculative
Cowl = Justin Highly speculative
Cowl is an incarnation of Nyarlathotep. (source) Wizard Nelson Highly speculative

Dead Beat
Word of Kemmler was "released" to trap (and kill) Kemmlerites.  -the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh Speculative
Kincaid was working for Mavra. Speculative
Cowl wanted the Darkhallow to fail.  -the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh Highly speculative

Merlin is trapped in Demonreach. Very strong evidence
Tartarus is on the other side.Strong evidence
Hell is on the other side. Speculative

Father Vincent
His flesh was used to make a suit. (source) -KevinSig Speculative

Fitz is the son of Terra West. (Source) -Serack Very strong evidence

Grey Chrysler attack (PG)
Ace Strong evidence
Time-travelling Harry Speculative
Gatekeeper Speculative
Larry Fowler Highly speculative
Vampire Highly speculative

Hexenwulfen belts/Love Hurts/Storm Front (analysis of the problem)
There is a connection between whoever gave out the Hexenwulf belts in Fool Moon, the Love Hurt seat belts. Cenphx Strong evidence
The reds made the HW belts.  Speculative (reference)
Mavra made the HW belts. Speculative (source)
Raith made the HW belts. (source) Speculative
Erlking made the HW belts. (discussion, source) Speculative
Cowl made the belts. Speculative
Luccio was implicated. (sourceSpeculative

Kumori = Larisa Yevtushenko  -Elegast Strong evidence
Kumori = Elaine Speculative
Kumori = Molly  Highly speculative

Little Chicago (Doylist analysis of LC)
Time Travel Harry fixed LC.  (source, discussion/reference) -Gryffin612 Strong evidence
Thomas was present when LC was fixed. (source-Serack Strong evidence
Mab fixed LC. (source, source 2) -MsDuck -AcornArmy  Speculative
The Gatekeeper fixed LC. (source) Highly speculative
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 01:02:22 PM by knnn »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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Offline Elegast

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Re: [All series spoilers] Theories index
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2012, 08:00:46 PM »
Mystery solving theories from M to Z

Mac is a Grigori/former angel. Strong evidence
Mac is Heimdall. Speculative

Mothers Winter/Summer
Their name is Gaia. -Dust Bunny  Speculative
They are the White God.  Highly speculative
Their name is Sekmet/Hathor.(source) -GrandPanjandrum Highly speculative

Namshiel's coin
Mab took it. Speculative
Hendricks took it. Speculative
Marcone took it Speculative
Eldest gruff took it. Highly speculative

Proven Guilty (Pre-Cold Days: source (neuro), source (Knnn), discussion about Knnn's work,discussion, Post-Cold Days:source/reference, Post CD 2.0)
Mab wanted to kidnap Molly. Very strong evidence
Mab didn't want Harry to pour Summer fire in the Well. Strong evidence
The Gatekeeper wanted to prevent the infection of Molly. Strong evidence
Maeve was at Splattercon disguised as a vampire. (source) -Elegast Strong evidence
Eldest Fetch is infected/possessed by an outsider. (source)-the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh Strong evidence
Nemesis wanted to pour Summer fire in the Well. Speculative

Relics/Weapons from Hades' vault in Skin Game
Discussion 1, Discussion 2.

Small Favor (Pre-CD: source Post CD:source/reference)
Nemesis moved first. Strong evidence
The denarians wanted to kidnap Ivy from the very beginning. Strong evidence
Nemesis wanted to weaken the accords. Strong evidence
Nicodemus was tricked by Namshiel, he's not infected. Strong evidence
Titania simply countered Mab (it's a responsibility OR communication breakdown). Strong evidence
Janitor at the train station is Uriel.  Strong evidence
Nemesis wanted to infect Ivy. Speculative
Maeve sent the Hob Speculative

Thomas will get Amoracchius. Speculative
Faith Astor will get Fidelacchius. Highly speculative

Victor Sells
He was trained the Reds. Strong evidence
He was trained by Mavra. Speculative
He was trained by Raith. (source) Speculative
He was trained by Luccio. Highly speculative
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 05:35:13 PM by Serack »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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Offline Elegast

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Re: [All series spoilers] Theories index
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2012, 08:01:00 PM »
WAG from A to L

A.A. Summers
A. A. Summers is Aurora's daughter (Slate as the father?). (source)-GrandPanjandrum Speculative

The Aesir were the guardians of the Outer Gates preceding the Unseelie (Winter) court. (source) -Mortax & Electric MacButters Speculative

BAT (Big Apocalyptic Trilogy)
Reference topic 123456789blaaa

Black Court
The surviving member of the Black Court are plotting their revenge. (source) -MsDuck Speculative

The Blackstaff is similar to mordite (black tendrils), and it can cure the infection. (source)-Knnn Speculative

Book 19
Harry will be summoned. Speculative
Cowl's true aim is the extermination of the vampires. Speculative

The roots of Yggdrasil go into Demonreach. Speculative
Demonreach is Avalon (apples). Speculative
Demonreach made Harry Warden because he is a blood relation to Merlin. (source) -Tami Seven Speculative

Dresden Files
Dresden Files are an actual journal that Harry is writing. Very strong evidence

Is the scion of a Demon. Strong evidence
Is the scion of a Dragon. Speculative

Elaine carried the infection to Aurora. Speculative

The Erlking will eventually be changed by Harry nicknaming him Erl in Changes.  -TheCuriousFan Highly speculative

Harry is also infected by Nemesis.  Speculative
Harry is Merlin's descendant (and Odin's).  Speculative
Harry = Merlin Highly speculative
Harry = Kemmler (Reference) Highly speculative
Harry = Gatekeeper Highly speculative

His sword is Gram. -MsDuck Speculative

Source of infection is Maggie Sr. -SirBrettski Speculative
Source of infection is Lord Raith. -SirBrettski Speculative
Wizards can break their oaths when infected. Speculative

William Kemmler, first electric chair execution = DF Kemmler Highly speculative

Kincaid is Dracula's brother. -madness Speculative

The Merlin is a member of the grey council. Speculative

Is controlled by Thomas. Highly speculative

Lasciel has been speaking in Harry's head since TC. (source) Speculative

Little Chicago
Mab removed from Harry's and Bob's mind the knowledge of LC in SmF. -MsDuck Strong evidence
LC was a Chekov's gun. (source) -Serack Speculative
LC became sentient. Highly speculative

Luccio is evil. Cenphx Highly speculative
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 12:51:57 PM by Elegast »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

All the theories on the Dresden Files

Offline Elegast

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Re: [All series spoilers] Theories index
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2012, 08:01:13 PM »
WAG from M to Z

Mab has been playing with Harry's head in TC. -MsDuck Strong evidence
Mab wanted to bring Harry to DR. -MsDuck Speculative
Mab still has a soul. (source) 123456789blaaa Speculative

Margaret le Fey
Margaret made contact with Outsiders during her travels. (source) Speculative
Margret & Lord Raith timed conceiving Thomas so he would be born on Halloween.  (Source)-Tami Seven Speculative

Marlings is BC/infected. Speculative
Marlings is a Malvora (homeless shelter, name). Speculative

Marci is  a plant. (source) -KevinSig Strong evidence
Marci = Carmilla -MsDuck Speculative

Marcone is Odin's descendant. -MsDuck Strong evidence

Mavra main motivation is revenge on the White Court. Speculative
Mavra = Morgan le fey (source) GrandPanjandrum Highly speculative

Merlin's magic comes from Atlantis. Speculative
Merlin = Odin  (source) Highly speculative
Merlin is an Einherjar. -TheCuriousFan Highly speculative

Mirror-Mirror (book 17)
Marcone is the hero, Harry is more evil. Speculative
Morgan is there. Speculative

Molly=Mab (source, revamped source) -MsDuck Highly speculative
This topic is a forum legend -Serack
Molly has changeling blood -Quantus

Morgan le fey (Morgana)
Morgana was infected. (source) -Knnn Speculative
Mavra = Morgana  (source, discussion) -GrandPanjandrum Highly speculative

There is something fishy about Mort's hairstyle and domicile changes through the series. (source) -Serack  Speculative
Mortimer's fishy appearance and domain changes are caused by time line fluctuations.(source) Wizard Nelson Highly speculative

Mouse (Analysis of Mouse's origines)
cowl has mouse's sibling.Highly speculative

Mortal Magic
MM can open the OuterGates due to free will. -Richard Chilton Strong evidence
Black magic taint is the infection. (source) -Knnn Speculative
The Laws were created as a defense against the infection. (source) Knnn Speculative
Black magic activity help the Outsiders to cross into the mortal world.(source) Cenphx Speculative
The Laws are focused on restraining wizards from doing too much harm to humanity. (source) -Serack Speculative
Mortal magic comes from the outside. (source) -Lunyboy Highly speculative
All Wizards have Fae blood in the family history. Highly speculative

Mothers (and the queens)
Mother Winter is Death. -Dust Bunny Strong evidence
4 sets of teeth corresponds to the weapons of death during the Apocalypse: wild beast, sword, famine, plague. (source)-Elegast Speculative
The Summer and Winter mantles are related to Nidhogg and the Eagle on Yggdrasil (source) Bacail Speculative
The bad guys aim is to kill Death (Mother Winter) -MsDuck Speculative

Namshiel has been working for Mab all along (opened the way in PG, took the coins in TC). -the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh Highly speculative

Nemesis is a blood born contagion. (source) Cenphx Speculative
Nemesis is the missing 3rd fate. (source) Wizard Nelson Highly speculative

Travel between the NN and Earth depends on the person opening the portal as well as geography. -the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh Highly speculative
The NN, which exists in multiple dimensions, contains vast numbers of alternate worlds. (source) Highly speculative

Nick Christian
Nick Christian (running a business called Angel Investigations) is working for Uriel. (source)-GrandPanjandrum Highly speculative

The denarians come back in books 5*N  Very strong evidence

Is one of the leaders of the Hunt. -MsDuck Very strong evidence
Odin = Merlin (source) Highly speculative

Meta theory/reference on Magic Vs Outsiders -Serack
The third walker is an infiltrator/spy: He-Who-Walks-Beneath, or He-Who-Walks-Besides, He-Who-Walkes-Between.(source ) Cenphx Speculative
This parasite walker is in Raith, or Harry. (source) Cenphx Speculative
The third walker is Nemesis. -123456789blaa Highly speculative
The 3rd Walker is Loki. (source) Electric MacButters Highly speculative
Outsiders = Tehom (source) 123456789blaaa Highly speculative

Peabody was connected to Cowl and/or the Fomors (mildew smell). Strong evidence

All Sidhe Royalty have to be related to Humans. (source) -Tami Seven Strong evidence

Starborn = (at least partially) wizard parent + "good" parent (source) -Knnn Speculative
Uriel, Mab, and Odin teamed up to spawn a Starborn to fight in the coming big showdown (aka Team UMO) (source)-neuro Speculative
Alternative to team UMO (Grey Council) ([u=,44599.0.html]source[/u]) -Foxed

Time Travel
Odin saw Future Harry in the past. Speculative

Vault 7
The 5 artefacts will be used for a summon. (source) cornyphil Speculative

Some of Harry's inner monologue is actually a third party manipulating him. (source) Highly speculative
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 04:00:21 PM by Serack »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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Re: [All series spoilers] Theories index
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2012, 08:01:25 PM »

Fairies speak Gaelic. Strong evidence
Lacuna is a Tooth Faerie (explains her aversion to junk food). (source) Adak Speculative

Dead Beat
Harry is on Demonreach during his dream. (source) Strong evidence
Cowl used the Leyline of disruptive energy mentioned by Luccio in SmF to cast and maintain the sustained citywide hex. (Source) -TheCuriousFan  Strong evidence

The name of Deirdre's fallen is "Urumiel" taken from the name of this sword, the Urumi, which resembled her hair(source) Tami Seven

Harry Dresden
He used "pyrofuego" for the first time to kill DuMorne. -TheCuriousFan Speculative

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was a denarian. (source) -Fangz Highly speculative

Martha Liberty
Martha is the head of the WC secret services. Highly speculative

Mother Winter
Is Baba Yaga Very strong evidence

Number 12 linked to stability (and 5 to twelve, as the faces of a Dodecahedron has 5 sides) Speculative

There was a government agent in the garden in Cold Days. Newfang09 Speculative

Raphael-Charity, Michel-Hope, Gabriel-Faith. Speculative

Had a cameo way back in Fool Moon (Source) -Serack Highly speculative

It was seen in Changes, when Harry in the NN with Gard.  Strong evidence
Is the roots seen all the way down at the bottom of "the well" (Demonreach). Speculative
« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 05:19:42 PM by Serack »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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Offline Elegast

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Re: [All series spoilers] Theories index
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2012, 08:01:37 PM »
Old theories (Theories which used to be in the index, but failed or were confirmed)

Bob and Evil Bob have merged. Highly speculative
Bob is infected. Highly speculative

All the infected objects come from the hoard of Siriothax. -Knnn Speculative (wrong by WOJ)
The Word of Kemmler, the jewel given to Ferrovax, came from the hoard of Siriothax. -Knnn Speculative (wrong by WOJ)

"Tsar Bomb" was Kemmler's death curse. Speculative (wrong by WOJ)

Lash (Discussion about Lash, Lasciel and Harry)
Lash used soulfire to rebel. (source)-Serack Speculative
Uriel helped Lash to come back. (source)-Serack Speculative
The replacement home Harry is going to make for Bob will either end up being Lash's residence. Speculative
Lash will be united with Persephone. Highly speculative

Lash is coming back. Very strong evidence
Mab's mental magic. (source) -MsDuck Speculative
a parasite Walker/lash fighting. aShorty21 Highly speculative

Murphy has taken up a Sword.  -Haru Strong evidence
Murphy has taken up a coin. -Haru Speculative
Murphy is a Valkyrie. Speculative

vampires come back in books 3*N  Strong evidence (failed in Skin Game)

Parasite (answered in Skin Game)
Reference list of potential "infection vectors"
Reference of many of the popular Parasite theories
parasite = Lash Very strong evidence
parasite = a walker Speculative
parasite = Nemesis Speculative
parasite = Lash infected by Nemesis (source) -Second Aristh
Arianna is the parasite in Harry's head. (source) -GrandPanjandrum Highly speculative

Shadow = Lasciel Very strong evidence (confirmed in Skin Game)

Skin Game
Object to steal: coin, Speculative
spear of destiny Speculative
Lash will take Bob's new home Speculative
Lasciel's new host is Anna Valmont Speculative
'Bag Man' refers to the firbolgs.Wizard Nelson  Speculative

Murphy will get Fidelacchius. Strong evidence
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 12:45:18 PM by Elegast »
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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Offline Serack

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2012, 08:21:40 PM »
.WAG Swings (Simple and not much support, but hey, one might knock it out of the park come BAT time)

demonreach's limp was cause by the physical representation of a glacier, possibly its genus loci. not a literal, "a glacier hit DR on the leg and hurt him" incident.

Harry will become the Blackstaff
When Molly removed Harry's memories in Changes, she inadvertently changed him, due her love for him.

Harry's conception
1. Lord Raith planned on having a second child with Margaret, one born to have power over Outsiders.
2. Lord Raith planned on using a young Thomas as a sacrifice in a type of Accession ritual that would have made the child even more powerful.
3. Lord Raith knew Margaret was pregnant and aimed his Entropy Curse, not at her but at the baby so he could get her back.
4. Margaret found out about Lard Raith's Curse, that it would hit at Midnight of October 31st.
5. Margaret induced labor early using magic.
6. Margaret deflected the Curse from the baby to herself.
7. With Margret's death, LR gave up on the idea of using Thomas as a sacrifice, until BR.
8. Lord Raith believed both the child and the mother had died.
9. Cowl was one of Maggie's circle, traveling with her into the NeverNever.
10. While a 'Good' man produces a Starborn to oppose the Outsiders, a 'Bad' man can father a Starborn who would be a leader of the Outsiders, a link between worlds who would help them.

Maggie Sr
maggie had lasciel's coin

merlins squishy existence is in a pocket dimension created within DR.

morgana is Nemesis

Red Court
Dhampires have special abilities.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 06:22:10 PM by Elegast »
DF WoJ Compilation
Green is my curator voice.
Name dropping "Serack" in a post /will/ draw my attention to it

*gnaws on the collar of his special issue Beta Foo long-sleeved jacket*

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2012, 08:35:18 PM »
Serack's unsubstantiated WAGS (recording them here, indexing isn't exactly necessary)

The replacement home Harry is going to make for Bob will either end up being Lash's residence, or will be Lash's beta residence. (12/30/12)

Arjan beat me to this idea.  He first said it 11/30/12

By the way, This topic is the index that my DFRC sticky wishes it could have grown up to be.  This kind of thing is what the DFRC was created for.  The original index might end up being necessary to keep an index of raw references that aren't so much involved with theorizing, but other than that, this topic might end up displacing it's main purpose if we can get it to exaustively link to all the DFRC theorys.

I like that it started life in the spoilers section though because as Cthulu says, We need some help from everybody to make sure that it is populated with all the cool little theorys and has proper citations to the sources that can be found.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2014, 06:12:36 PM by Elegast »
DF WoJ Compilation
Green is my curator voice.
Name dropping "Serack" in a post /will/ draw my attention to it

*gnaws on the collar of his special issue Beta Foo long-sleeved jacket*

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2012, 08:39:09 PM »
The original index might end up being necessary to keep an index of raw references that aren't so much involved with theorizing

The original index will remain necessary: many references threads don't fit, some threads are worth keeping but make no theory/prediction.
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

All the theories on the Dresden Files

Offline knnn

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2012, 08:42:27 PM »
Making some edits.
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DV knnn v1.2 YR4 FR3 BK++ RP+ JB+ TH WG+ CL(+) SW++++ BC- MC---(+) SH[Murphy+, Molly+]

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Offline Ms Duck

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2012, 08:58:01 PM »
The NN, which exists in multiple dimensions, contains vast numbers of alternate worlds specualtive, will have to be re written as original post is long gone

-good job.  ;D 

« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 10:23:42 PM by Elegast »
Yeah, but Germans and Hungarians don't pull people's theories out of their sockets when they're challenged.  Ducks are known to do that.

That's been disabled. But I can still CALL you Fup Duck. -Shecky

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2012, 09:00:02 PM »
The NN, which exists in multiple dimensions, contains vast numbers of alternate worlds specualtive, will have to be re written as original post is long gone

Good one!

There is a WoJ (Mirror Mirror) + Odin's talk in CD, so I think the rank should be higher.
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DV knnn v1.2 YR4 FR3 BK++ RP+ JB+ TH WG+ CL(+) SW++++ BC- MC---(+) SH[Murphy+, Molly+]

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Offline Ms Duck

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2012, 09:06:06 PM »
Good one!

There is a WoJ (Mirror Mirror) + Odin's talk in CD, so I think the rank should be higher.

id call it specualtive because when i posted it two years ago it caused a minor flame war. over the power ratigns i gave the death star vs the doomsday machine of all things.. lol
Yeah, but Germans and Hungarians don't pull people's theories out of their sockets when they're challenged.  Ducks are known to do that.

That's been disabled. But I can still CALL you Fup Duck. -Shecky

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Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2012, 09:14:44 PM »
id call it specualtive because when i posted it two years ago it caused a minor flame war. over the power ratigns i gave the death star vs the doomsday machine of all things.. lol

That's only because you were totally wrong about DD.    ;D ;D
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 09:18:12 PM by knnn »
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