Author Topic: Soulgazes  (Read 3148 times)

Offline PirateJack

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« on: December 11, 2012, 09:45:37 AM »
So I managed to creep out one of my players with a soulgaze during the last session. It was from an Ectomancer that had been Driven Mad by Grief due to losing his fiancee; becoming obsessed with her to the point where he kept photos of her on every available surface. I'll not try to recreate it since a lot came down to the atmosphere I'd set up, but I managed to evoke a mixture of fear and empathy from one of my players through it. It's definitely ranking up there as one of the best moments of the campaign for me, if only because it got my power gamer to care for an NPC.

So, given that soulgazes are a major part of the Dresdenverse and a great way to let the players get an insight into major NPCs, what sort of techniques do you guys use to get the right effect across? Have you ever been particularly proud of a soulgaze or managed to bring that elusive extra level into the game that really gets the players involved?

Basically, what's your best soulgaze story? :P
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Offline TheRealMe

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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2012, 05:08:14 AM »
This is a significant Soulgaze incident in our campaign. My character, Erasmus Philip Thorne IV ("Raz" to his friends) is the young heir of the House of Thorne, the most prominent wizard family in the New England area, based in Boston. Raz believes that the recent death of his father in a lab accident was engineered by his uncle Lucien Thorne, who planned to take over control of the family before Raz was fully trained. However, Raz was selected to follow his father as Patriarch of the family, mostly due to the support of the family's fae retainers.

One day, out of the blue, Raz is falsely accused of abuse of his own under-age sisters and is dragged out of his mansion by the police. Since he is a fine upstanding citizen, he goes with the police. At his hearing, he is denied bail. Clearly, someone has manufactured significant evidence against him. Raz realizes that he must get free in order to prove his innocence, and to keep the mansion and his sisters from being taken by his uncle. As he is led off to his cell, he is in a foul mood.

Raz is taken to his prison cell. He is already considering what sort of spell it would take to escape the place so that he could have an opportunity to prove his innocence. Raz's cellmate is a very large, well built man, head shaved and sporting numerous tattoos. This man towers over the slightly built Raz. Already, it seems there are murmurs about Raz's supposed crimes, and the large man brings this up in a threatening manner.

"I'm innocent," Raz tells him.

"Right! Everyone in this place is innocent," the large man replies as he moves toward Raz, pounding his fist in his palm a few times. "I've got kids of my own, so I don't take kindly to..."

"I've no time for this," Raz mutters as he looks directly into the large man's eyes. A Soulgaze is triggered and Raz and his cellmate suddenly discover the truth of each other's innermost being. The cellmate Sees that Raz is a person of great power, and is outraged at the false accusations that have come his way. Raz Sees that the large man is certainly a criminal, but not a bad person at his core, having fallen on hard times and chosen the easy way out.

The large man stumbles back. "What was that?"

"Magic," Raz starts to explain, keeping his voice low. "Here's how it is... Uh, what's your name?"

"Bill. Bill Bailey."

"Here's how it is, Bill. I'm a powerful wizard. Yes, with real magic like you just felt. I could pull out your soul with the wave of my hand if I really felt like it. Now, I'm going to be very busy shortly, and I need you to stay out of my way. Understand?"

"Yes," Bill replies weakly. He goes back to the far corner of the cell. Raz starts examining the contents of the cell for items he could use in a thaumaturgic ritual.

Of course, Raz does escape through the Nevernever and eventually manages to clear his name.  Bill actually helps in this.  Later, when Bill gets out of jail, Raz hires him as his chauffeur.   One of Bill's new aspects is "Adjusting nicely to a world full of magic and monsters."

« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 05:34:15 AM by TheRealMe »
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Offline PirateJack

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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2012, 07:04:13 AM »
Very nice, that's a great use of the soulgaze.

Only thing is that I started laughing when you said his name was Bill Bailey. Very amusing. :P
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'cause it feels sooooo good when I stop..."

Offline nick012000

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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2012, 12:12:35 PM »
Of course, Raz does escape through the Nevernever and eventually manages to clear his name.
But even if he cleared his name of the original charges, wouldn't he be guilty of escaping prison do so? ;)
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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2012, 02:06:15 AM »
Raz's absence was dealt with.   I only related a Cliff's Notes version here.  More later this weekend.
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Offline Haru

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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2012, 02:20:48 AM »
I've had one soulgaze in my pbp game. An npc-former-pc focused practitioner (Ian) had just been half turned by the reds, the local shide had put bindings on him, similar to the tattoos of st. giles. The group's holy man (Ryan) wanted to make him swear on his power to control his new urges or he would put him down. I admit, I had to grin for a moment, when the player prefaced it with
Ryan leaned in close and looked Ian in the eyes, making sure that the man knew that he was being deadly serious.

The soulgaze went like this:

Ryan feels his voice trail off, when he sees Ian come closer, like he is thrown right inside his eyes. When you get up, you are standing in the entrance of a great mansion. The room is parted right in the middle. The left side looks nice, kind of pompous, but still nice. The right side though is trashed, covered in blood and gore, and you have to fight the urge to puke as you look at it. You decide to look closer at the nice parts of the house, and you find Ian in the next room. He is working on what looks like a golden statue, but when you walk around it, you can see that it is made of Styrofoam and only covered with golden paint. When you look around, you can see a lot more things like it, they seem expensive at first, but when you look closer, they are worthless replica. "Au", you can hear from Ian. A drop of blood appears on his left index finger, and he quickly puts it to his mouth to stop the bleeding. That's when you see the change. His eyes become darker, his skin becomes leathery, his fingers stretch out to claws. He jumps up and starts to run towards the other half of the house. You can see him run through the entrance and towards the trashed side, when he slams into an invisible wall. A pattern of green light flashes up, similar to the design of his tattoos. A collar of the same color appears around his neck, and a leash attaches him to a painting of a woman: Violeta. She steps out of the frame and walks over to Ian, holding him in her arms. At first, he tries to slash at her, but while she is holding him, he is changing back to his human self and starts to sob while Violeta is rocking him like a little kid. It takes a while, but finally Ian gets up and back into the next room, where he continues his work. Violeta walks back into the frame and becomes a lifeless image again. The soulgaze is fading, and you feel yourself being pulled out of Ian's mind. The last thing you see is the picture of Violeta winking at you.
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Offline TheRealMe

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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2012, 07:20:00 AM »
This Soulgaze that I described above happened during Session 1 of our Dresden Files Campaign set in Boston: “House of Cards”.  The opening story encompassed the first two sessions of that campaign and was just about the best introductory RPG story I have had the pleasure to be involved with.  At every turn, the stakes got higher, and just when we thought that we had a solution to one problem, the gamemaster threw another complication at us.  By the end, we were juggling three or four plot threads against a hard deadline for each.  Well done, and very in the flavor of the Dresden Files. Also, the gamemaster used some of our character generation stories as background bits for this scenario.  If you have the slightest interest in checking it out, including a writeup of those sessions, our forum is here:

But now I will give a more complete answer about why Raz was not in trouble for escaping from prison. 

Raz was denied bail before his trial and thrown into prison, which was perhaps reasonable since the rich young man owned his own jet and so was considered a flight risk.  He knew that he needed to get free in order to clear his name.  But there were also the plots of the powerful fae butler of the Thorne mansion, Myrna.  Myrna made some Bargain long ago with one of Raz’s ancestors to guard the mansion and the Thorne family (or at least that is what Raz believes; he does not know the details of this Bargain and that has always made him uneasy).  In any case, Myrna had Raz’s lawyer (who just happens to be the demonic benefactor of one of the other characters) slip Raz one of Myrna’s rings during a client meeting.  Raz recognized the ring, of course, and planned to use it as a sympathetic connection to stumble his way through the Nevernever to Myrna’s side.

Raz encountered his cellmate Bill as I described in a post above.  Bill was no trouble to Raz after a Soulgaze.  For one, it revealed to Bill that Raz was not the sort of man to harm his sisters, and for another Bill was terrified of true magic.

Midnight approached, the time when barriers between worlds were weakest.  Raz was waiting, having already set up a magic circle using items found in his cell.  He knew that he would be missed; he just planned to return to his cell by morning. Just when he was about to open a rift from his cell into the Nevernever, Myrna opened one from the other side.  She had homed in on her ring to find Raz’s cell.  Myrna was disguised, but Raz recognized her by her actions.  Accompanying Myrna in the Nevernever were another fae and Raz’s sisters Ariadne and Hypatia. Myrna’s plan was for Raz to escape with her.  To cover for Raz during his absence, Ariadne would stay with the extra fae, glamoured up to appear as Raz.  Myrna’s thought was that Ari knew Raz well enough that she could play his part.  Raz opposed the idea of leaving his 17 year old sister in prison, but eventually bowed to the logic of the situation.  Besides, she had volunteered.  But Raz insisted that Bill would not stay in the same cell as Ari.  So Raz, Myrna, Hypatia, and Bill departed the cell into the Nevernever, with Raz’s sister Ariadne and the extra fae playing the parts of Raz and Bill, respectively, for as long as it would take. 

Bill underwent some brainlock due to the experience of travelling through the Nevernever as his first magical adventure, but he recovered. During the subsequent adventures that night and next morning, Bill was able to adjust pretty well to a world of magic.  He hotwired a car for Raz, and acted as a getaway driver.  When it was all over, Raz and Bill returned to their cells with nobody the wiser.  When Bill was released from prison a few weeks later, Raz hired him as his chauffeur, a job he still holds.  Bill is glad that he has a chance to earn an honest living, and despite ogres, faeries, vampires, and pixies, thinks Raz is a pretty decent boss.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 07:28:15 AM by TheRealMe »
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Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Soulgazes
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2012, 11:13:50 PM »
Well my character (a focused practitioner who specializes in divinations and who can only do thaumaturgy) just had her first and so far only soulgaze.

The situation started with my character and another character (a werewolf) picked up my character's girlfriend at the airport. The girlfriend in question was quite worried and asked if we were being followed, which we were. The werewolf who was driving managed to shake off the followers and we went to a safehouse the girlfriend had. Apparently her family didn't take no for an answer when she had informed them earlier that she wouldn't be taking their orders anymore.

In the safehouse, the girlfriend (who was the leader of a wiccan sorority, but thought to not be able to use magic) started unpacking lots and lots of weapons. My character then asked her who exactly she was. I was thinking yakuza, and due to her appearance when being picked up at the airport (dressed in heavy winter clothing in the middle of the summer and emerging from a service-entrance, I had first though she had become a red court vampire). The answer I got was that the girlfriend was born as a noble lady in 12th century in Florens. When I said that no human would could live that long, she replied that that was true and that she had had to change bodies a lot. She had been sent to the US to destroy the magical community there, and that the body she had previously had was that of a dead man who the group had taken down when that man and 3 witches had attacked the sorority. She had since though fallen in love with my character and wanted to change her ways. The only thing that is redeeming her is the love between my character and said npc. We also learned that the girlfriend is actually quite capable of magic (the players know that she is much more powerful than the characters. The characters so far don't know anything.)

This was when the soulgaze happened. I knew then that she was telling the truth, and that indeed she had been real evil and filled with hatred before. How do you tell the rest of the group that? The werewolf had overheard some parts and knows that the girlfriend is a bodychanger. He also saw my charcter collapse with a massive headache from the soulgaze.

The fun thing is that the bodychanger had been targetting my character erlier and tried to seduce her, but it wasn't until a hosewarming-party in the sorority when they got together. The reason for that to happen was that one of the other characters had put a lust-potion he got hold off in the punch. All the other characters in the group knows that a lustpotion had been used. If my character finds out, she will be pissed off. And to make it even more interesting is that the girlfriend of my character was scheduled to be the big bad in coming stories, and has broken 4 of the laws of magic.. Killing through magic, mindcontrol, transforming someone else, doing necromancy...

And yes we have so far had a number of wardens come into town to find out what happened after certain incidents earlier (including the incident when we took down the 3 witches and the man). My character hadn't been approached by them yet, but I have a feeling that they have watched her carefully. That npc is based upon the idea of Corpsetaker, and she had used the fight there to switch body from the reanimated remains of the man into the leader of the sorority

I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...