Author Topic: Cold Days Spoilers- Who isn't your Nemesis?  (Read 33670 times)

Offline Aluman

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Re: Cold Days Spoilers- Who isn't your Nemesis?
« Reply #75 on: November 30, 2012, 07:36:17 AM »
I can't think of what to say to the rest of your stuff, and don't have the time now. But isn't that exactly what Maggie's curse did? Make it so he couldn't feed his Hunger?
Yes, which is part of why I don't think that the White King is infected, working with the outsiders sure.

Of course the trippy part comes if we start assuming the outsiders aren't unified but instead have a coinciding goal, and there are multiple diseases.

I mean lets presume for a moment that the Walkers have a He Who Walks Within or In-between, infection and then They That Oppose do as well, then just the mere fact that Vitto exists doesn't preclude the white court from having been infected.

Hell perhaps the vampire courts as a whole are nothing more than ancient disease vectors from Outside who have slowly been worming cracks open in the Outer Gates.

For the Lucifier side: I don't think Lucifier would stand at the unmaking of reality.  He isn't opposed to Life parsay, he is opposed to WG and the way He operates.  I think we will see the Denarians at the least becoming Almost allies.  Or at least 'least concern' by the end of the next book.

Offline sjsharks

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Re: Cold Days Spoilers- Who isn't your Nemesis?
« Reply #76 on: November 30, 2012, 09:07:48 AM »
Yes, which is part of why I don't think that the White King is infected, working with the outsiders sure.

Of course the trippy part comes if we start assuming the outsiders aren't unified but instead have a coinciding goal, and there are multiple diseases.

I mean lets presume for a moment that the Walkers have a He Who Walks Within or In-between, infection and then They That Oppose do as well, then just the mere fact that Vitto exists doesn't preclude the white court from having been infected.

Hell perhaps the vampire courts as a whole are nothing more than ancient disease vectors from Outside who have slowly been worming cracks open in the Outer Gates.

For the Lucifier side: I don't think Lucifier would stand at the unmaking of reality.  He isn't opposed to Life parsay, he is opposed to WG and the way He operates.  I think we will see the Denarians at the least becoming Almost allies.  Or at least 'least concern' by the end of the next book.

I am really not understanding your logic on why the WK isn't infected

And thanks Serack
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Offline Bakoro

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Re: Cold Days Spoilers- Who isn't your Nemesis?
« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2012, 10:32:05 AM »
I am really not understanding your logic on why the WK isn't infected

From what it looks like, he feels that being infected with Nemesis would somehow undo Maggie's Death Curse. Like maybe being infected with an Outsider would make him not just protected externally by Outside magic, but also internally.
I wholly disagree with that, if it is indeed the case.
It's really a toss up, but it hardly matters since we know he was in cahoots with Outsiders somehow. One thing is fairly certain to me though, if the WK was infected, so is Lara (assuming doing the WCV thing to her pop would infect her), and thus Thomas might also be infected.

Really, we have few solid facts as to what the infection even is, how it spreads, if there is an "incubation" period -there are a lot of questions. Is there some kind of over-mind to it? Kind of a Borg thing?
I think how it manifests varies from person to person. Cat Sith seemed like he was a different being, note how he moved as if not fully accustomed to his body; Compare that to Maeve who seemed much herself, and preoccupied with her own emotional stuff right to the end, rather than achieving Nemesis' goal. Maybe the difference has to do with their metaphysical mass, who knows?

Offline nick012000

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Re: Cold Days Spoilers- Who isn't your Nemesis?
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2012, 12:39:36 PM »
Really, we have few solid facts as to what the infection even is, how it spreads, if there is an "incubation" period -there are a lot of questions. Is there some kind of over-mind to it? Kind of a Borg thing?
I think how it manifests varies from person to person. Cat Sith seemed like he was a different being, note how he moved as if not fully accustomed to his body; Compare that to Maeve who seemed much herself, and preoccupied with her own emotional stuff right to the end, rather than achieving Nemesis' goal. Maybe the difference has to do with their metaphysical mass, who knows?
I think that the difference between how it manifested in Cat Sith and Maeve is that in Cat Sith's case, Nemesis basically went, "Fuck it, he's been outed as being infected, and now he's trying to resist me. There's no point allowing him to retain autonomy anymore. ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL."

For that matter, Nemesis infection seems quite similar to Indoctrination from the Mass Effect games. Anyone know if Jim's ever played them?
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Offline Bakoro

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Re: Cold Days Spoilers- Who isn't your Nemesis?
« Reply #79 on: December 01, 2012, 09:07:52 AM »
I think that the difference between how it manifested in Cat Sith and Maeve is that in Cat Sith's case, Nemesis basically went, "Fuck it, he's been outed as being infected, and now he's trying to resist me. There's no point allowing him to retain autonomy anymore. ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL."

For that matter, Nemesis infection seems quite similar to Indoctrination from the Mass Effect games. Anyone know if Jim's ever played them?

I think that's about as good as anything.

That said, If we see Cat Sith again and healed of his ailment, he owes Harry a Coke.