The Dresden Files > CD Book Club

Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**

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Can you imagine being at Disneyland that day, though. Just a pallor of fear surrounding everything. Kids coming out of the Haunted House Gibbering. The Matterhorn Yeti finally catching a victim...

Did NOT see that coming.  Quickly:

Butcher has said that the books are the worst day of Harry's year. That said, IF Karrin and Harry are going to get together, better it happen off screen.  Also, parenthood is about invested time, not grand gestures.  His relationship with Maggie belongs there, too.  Karrin comes out for the weekend, bringing Maggie and they build campfires, go for walks, do homework.  LARP with the Alphas.  Butcher really GETS the repetition = depth thing.  And I believe that this is what will allow reality to survive the apocalyptic trilogy.  (Love, Harry's love for the reality that encompasses his partner and child.)  Did anyone else notice Murph and Harry just got married there.  Now they just need to have sex.

If Harry is going to be living on Demonreach, he's going to need a fast boat or a short cut.

Aww, poor CatSith.  I liked the nasty kitty. 

The Mouse greets Harry.  Onions, I swear someone was cutting onions in my room at 3 in the morning.

Unrelated to the +/- with Harry, I think Murphy is due for an upgrade, either via sword or Odin.  And I'm sure Butcher will do this in the worst way possible.

Ok, now that I've slept and gathered my thoughts

1. I am sooooo glad I did a full series reread before this came out. Otherwise I would have been constantly going back and having to find portions of the previous books to remember all the context.

2. It broke my heart in Ghost Story to see how Molly had turned out, and in this one, it was like I was hit by the Shadowman. To see Molly doing so much better, and then to have her life so drastically messed with, even if it wasn't Mab's plan A, was just too much. Someone must have been cutting onions in my room, too.

3. SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. I'm glad I was at least half right about Sarissa. I thought she was gonna be the new Winter Lady. And I'm even more glad that Maeve got taken out. Once she killed Lily, I was trying to figure out a way to jump into the book and do it myself. I was a great misdirect having her try to point the finger at Mab. It had me going for a small portion of the book. I figured it out about the same time Harry did.

5. It was so much fun to see Harry and Fix go at it. And it made me happy that Harry didn't give in to his darker side and kill Fix. That would have sucked.

6. Sooooo..... where the heck do we go from here? Harry has gone from PI to hermit, living on a prison block that makes the prison from the Walking Dead look like freaking Elysium. Molly is the new Winter Lady ((and I pray to TWG that she doesn't take up Maeve's fashion sense. I don't think I could handle reading about Molly being vajazzled)), and we just had Outsiderpalooza.

7. I'm torn about the parasite. I know that some people think it's Lash, but that doesn't add up for me. What if the parasite is the contagion that Maeve and so many others had, and Lash has been the one fighting it? That seems closer to accurate for me, but who knows? I guess we will get to find that out next time.

Anywho, those are my initial reactions. I really loved this book, and I think that it is, by far, Jim's best one to date. It was completely and entirely worth the wait, and worth the lost hours of sleep reading it in one shot. I just could not put it down. Thank you again, Mr. Butcher.


--- Quote from: tuttman1234 on November 28, 2012, 09:25:12 PM --- I was a great misdirect having her try to point the finger at Mab. It had me going for a small portion of the book. I figured it out about the same time Harry did.

--- End quote ---

Harry never fully bought it, is how i read it.  And he and I were right on the same page.

Anyone else think that Maeve's birthday suit piercings foreshadows the Molly situation?


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