The Dresden Files > CD Book Club

Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 45-53 **MAJOR SPOILERS**

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Yeah, Charity is going to murderdeathkill Dresden.

And, I just have to say, Santa is freakin epic. And, in response to the comment about Maeve needing a hug, I never thought I'd see Mab needing a hug. Mr Jim Butcher, you are a brilliant, wicked, awesome, evil, and fantastic author.

Molly? Seriously? MOLLY?

Jim, be thankful I cannot cast ritual spells, or you'd find yourself with an exploded chest - right after you pen down EXACTLY how it all shakes out.

And dude, hasn't Dresden gotten enough missed opportunities with Karrin yet? Its been what, fourteen years since they've been working together, and about ten since they've had a 'thing' for one another?

Just let it happen already!


I haven't straight up enjoyed a Dresden book like that since Small Favor. And that was my favourite book of the series.

My question is: Do all immortals know that Halloween makes them vulnerable? Is it like Fight Club, and they just don't talk about it? Because Maeve clearly knew that a bullet was putting down Lily.

Also, while the Courts are going to be in complete disarray, at least Harry had 5 of the 6 Queens at least friendly-ish to him.
Mother Winter: Likes him so much she tries to cleaver him.
Mother Summer: Benevolent Grandmother
Mab: is... Mab
Titania: Wants him to burn
Molly: is Grasshopper
Sariss: Kinda likes him

I have to admit, I never saw Jim writing a conversation between Harry and Titania about gay men. Then again, I never saw Mab as being the type to head to Disneyland. Both those moments really shone as going to show we don't know everything about Mab or Titania yet.


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