Author Topic: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]  (Read 48144 times)

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #60 on: September 29, 2012, 09:20:25 PM »

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Toot and Cat Sith will be Harry's primary companions.  Although impressive for a dewdrop, Cat Sith will find Toot too far beneath him.  Molly will have a significant role.  Murphy's role will be limited.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 

Bob will find out first, and through him, Butters.

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

He will quote Gandalf.  He will also quote Princess Bride, and Monty Python ("I got better!")

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

Molly will get so excited her camouflage reflex will kick in, causing her visibility to vary in degrees, along with her hair color.

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Thomas, who will try to act nonchalant but fail.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

One new ability which will be significant is his new physical prowess.  The strength and endurance will help in more than just the obvious ways (e.g. allowing steady aim with that rifle).  Ice will be used often, of course.  He will layer protections on a new duster, but make it a permanent charm.  He will not use Fae magic to create or augment any foci.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

The Big Bad will be one of the Fomor (not a servitor).  It will be fairly high-ranking, as it has been around since before they were cast into the sea.  Harry will not kill it, due to his thoughts on the aftermath of Changes in Ghost Story and how he needs to consider the longer-term effects of his decisions.  Harry will remove its incentive to continue threatening Demonreach (the source of magic referenced in the blurb).

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

Harry will allow a friend or ally to be killed or seriously harmed because of his decision to either:
(a) not kill the Big Bad (while not violating the letter of Mab's order), or
(b) follow Mab's orders and kill it.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much guaranteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Harry will not kill Fix.  Fix will survive, unless he is the aforementioned ally who will die as a result of Harry's big choice.  He will have multiple interactions with Fix, each less confrontational than the last.  Fix will show Harry just how much more experienced he is at Knighting in their first interaction.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

It will be revealed that there is no single "Black Council," but rather that there are at least 2 such organizations working toward different ends.  Where their interests coincide they are not opposed to working together, but there is no alliance.  At least one of these groups is aware of the Grey Council.  If there are 3 or more such groups, one of them IS the Grey Council (though it is working specifically to subvert the other two).

Thus far, these groups have been intentionally destabilizing the balance of power in order to create the conditions necessary to accomplish one larger,  more specific initiative.  The aim of at least one of these groups is to specifically eliminate the Sidhe (as in, all of them (especially Mab)).  The aim of another is to invite the Outsiders in for open-house and tea.  As an Outsiderbane Winter Knight, Harry is now a major target for both of these groups, and the prized member of the Grey Council (though he won't know it yet).

8 ) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

Lash will come back in this book.  She will be a full-on ally/power-up to Harry from now on.  Because her abilities are less limited by Harry's physical body than Harry's abilities are, Harry will have a weaker version of the perfect memory he had in Ghost Story.  Evidence for this will be established this book, but it will become much more pronounced next book.  Harry's new Lash-powered memory will reach back to before he had even picked up the coin, since she will be helping him around his own mortal limitations and not simply remembering things for him.

Cowl has been working for or in league with the Fomor.  However, he has bigger plans and is merely using them as a temporary tool.  We will learn little if anything about Kumori in this book.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues alluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

At some point, Harry and Cat Sith together will encounter Mister.  Mister will smash into Harry's shins as usual, and completely and arrogantly ignore Cat Sith.  This will improve Cat Sith's estimation of Harry.

Marcone will make at most minor appearances in this book, more in the following one.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 11:01:47 PM by cmprostreet »

Offline Nicodemus Carpenter

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #61 on: September 30, 2012, 01:19:22 AM »
This looks like a whole barrel of fun, so I'm purposefully gonna avoid looking at anyone else's answers until I've finished my post.  Sorry if I retread over any old ground.

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

This one's pretty much a no brainer.  Harry's been removed from his usual companions, and he's gonna have to be navigating Faerie.  Toot has lost his source of Pizza payment, and so the 'Za Lord's militia will have largely scattered, but the core members of the Guard will have held together, with Toot as their surprisingly capable commander.  In fact, I'd be willing to bet they'll have carved out a nice little domain for themselves among the lower-ranking winter Fae, due both to their history of working together for a common goal, and Toot's surprisingly capable leadership.  I wouldn't be surprised if Toot were knee-high by the time Harry starts PT.  He'll take it upon himself to show Harry all the ins and outs, giving Harry all kinds of information about things of (seemingly) no pertinence, while at the same time, being nearly useless for the things Harry actually needs.  I mean, he may be a bigger deal these days, but the habits formed over the course of centuries as a scatterbrained pixie aren't going to go away overnight.  However, something he mentions in passing, something about the relations and politics between the lowest ranking members of the Winter and Summer courts, will prove vital to Harry's eventual solution.  I even predict that Harry will realize, either that Summer and Winter are very much in collusion, with both Mab and Titania working together toward a common goal, or that Titania is the one who has been insane all along.  Not sure which.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 

Of his 'friends,' Elaine will be the first to find out, or possibly Fix.  Elaine will be very much involved in whatever's going down though, and this book will end up either clearing her, pretty much for good, or culminate in her ultimate betrayal.  Again, I'm not sure which.  Either way, she still has a major debt to clear with Summer, despite what she said at the end of Summer Knight. 

Of the Chicago crowd, my money is on Marcone being the first to Know, through Monoc.  However, Harry will appear to Murphy first, though she may be in a big-ass scrap with the JLoC when that happens.

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

"I am Harry the White, and I return to you now, at the turn of the tide!"

(Option B: "I got better!")

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

Butters may well continue any geek quote Harry uses for his re-appearance.
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

This one will depend on who you're more invested in, as a reader.  For me, Molly, who will finally be able to break down and cry, after having had to be strong for so long.  The sudden relief will be what nearly breaks her, but the fact that she can still cry will show there is hope.  She'll probably kiss him. For many, Murphie's reaction will be the most touching.  She'll kiss him too, and then she'll punch him right in the face.  Honorable mention, Thomas, again with the fist to the face.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

Harry will continue to refine his current evocations, as well as playing with more complex combos.  I think we'll see Harry use Ice as a defense again, perhaps to make a temporary shield that doesn't require constant juice. Perhaps a  defensive igloo to buy him some time to pull off a big working.  He may also use it as first aid, to stop bleeding.  Extra points, if he uses it on Fix.

I also think he'll learn some tricks about Faerie glamours. Magic disguises of seeming, similar to the potion he used in Fool Moon.  He's used them before, and to good effect, but I think he'll get some good ideas here.  I also think that we'll really start to see the effects in a couple books when he pulls of a really clever disguise, similar to how he used Luccio's fire needle in Changes.   With Fae tutelage and soulfire to give his crafting solidity, it's possible that he could create something that would fool normal detection methods, perhaps even cause difficulty for the Sight (I doubt he could fool it completely, but he might be able to make it difficult to figure).

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

I would love it to be Dracula (Baby Vlad, not Daddy Drakul), just for the cheesy dialogue, but I don't think that's likely.  We've already got the Fae and the Fomor plotlines going strong.  I don't think Mavra is due to show up for another book or two, at least, and it would be disappointing to have Harry make like Buffy without her at least making an appearance. 

I'll say Mab will order Harry to kill Santa Clause, mostly because it would be hilarious. I don't think we'll have a clear cut "Big Bad" here, rather several majorly badass proxies. 

Still, we need a badguy who really deserves a beatdown.  Not really sure on that one. Might come back to this.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?
Follow Mab's orders and kill the Clause, or defy her will and face the consequences?  Also, how far is he willing to go to preserve Fix and Lilly's lives during their duels?

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Harry will, at various points, have to deal with Fix, the Lily, Gruffs, and a shitload of elves desperate to protect their jolly bearded leige.  Fix and Lilly, who are obviously lovers, will attack pre-emptively, and wipe the floor with Harry, but Harry will manage to escape.  On the second encounter, they'll take Harry captive, because let's face it, Harry always ends up captive, however, it turns out that they're basically being controlled as a puppet, and Harry will manage to find a way to exploit that to escape.  Third encounter, Harry's gotten a hang of the whole knight thing, and he has Fix's number, but he leaves him alive,  possibly using that freezing as first aid trick I mentioned earlier. Eldest Gruff will give him a donut, and laugh.  Tiny will have thoroughly rustled jimmies.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

8 ) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

I'll have to come back to these
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 10:35:56 AM by Nicodemus Carpenter »
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #62 on: September 30, 2012, 08:30:11 PM »
...and that's a wrap.

As I mentioned in my previous post, an ARC for the book has already been sold on e-bay, so it's time to lock this thread so that people won't be tempted to post spoilers here as they become available.  Thank you all for participating, I am looking forward to grading these and to see what insights people had.

What is coming next:

1) I will need to grade everything.  It looks like there are about 50 submissions, so unless something goes horribly wrong, you guys should expect a score thread around one-two weeks after the book comes out.   

2) Depending on how varied the answers are, I may need some help in grading.  We will all be able to see all the answers, so I may just put things up to a vote.

3) I am currently planning a bunch of different kinds of winners.  The grand winner will probably be the person with the total highest score, but I would like to come up with multiple "honorable mentions" or different categories for alternate wins.

4) Another cool idea would be to have individual pieces of art/banners that people can put as their signature/avatar for bragging rights.  Examples could be

"Bronze Star" - got at least one questions right in the Cold Days predict-a-thon.
"Silver Star" - got at least three questions right in the Cold Day predict-a-thon
"Gold Star" - got at least five questions right in the Cold Days predict-a-thon.

I haven't got any ideas for the art yet, if anyone has ideas or is willing to come up with something, let me know.

Stay tuned.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 08:31:59 PM by knnn »
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