The Dresden Files > CD Book Club

Cold Days Book Club - Chapters 31-45 **MAJOR SPOILERS**

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Agreed. Not even a contest.

I concur.  While most all of the recent books, especially Turn Coat and Changes, have been excellent, I still feel that none of them quite equaled the peak of White Night.  Until somewhere in this set of chapters, when I realized Jim had, in fact, finally outdone even that masterpiece.  And by a not insignificant margin to boot.  I would love to discuss the details of what is going on, but that will have to wait, cause right now I have to read the rest of this book, forum discussion, food, sleep, and homework be damned!

Seriously, laying the personal smack down on Santa in order to hijack the freaking Wild Hunt to take on an army of outsider's laying seige to Demonreach.  The sheer ballsy badassery inherent in that senario is positively palpable.

Kris mudgfufisudu Kringle!! Harry just took on two, TWO faerie Kings and came out breathing AND on top. Badassery

Considering the conversation with the Mothers, I wonder if Harry's mantle as Starborn would have gone to Winter as well, if he had made it into the stew pot.

Also, during Harry's conversation with Mother Summer, she mentions that it is possible to stay ones self despite powers that mold you, and that she both is and is not referring to Harry. Could she be referring also to Maeve (maaaaybe) or Molly (definitely)? Harry always seems to have an easier time doing the right thing for himself after he has helped someone else do the right thing in situation parallel to his own.

wizard nelson:

--- Quote from: Aegnoralkarin on November 28, 2012, 08:10:34 AM ---I feel remarkably stupid for not remembering that the Wild Hunt would be a factor. But not Harry master of improv, huh?

--- End quote ---
i thought the wild hunt had to be SUMMONED or some such? wasn't that the point of peabodies book? an doesn't have to be halloween? :( sorry my collection is incomplete or i'd research it myself.


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