A few questions. Sorry if it is already answered elsewhere.
Most of these questions are unanswered so we can only make theories based on the evidence we have. Our understanding of things changes with every book but most of these changes were hinted in previous books.
1. Is Molly Fei now, or is she mortal still?
I would say she is a mortal with a mantle that makes her immortal and probably even fey as long as she wears that mantle.
If she is Fei, what happened to her soul? Is her free wil simply gone?
Being able to discard a mantle implies the soul is not gone otherwise a new soul would have to be created when she returns to humanity which is not likely.
It also implies free will is not totally gone. It is bound by the nature of the mantle.
Or maybe she has free will once a year at halloween

I think free will is like mortality, humanity and dead. A binary answer is just too simple in some cases.
I think the longer you wear the mantle and the more you give in to it the more you whole being, including your soul, gets aligned with the mantle. Your nature changes slowly.
But we have seen that even with Mab this process is far from completed.
Fae or human? Does it really matter? I think she is Fae as long as she wears the mantle but even that does not have to be true. Or only gets true after a while.
Can Molly still have a soulgaze with someone?
I think so, yes. It is bound to be a pretty heavy experience.
For that matter, if Mab is mortal once, what happened to her soul? What happened to her free wil?
Still there. I do not think a soul can disappear that easily. It changes.
Is a dragon immortal? If so, did Michael carpenter killed the dragon while rescuing Charity?
It was not on ferrofax level so maybe it was not immortal, maybe the place or situation or date made it mortal or there might be something special with Michaels sword and angelic support. Your guess is as good as mine.
How did Michael killed the dragon if it is immortal? Is it halloween or is it the sword?
Please Clarify. If there a WOJ about this, please point it out to me.
Thank you.
Clarify? As far as I know all these questions have no undisputed answers.
Choose your position and throw your arguments at anyone who dares to state something else