Ok, since you guys were so freaking awesome at helping me understand the Yehasuri and helping me stat them out. I got another beastie I'm making.
The story behind this one is that he's been linked to a statue that exists in the mortal world. (Of course he's an denizen of the Nevernever.) The statue has been lost through history (although it has made brief appearances, but for the most part its been kept safely put away), it was discovered in an estate sale after the last owner died. It was purchased by a wealthy art collector and subsequently has been stolen from his apartment. The theif lost a game of cards to a local lycanthrope gang member and because he was out of money, he offered the statue. The statue acts like a drug for the lycans, basically making them feel as though they are on the verge of a full moon when its present. Leader of the gang told gang member to get rid of it, but he didn't. He dropped it when he was shot during a street fight one of the PCs witnessed. PC picked it up.
Having it in his house that night gave him bad dreams so he took it to his friend (another PC) who has psychometry. Friend didn't want to touch it, it gave him bad vibes just looking at the thing. Long story short, they've researched it and discovered it is an old statue dedicated to a demon named Purzonethon. But tradition, he's known as a finder of things. But what they don't know is the cost....
He can be summoned through the statue (actually transforming the statue into a body he can use) by a ritual. The Psychom friend awoke the morning after seeing the statue reciting a phrase in Latin. (yep, the summoning ritual) He didn't finish the phrase. Needless to say they are on guard with the statue and have put it in an old lead lined fridge in a junk yard for now.

(They are off dealing with the Yehasuri for now.)
Purzonethon was intended to end up in the hands of the local leader of the Red Court (who runs BoA--behind the scenes of course), but obviously that hasn't happened! Once the demon was there it was gong to be released to destroy the RC leader. So now I have a bad guy who is frantically trying to find the thing so his boss doesn't kill him.

So take a look at Purzonethon and let me know what I could do better.

I think things are finally starting to click with FATE for me! Horay!
PurzonethonHigh Aspect: Demon of Finder of things
Aspect: Summoned through statue
Aspect: Blood thirsty
Aspect: High cost bargains
Alertness: +5
Fists: +4
Endurance: +3
Might: +3
Athletics: +3
Stealth: +0
All others from Fair to Average
On my toes [-1] +2 to Alertness in determining initiative
No pain no gain [-1] +1 mild physical consequence
Inhuman Strength [-2] +2 damage; Improved lifting-when lifting or breaking inanimate things, +3 to Might; Bruising Strength-roll might at +1 when using that skill in conjunction with grappling, 2-stress hit on opponent as a supplemental action during grapple; Superior Strength-when using Might to modify a skill gain +1
Inhuman Toughness [-2] Armor:1 vs all physical stress; two additional boxes of physical stress
Claws [-1] Weapons:2/Fists; Venomous [-2]-pg 163, bite from snake head is venomous
Hulking Size [-2] Easy to hit, hard to hurt- opponent gain +1 to hit Purzonethon, 2 additional physical stress track; Everything is small- +2 might to lift or break, +1 athletics to cover distance; Big is scary- +2 intimidation; Easy to detect- Stealth mediocre, never gain more than one shift on Stealth rolls
Catch [+1] Holy items and expressions of true faith bypass Inhuman Toughness; [+0] Binding ritual
Refresh spent -10
Mental: OO
Physical: OOOOOO (OO) +1 additional mild consequence
Social: OO