Author Topic: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments  (Read 29171 times)

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #105 on: August 01, 2016, 03:41:49 PM »
My werebear managed to beat a lycanthrope without ever actually rolling an attack against him.

Said Lycanthrope was part of a huge melee involving Red Court, Elves and trolls on one side, with wizards and the PCs on the other. My werebear charges and tries to disarm the lycanthrope, then dodges an attack. For my next action, I see one of the Trolls is sprinting at a guy behind me -- so I roll a maneuver, shoving the lycanthrope in the path of the troll.

On the troll's turn, I tag the lycanthrope's UNDERFOOT aspect to make the troll's Athletics roll act as an attack the lycanthrope has to dodge.

Troll rolls absurdly high, Lycanthrope blows his dodge roll to the point he has a -1, and the troll kicks him clear out of the combat zone like a football.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #106 on: August 24, 2016, 04:28:46 AM »
Vanilla mortals (one modeled on The Punisher, the other on The Transporter) in my game come rushing out of the Nevernever with giant Orb Spiders hot on their trail...into a state park.  Running into a DNR officer (whose eyes bug out at seeing the spiders), they ask her if she's got a shotgun in her vehicle.  She replied, "I'm only a tier III officer, I'm not allowed to carry firearms!" Reaches into her pockets: "Here, use my taser!"   
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline Taran

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #107 on: March 12, 2017, 01:11:02 PM »
Thread Resurrection.  Anyways, I thought this was cool.

 Martin,  An ally of my character, Chip,  is trying to hunt down the King of the  White Court Greed Vampires and is systematically destroying its investments and turning its allies against it.

My character gets a phone call.  Martin is in a fight asking for help.  He's at a Goldman Sachs office and seems to be taking a heavy beating.  Here's how it plays out after my character gets to the office:

GM:The door wasn't locked. It slams open, sustaining some damage in the process.

The hallway behind it is not well-lit; about half the lights are broken or burnt-out. The walls aren't in great shape, either. Looks like Martin entered through one of them...he's lying in a heap of blood-splattered debris next to a big hole in one of the walls.

A humanoid block of pitch-black muscle, about eight feet tall, stands over Martin. It turns to look as the door opens, and its gaze falls upon you like a hammer. You're pretty sure it can see you, veil or no veil, desk or no desk.

"Identify yourself."

Chip: "Some people call me Condor and I'm no-one of consequence.  I'm simply here to retrieve that poor guy who has, unfortunately, found himself in the wrong place and the wrong side of your fists.  If it's the same to you, I'd like to just take him with me and we'll leave you alone."

GM: "No"

Chip: Why?

GM: "It has harmed the world economy. It has attacked my corporate holdings. It has made trouble for me.

I intend to ensure that it does not do so again."

Chip: "...  Who are you anyways? What should I call you and what do you care if the world economy goes to shit?"

GM:  "I am the Dragon Pecunax."

"Much of the economy belongs to me. Harming the economy harms my wealth.

I will not answer further questions without an equivalent exchange."

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #108 on: March 12, 2017, 02:45:15 PM »
Bwhahaha, I always love dropping a dragon on my players.

One was a friendly dragon (based on the protagonist of Lord Demon, by Roger Zelazny). The other was less than friendly.

And that second one arrived after the main characters had concluded that rumors of the big bad having a dragon on call were a metaphorical reference to the Black Queen of Vampires.

Turns out sometimes rumors delivered by a fae bard are indeed literal.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline Taran

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #109 on: March 12, 2017, 03:29:43 PM »
Bwhahaha, I always love dropping a dragon on my players.

I have to say this was just one of many cool things that has happened in this game.  A big thanks to Sanctaphrax for running such an awesome pbp. 

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #110 on: March 14, 2017, 06:44:53 AM »
(Takes a bow.)

Fun fact: Pecunax isn't a new character. I introduced him back in 2012, but never got to do anything with him because Blackblade stopped posting right after he showed up.

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #111 on: April 03, 2017, 01:15:15 AM »
My 16 y.o.son joined my game(his first ever RPG).  In the last two sessions, he's added his fair share of rib-ticklers:

1) "Well, the guys on bikes staqrated shooting at.  We tried to get away, but couldn't so we ran them over. By the way, that was the driver's decision, he totally was the guy that made that decision."--As told to the police.

2) Player A to him via cell phone:  "Do.Not. Engage."
Him (to driver): "Run them over.  No, wait, don't run them over!"

3) Me:So, the cops want to know why you had a shotgun AND a .357 Magnum in your vehicle while visiting a city park."
Him:"I wanted to go duck hunting!"

My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline Cadd

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #112 on: April 07, 2017, 04:07:51 AM »
3) Me:So, the cops want to know why you had a shotgun AND a .357 Magnum in your vehicle while visiting a city park."
Him:"I wanted to go duck hunting!"

All funny, but this one is pure gold!

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #113 on: April 07, 2017, 05:19:49 AM »
All funny, but this one is pure gold!
Especially since I had described said park (with large duck-filled fountain) as sandwiched between a hospital and a grade school--rather like a real-life park where I live.
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #114 on: June 16, 2017, 05:19:00 PM »
So, starting a new campaign with some friends, and I decide to play an apprentice wizard because up to now, I've only ever played wizards as the GM. For the sheer fun of the concept, he has a Conviction of 4 and Discipline at a whopping 1. He is slightly better off getting into a fist fight than he is trying to throw magic around, and his trouble is "Cocky Little Shit."

So, naturally, he leads the rest of his party right into a trap that turns into a fight.

Against a couple of junior league Redcaps, I decide to let off his first real attack spell -- a Weapon:4 blast at a Redcap in the cage with us. Said Redcap has been maneuvered against, so I tag both its aspects and even throw in a fate point to invoke my high concept, which for those following along at home, means I'm rolling from 7.

I roll a ++++. The Redcap rolls a -1 total for his defense.

I then get to describe my apprentice wizard staring in feared awe at his own hand as the blast simultaneously solves both the Redcap problem and the "we're locked in a cage" problem.

And then two rounds later I give myself a mild consequence in backlash on a Weapon:2 spell. The dice are a fickle mistress.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #115 on: June 17, 2017, 12:17:37 PM »
We ended our campaign with a gigantic battle, and Boston in smoking ruins.

First an NPC Warden, who was the girlfriend of one of the characters, killed herself with a deathcurse, where she drew upon all the power of the the Walker that had possessed her. That vaporized a huge area near Chicago with a diameter of many miles, it burned with an purple flame that didn't even leave ashes behind. And even things like steel and concrete burned. All electronics in a 30-mile radius from the blast was destroyed.

And then came the events in Boston: Turned out that a bunch of dwarves that had been living in a below-gorund comlex undeer the house of one of characters, had dug too deep, and had been to greedy. The city had first been hit by a couple of major Earthquakes and a huge sinkhole had appeared right where said house had been. And from that sinkhole cama a huge fiery being (a balrog, or one of the characters who was a svartalf said it was Surtr, the fire-giant who would destroy the world), and it was followed by an army of goblins and svartalves.

The national guard came. Lots of wardens of the White council came, along with an army of Winter trolls that we were on firendly terms with due to their king being the adoptetd son of one of the characters. We had 3 old faeire queens wo where now vassals of said troll king, Harry Dresden arrived, Vadderung came with a host of Valkyries and Einhärjars, One of the characters who was a changeling summer prince (he had just gotten promoted to duke and been turned a full shidhe came with his retinue)... My character's girlfriend who was an extremely powerful (reformed) necromancer animated the fallen soldiers so they could keep fighting. I did what I could with divinations to act as a living  comm-center and give information to my master who was there and helped the wardens.

In the end, it was our Genie who decided to take a huge fire-form and battle the balrog with her magical sword. We all pooled out recources to help out. I gave it all to find some weakness that the Genie could use, the summer prince used his magic, as did the wizard whose girlfriend had sacrificed herself erlier to destroy the walker.  So we beat the Balrog, and then the others could deal with the rest of the army.

I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...