This is my first post here so please excuse my utter nubness.

My husband and I are writing a campaign set in Portland, Oregon. I am not so much the writer so I am doing some illustrating while my husband does the bulk of the work (yay me!)
Since I don't have to pour over places and faces until they're ready to draw, I've been making some basic works for both the campaign and my character.
The campaign: The basic idea behind Portland is its environmental situation. It's a verdant belt of green wedged between high desert on the East and ocean on the West. This seems like an ideal story hook for lots of fae conflict. With Portland currently being dominated by Summer court. To that end I made this cover illustration for our RPG binder for this campaign: This image was made with Zbrush and Photoshop. I didn't think that all summer fae should have bright colored hair, though it would make sense for some of them. This particular fae might be used as a face/contact in relation to my husband's character (who is in considerable debt to the summer court.)
My character:
My character is a wizard my with UID's namesake, Keliren. Without going into details too much about her stats (you can get a very rough outline here: It's still in the works so don't kill me too hard), she's a no-nonsense 50-some year old mother and sister to my husband's character. She largely prefers water magic, but also favors some lightning. Three of her wrote spells can be seen to the right of this image: The 2d images to the left were drawn in Photoshop, all of the water effects are 3d models rendered into 2d images.
Tell me what you think, and if you have any art of your own I'm always happy to meet another artist.