So you're contending that Titania sent gruffs to menace Harry and the carpenters (with clear orders to kill and maim), to kill Harry with automatic weapons, forcing him to jump off a roof to get away, and to send a gigantic giant-sized gruff who very nearly killed him in multiple instances within their kerfuffle,
Indeed I am.
If you look at Nicodemus in DM, he has Harry tied up and trapped and he is still wary around Harry, because Harry has already at that point killed Justin, Victor Sells, Kravos, Bianca and Aurora. During the time between then and SmF, Harry can add a couple of Kemmlerites, a successful raid in Arctis Tor, facing down the Merlin, and the Raith Deeps to his scorecard; as the Wardens' behaviour on Demonreach in TC shows, a) Harry is
seriously scary and b) Harry totally does not get that that's the case.
Sending little gruffs after Harry makes no more sense as a serious threat than sending hobs after the Archive. Automatic weapons ? Harry showed at the end of GP that his shield can easily handle that. And I don't see Tiny coming anywhere near killing Harry.
and then she continued to menace him by sending a Gruff who was a heavy hitter even after Ivy and Marcone had be rescued,
It seems clear from the initial description of gruffs in SmF to me that once Harry defeats any gruffs the next lot along
have to come after him.
with the idea that the heavy hitter gruff would lure Harry into uncovering a loophole Harry had never considered previous to the conversation with the Eldest Gruff,
With the idea that Eldest would chat with Harry and spoonfeed him information until Harry figured the loophole out, yes.
and Titania did all thise to make Harry do Mab's thing harder? (TWSS)
Titania did all this to make Harry do Mab's thing
at all. Without that nothing prevents Harry from walking away, and I'm not seeing Harry having that much desire to save Marcone out of the goodness of his heart.
We have confirmation in CD that at a cosmic level Winter and Summer work together. Every book in the series that has apparent Faerie conflict (SK, PG, SmF) comes to a resolution that benefits both Winter and Summer. So Winter and Summer having to oppose each other seems to me an annoying constraint that in practice they work around with some inteliigence, in much the same way as being unable to tell a direct lie does nothing to prevent them from misleading and manipulating people.
Just seems like the Rube Goldberg machine of plot devices.
The Faerie Queens are superhuman. Post-CD, we see even more evidence of their capacity for long-term intricate chess-game plotting. So I do not find the plot I outline difficult to believe in at all. particularly because anything involving Eldest is not "set this in motion and it works out the way I want" but "my agent is right there on the ground steering it the way I want".