Author Topic: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse  (Read 2743 times)

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Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« on: October 20, 2012, 10:55:21 PM »

I am new to the forums, but not new to The Dresden Files.  I have run a Dresden Files game for about a year, and I am thinking about starting another one, but one of my players brought up something about phoenix's and I was wondering if anyone had any information on them in this universe, because I have never seen or heard any mention of them. Thanks and I hope to hear from you guys soon.


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Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2012, 11:28:54 PM »
Thanks for that.  The player was hoping for something like being a half-phoenix, but I think being marked by one would be just fine, and plus he would really enjoy that.  Hope all is well, and I wonder if Mr. Butcher had any ideas for how phoenix's act and/or exist in this universe.

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Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 12:03:25 AM »
A player of mine created an Emissary of Power to the Phoenix, basically a familial line tasked with power in order to defend the egg (the point when the Phoenix is at its weakest.) He had some inhuman physical traits and then modular abilities and Human guise (when using his powers, his skin took on a golden or red shine and his eyes turned pure emerald green.) Modular abilities would grow as the character learned to use Phoenix fire. Wings of flame for flight, breath weapon or claws for attacks, etc etc. The egg itself was an item of power, granting bless this house and something else i believe, its been a while.

In this case, the character was a bastard born accidentally by his Father (the previous Guardian) and the Mantle passes to the next eldest in the family. The father unknowingly fathered a child and then when he had his true heir, said heir was trained rigorously and always told of their birthright. When the Guardian died and power didn't flow into them, but instead the PC, the gathered the resources of the original Guardian's substantial estate and with all of their vast training began to hunt for the "usurper" who has no idea.

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Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 02:47:29 AM »

That is a really cool twist on the idea. I like the thing of having a family line, and the PC not really knowing about it, in character at least.  I will talk to the guy, and see if he likes an idea similar to that.  I can think of a few ways to play that, some of them are more ridiculous then others, but all of them are good.  Thank you for the ideas, and I hope all goes well with your future gaming interests.


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Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2012, 08:31:06 PM »
I played a phoenix themed character once. Terrance Honda was a fairly nasty warlock who died in a fire, yet found himself waking up in the ashes alive again. He felt oddly compelled to make a new start on life as a good person, and found that his former magic had been replaced by a new form of bright fire magic.

Eventually, during the game (I had worked out with the DM that this would happen eventually), Honda discovers that he has been chosen as the Emissary of the Great Phoenix, a somewhat-benevolent fire spirit that wants to basically burn down the whole world so that it can be purified and reborn as something better.

Ignorant Emissary of the Great Phoenix (Eventually we crossed out the word "Ignorant" once the character figured out what was going on).
I Was a Teenage Warlock
I Died in a Fire
Who I Am Hates Who I Was
Burning Brighter
Whose Side am I on, Anyway?

Marked By Power
The Sight
Sponsored Magic: Phoenix Fire - The flames of the Great Phoenix are both destructive and purifying. For Evocation, treat as standard Fire magic. For thaumaturgy, exorcism, purification, and other fire-themed spells are appropriate, so long as they match the Great Phoenix's agenda to burn away all the evil in the world (and eventually, the whole world!). These thaumaturgy spells may be done at the speed of Evocation if so desired.

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Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2012, 05:20:01 AM »

That is sweet.  I like the breakdown of the powers.  I dont know if my player will go with the same aspects (obviously) but the concept is awesome.  It also fits perfectly into the power level of the game that I am going with.  Thank you so much for the break down.


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Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2012, 08:16:31 PM »
If your player is looking for an Item of Power from his sponsor, here's something that might come in handy.

Phoenix Feather
Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life.  It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destory by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.

Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Eternal Flame. It shall burn always, unquenchable.
[-0] The Flame Harms Not. The flame does not burn or harm beings and objects it touches
[-0] Brightly Burning. The flame brings light to dark places (Light Source as per Pixie entry on page 48 of Our World).
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze which grants one Supernatural Recovery
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death. (Limited Class Of People: +1; Specific Research Material: +1).
[-2] Wrathful Blast. By a focused act of will, the wielder can direct a blast of flame as one would from a wand that does potentially inflict damage (Reskinned Breath Weapon that uses Discipline for the skill to hit).
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 2 Refresh
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