Author Topic: Is the Minor Talent Template underpowered?  (Read 4390 times)

Offline JosephKell

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Re: Is the Minor Talent Template underpowered?
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2012, 11:12:26 PM »
Stunts and powers are great when you are able to use them often.  If a session is heavily focused on investigating scenes and interviewing suspects, how useful are Supernatural Recovery, Speed, Strength, and Toughness?

But there are also some minor talent abilities that do stuff other powers don't and have the capacity to break the game.  Like Psychometry or Cassandra's Tears.  For example, the Police Detective sees a dripping blood path, but the Psychic Forensic Analyst brushes one of the dry spots and sees a man with a limp holding a bleeding arm.

Obviously DNA testing can identify the gender of the suspect, but DNA testing takes days/weeks (and in many labs months because of the massive back log).  But being able to get such a clue quickly makes a huge difference in closing a case (people that are hurt bad tend to get worse fast if not treated and missing people tend to stay lost if not found early on).

To me, a stunt/power is worth the lost fate point(s) if you get to use it at least once a given "refresh" period (in DFRPG it is each scenario, in Fate Core it is each session).  A Fate Point equals +2 on an invoke.  Stunt is +2 on a specific usage.  So, like I said, if you get to use it once per time you get your fate points refreshed/reset, the stunt paid for itself.

But Fate Points used to Invoke or pay off compels are more flexible than stunts, so in a given refresh period, it is easier to "get your money's worth" (which is one reason I lot Fate Core's lower refresh, but refresh each session rule, as it makes it easier to encourage players to not horde points).

In that sense, Minor Talent (just like for Pure Mortal) can be strong.  (Especially in new Fate Core since you can choose to invoke AFTER you roll, so having those "if I need them +2s" from fate points in reserve is pretty sweet.)

However, if a Werebear with Inhuman Strength and Claws is getting into two or three fights each session, it is hard to argue that those 3 refresh worth of powers aren't getting WAY more than their money's worth (Weapon:4 on each attack).  But those are still shifts dependent on success.  So the character may have to use more actions setting up maneuvers instead of just "buying" success by invoking a bunch of things.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 11:36:43 PM by JosephKell »
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.