Author Topic: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments  (Read 29166 times)

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #75 on: December 10, 2012, 10:02:46 PM »
four Kappa demons--one wearing blue-lined samurai armor and wielding a Sephiroth-scale katana (Mozart), one wearing violet robes and wielding a Naginata (Beethoven), one wearing little but blood red strips of cloth with Wolverine-style claws bound to his hands (Salieri), and a fourth wearing light wooden armor highlighted in orange and wielding a Kusari (Bach).


If you don't mind, I need to steal this. Did the kappa have the little bowls of water on their heads?

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #76 on: December 10, 2012, 10:07:57 PM »

If you don't mind, I need to steal this. Did the kappa have the little bowls of water on their heads?
Yes, but with coverings over them so the water doesn't spill out easily.

And go ahead and steal. I wrote them up here, in fact.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #77 on: December 10, 2012, 11:22:43 PM »
The very first session my group played. It started with the group's only Pure Mortal at a club, dancing with a cute girl. The pure mortal is an "Elusive Drifter", two of his aspects are "Blinding Ego" and "Dangerously Passive Aggressive". So, he's dancing with this girl when this big guy in a suit pushes him roughly aside and cuts in. How does he respond? He immediately sneaks up behind the guy and sets his coat tails on fire. The scene ended with the big guy (who turned out to be a Red Court vampire) and a bunch of his buddies taking the Drifter out back and beating the hell out of him.

Flash forward and his date is being fished out of the river and my character, an ex-soldier and Newly-Cloaked Warden ends up investigating. Long story short, he calls in an old colleague for backup, an Aura-Seeing Detective when the investigation leads to the local Summer Court. They end up heading to the Nightclub's Ballroom night undercover. Meanwhile in a parallel storyline the Drifter and his friend the Alchemist Hacker are trying the track down the guy who beat him up (the Red vamp) so he can "kick his ass".

So, it's a high-class ballroom dance. My Warden is in a tuxedo (packing a concealed hold-out pistol) and the Detective is in a beautiful gown with a small set of throwing knives. We're stealthily investigating the joint. Its all very classy and James Bond-ish. In bursts the Drifter (wearing a tattered canvas duster) and the Hacker (bright green hoodie). The Drifter walks up to the bartender and calls him a "Stupid, frog-humping @sshole f*cktard." All four of us immediately find ourselves surrounded by Red Court vamps. The GM politely informs us that we are not ready for such a confrontation and advises us to run.

Both the Detective, who has the aspect "Protective Mama Bear", and my Warden, who has the aspect "Tortured by the Red Court" both immediately decide to stay and fight so the GM tosses us both a fate point each. The Drifter immediately bolts and leaves us all behind and the Hacker self-compels his "Know Idea How Much I Don't Know", tries to help but ends up setting off the sprinkler system (rendering my Newbie Warden's magic virtually useless). So, the Drifter abandoned us, we have mortals fleeing in every direction, water grounding out my Warden's magic and we are surrounded by vampires.

How does it all end? With four dead vampires, a captured bartender,a bloodied detective,a tired Hacker, a soggy Wizard and a flooded Nightclub. It was a good night.
DV Warden of Iowa City 1.0 YR4 FR(M)1 BK+++ RP JB++ TH+ WG++ CL+ SW BC+ MC---- FF+ SH++[Murphy+++ Lara+ Gard+ Molly-]

Hi. I'm the future director of The Dresden Files movie. Wink.

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #78 on: December 24, 2012, 02:29:15 AM »
One of my players, early in the campaign, played an Egyptian Temple Dog with entropic powers. From early on, I'd planned to run a scenario around the Phoenix myth, and have it be that the group had to go to Heliopolis, which is in ancient Egypt. I joked early on with the player that it would be hilariously ironic if the temple dog knew what was going on, where to go, and how to get there, but couldn't tell anyone else.

He stuck around for a couple scenarios before he found playing a dog too difficult to roleplay, and switched, to a wolf-person spirit.

So now I've gotten to the Phoenix scenario, and the group's found out where they have to go, but don't know how to get there. Until one player remembers the Egyptian Temple Dog, and I remember that the wolf-person spirit has Echoes of the Beast, and therefore can probably talk to the dog.

So now a Warden of the White Council is trying to get a dog on the phone to ask directions.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #79 on: December 28, 2012, 09:56:04 AM »
Ninja turtle parodies

That is hilarious. I only just started playing so I don't have many stories yet.

The first mission was to help a changeling girl escape her father, Jack Frost, who wanted her to turn full faerie so she wouldn't die of old age. And the problem was, she had managed to get herself indebted to him.

My wizard ended up managing to negotiate her debt with him saying that he wouldn't force her to become a faerie, she wouldn't choose to become mortal, and she'd come live with him for a year or so to give him time to convince her to become faerie and see life there isn't so bad.

We got back to the church where she was hiding and started talking and explaining how it was in her best interest. She finally agreed. Then my character said, "Well in any case, he never agreed that she had to go live there immediately."

My GM suddenly face palmed.

Then in one of the next sessions, I had human thugs trying to assassinate me. This involved my car not starting, later finding out it didn't start because the ignition was rigged with C4 and my wizardness broke it.

Then they caught me stealing bones from a museum and tried to shoot me up. I later found their friend's hide out, knowing the secret knock I decided to blow the door down anyway and do a Dresden style entrance like at Marcone's diner.
(click to show/hide)

I tried to intimidate them, the GM said they were too dumb to know they should be scared and tossed me a fate point. Negotiations for information fail. I threaten them some more and Rod says, "Ha! You can't hurt me!" Then he held up a crucifix in my wizard's face.

I busted out laughing at that point, the rest of the scene was less of a joke. Even my GM declared that Tod must be "On a mission from God" rolling +4 on all his dice to avoid my enchanted bullets(I had at this point been punched in the face for 3 straight stress, and this is also what lead to me training my athletics up a bit higher and reconsidered my life choices. So I was less worried about breaking the first law, but I was aiming low..)

I managed to get some spirit armor up before any more blows hit me, and at that point they realized they weren't going to hurt me again and they decided to talk. Which eventually ended up being:

"Oh we were hired by the local red court leader."

So that's how today's session ended. And now my wizard has 8 hours to plot an assassination of the Local Red Court leader and frame someone else for it if they want to kill her. We've set it up so she's not an important/smart vampire, but she's a mouse trap set by actually important red courts meaning they'll come down on whoever kills her.

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #80 on: January 01, 2013, 04:14:48 PM »
Funny moment we had in the campaign I play in..
All characters are students at the university of Boston, and live on campus.

One character, a normal human who is a bit of an agitator always looking for various causes, was supposed to go on a date with a guy from the computer-club as a sort of payment for him helping her get lots of info. Another character who was an emmissary of power (for Ferrovax) decided to play a bit of a joke on her. So, on the date, the guy from the computer-club took the girl to a movie. A bad cheesy horror-movie. The emmissary of power had managed to get hold of a love-potion (with a short duration), and followed the couple. He manages to sneak in and get said potion into her drink. Then he hangs back and watches.

Things didn't quite go as planned. The agitator, ended up paying attention to a young(er) girl sitting besides her instead, as the guy from the computer-club was totally ignoring her. So the two girls left the cinema, without the computer guy noticing. They then went to a cafe and started chatting. The younger girl had a total crush on the agitator. Sadly the player there metagamed a bit too much and wouldnt let anything happen. So when the effect of the potion wore off a few hours later, the agitator, excused herself and ran away, leaving a devastated 17-year old girl with a huge crush and a bit of confusion behind.

The agitator later went to the local pub at campus. The emmissary of power, worked there as a bartender. He chatted a lot with her, claiming he could see that she was very upset. For extra giggles he made sure the song "I kissed a girl" by Kate Perry was played a lot that night in the pub. The agitator of course couldn't put two and two together about what had happened.

And yes the 17-year old started stalking the agitator, sending gifts etc.

To make things even better, the agitator later talked to my character (focused practitioner specializing in Divinations) about what had happened on the date, but only giving the girl's first name. I basically told her that well, she might have been the victim of a supernatural attack, or could have been something at the theatre that didn't even target her. But as it had been quite some time between she told me and it had happened I couldn't find out anyhting, as the effect had long since wore off. My character later got to know the 17-year old girl who turned out to actually have powers. (Fellow member of the paranet. The younger girl could do pyromancy but lacked control. Hmm, that sounds familliar). She told my character of her unrequited love for another girl but without naming names at all. So my character doesn't know that it is the same person, and being a romantic goth girl of course encourages the 17 year old girl...
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Haru

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #81 on: January 01, 2013, 07:42:05 PM »
Not really an ingame scene, but quite awesome anyway:
A player of mine ha made a new character, a white council wizard at chest deep level. When it came to name the character, he chose "Tiberius Grimm", and I immediately asked "Related?". He looked at me quite puzzled for a moment, trying to figure out what I meant, then realization struck his features, and his mouth opened in a "too awesome to speak" sort of way. This filled the character with all kinds of ties, hooks and backstory in just one simple question. We were very pleased. :)
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Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #82 on: January 06, 2013, 10:55:32 PM »
And today we learned just how bad things can get when a powerful wizard/witch deliberately hexes something. In this case the witch was my characters girlfriend (an NPC with a lot higher refresh-rating and magical abilites), and her family had sent mercenaries to kill her for breaking with the family. What happened was that the npc hexed a helicopter that the mercenaries had used to gain entrance into the apartment through the windows in typical SWAT-style. Let's just say that between gravity and a helicopter where the rotor suddenly stops working while it is flying, gravity wins heads down. That helicopter crashed spectacularily bad.

And yes said NPC had already before this broken some of the Laws of Magic, so I have a certain feeling that the Wardens will come looking again. Prior to what presceded that attack, my character knew nothing about that, so could get a free pass as she hadn't done anything with magic that was even near to breaking any of the laws and was actually totally innocent (mortal authorites might disagree if they connect the dots that she had been present when some of the other characters engaged in violence, or when we stopped a really powerful ritual earlier, but where some people died). But I do think they will take a dim view of not turning in a known lawbreaker after she learned about it.
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #83 on: January 25, 2013, 03:16:09 PM »
Big ending fight to a scenario. Will give details later, but for now, a bit from our OOC chat, said to a character playing a pixie:

<[Karci]> The entire fact that you hit, and caused damage with, a piece of chicken should make you proud
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline bobjob

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #84 on: January 25, 2013, 04:37:31 PM »
One epic moment that is still spoken about a year and a half later...

One of my players had statted up a holy hobo (named Lucky) who had very high social skills, but would get the fact that he was homeless and a little unkempt, and smelled like the street thrown in his face (social compels ahoy!). The group, made up of said hobo, a chinese wizard, and two demon scions (one of which works for a Red Court affiliated gang, her name is Syrena) are hiding out in one of the gang's safe houses. They are running from a were-bear enforcer who they had just thwarted from beating their new client to death.

In the safe house, Lucky is on watch. He hears a noise outside the door, but had been told not to answer the door and to pretend nobody is home. Against the urgings of the other players, Lucky peeps past the curtains and sees this mangy little dog holding it's paw up like it's been injured. I compel one of his aspects (I can't remember which one) but basically I told him "You see a lonely soul outside, one hurt and dirty and abandoned... probably much like how you feel sometimes in this city. For a Fate Point, will you let him in?" Lucky accepts the compel and the dog comes in and starts licking his hand and whining all happy like. The whining wakes up Syrena who comes out and starts to berate Lucky for letting the dog in. After a few minutes, the dog manages to win itself into her heart as well. It even walks over to the door, sniffs, and then growls. Everybody gets quiet as they are waiting for something to happen. The tension finally dies down when the dog walks back over wagging it's tail.

Syrena takes over watch and Lucky goes to give his dog a bath. After the bath, he falls asleep with the dog snuggled up next to him. As soon as he's asleep, the dog moves and then shifts... it's actually a skinwalker who is the main villain in this campaign. The werebear works for him and after the goons lost their mark decided to get involved with a little ritual tracking spell. The skinwalker shifts into a rat and moves across the hallway, but gets spotted by Syrena, who follows it into the bathroom where it disappears into a grate. She resolves to call pest control in the morning.

Cut to a few minutes later where she hears some odd muffled noises coming from the room where her client is asleep. Syrena opens the door to see a pillow-just the pillow-pushing down over the client's head. Pushing down so hard that his head is about 8 inches into the mattress  and his feet are kicking up into the air. Syrena makes an alertness roll and manages to see through the weak veil (although subsequent characters do not). She takes out her knife and starts to wrestle with the skinwalker, who increases his strength and wrestles the knife from her (another compel, which she accepts). She wants to wrestle it back and jumps forward to grab the handle. The other players rush into the room in time to see what appears to only be Syrena driving the knife through the pillow and in to the head of their client.

It was a beautiful moment for me and the point that I determined that I really did enjoy the Fate system. I still get crap for taking away Lucky's hobo dog.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 04:44:13 PM by bobjob »
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2013, 08:48:25 PM »
So, elaboration time. This was the culmination of a 20-session scenario, by far the longest single scenario I've had in any of my games, chiefly because the White Court are slippery, sneaky, deceitful bastards so unraveling the web of who was backstabbing whom took a long-ass time.

The final fight involved two fronts--a Warden and Valkyrie stopping a bunch of Black Court villains from disrupting Inari Raith's wedding on one front; on the other, a cop, two wizards and a pixie stopping a pair of traitors to the White Court and their Black Court backer from sneaking into the reception area and stealing one of the wedding gifts (a powerful book of Norse spells that had been stolen from an NPC earlier).

The Black Court Knight (they go with a chess theme) had been riling up the Cop earlier in the scenario--dropping by to watch the cop's daughter's softball game, asking which one she was, etc. And then shows up to the reception wearing a ballcap from the girl's team, which sets the cop off, and a bizarre and eccentric melee ensues (the Knight is...odd. Among his arsenal of weapons is bouncy balls) that tears up the reception hall. As this happens, the pixie's player declares that on the menu is garlic chicken, and the pixie veils, grabs a drumstick, then tags the veil to ambush the Knight and cause a three-shift hit (well, two-shift, but rolled up from previous stress), much to the Knight's surprise.

Eventually, that end of the fight concludes with the cop, having had enough, tagging one of the Knight's consequences, a blindness aspect, and invoking his own aspect to boost his roll by +6, and ends up rolling all +'s on the dice for a roll of 15. The steel shot (he'd been expecting Faeries) blows off the entire right side of the Knight's ribcage, and one of the wizards declares the steel's in him, and slaps him with a magnetics block to keep him pinned. The party allows the Knight to concede, with the terms of not showing up for at least two scenarios, and taking an Extreme consequence (losing his arm, being terrified of the cop now). One of the White Courters grabs the book and flees, only to be arrested by some of the cop's buddies, while the other (who had tried to frame Lara) is left for Lara herself to deal with.

On the other side of it, the Valkyrie is busy lopping off vampire heads, while the vampires' wizard tries to get through the wards the Warden had set up around the wedding. To get around a block on attacks, the Warden gets creative and starts flinging vampires into the sunlight--starting with the one named vampire, a thinly veiled pastiche of my own PC from a different game, for which the Warden's player is the GM. ("You've been waiting to do that for a long time, I take it." ":D") The vampires' pet wizard (who has been nicknamed Doc Brown and who speaks like Mordin) veils and gets the hell out, and the other vampires flee...just as the White Court wannabe King of a rage-eating house (whose son the Warden torched several scenarios ago) shows up.

He reveals two things: First, that he had been waiting for the Warden to wear herself out fighting the Black Court, implicitly admitting he'd set up most of the scenario's strife in the first place. Second, that he knew the Valkyrie's weakness and had informed one of her own enemies of it earlier--and this he reveals by beating her senseless in a single turn, having been quietly hitting her with Rage maneuvers during the previous fight.

Of course, he had miscalculated, and was unaware the Warden still had some juice left--as well as three fate points, which the player spent all at once (and declaring that the mistletoe oil he'd used on the Valkyrie has soaked his arms) to blast him with an absurd amount of fire while declaring she was, "sick of your White. Court. Bullshit!" The total shifts of stress he took meant he would need an Extreme consequence to survive, and, well, he didn't.

The scenario ends with a quick q/a session with Lara on a few things (final fates of the White Court traitors, for one), and one of the characters getting a startling--and entirely on the ball--realization: Not only did Lara end up benefiting from the whole scenario, but she set it up in the first place by hiring the Warden, knowing it would goad the Rage King into rash action.

And then we all vowed to leave the White Court the hell alone for a good while because damn they're a confusing bunch of bastards.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline bobjob

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2013, 10:07:06 PM »
Not only did Lara end up benefiting from the whole scenario, but she set it up in the first place by hiring the Warden, knowing it would goad the Rage King into rash action.

And then we all vowed to leave the White Court the hell alone for a good while because damn they're a confusing bunch of bastards.

Yay, you used a Rage King too. I've created a Rage King and plan on using him in my own game. :)
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #87 on: January 26, 2013, 08:35:34 AM »
Rage Kings are all the rage.


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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #88 on: January 27, 2013, 03:58:46 AM »
@Mrmudubois: Sounds like a bad pun my brother might say...damn pun masters...

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Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« Reply #89 on: January 27, 2013, 06:06:42 AM »
Runs in the family.