Author Topic: Photomancy  (Read 3494 times)

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« on: May 29, 2013, 10:19:35 PM »
Building out a Photomancer and curious who else has toyed with this. Mostly I'm looking for spell suggestions. So far I've given him a blinding flash spell, a veil, and a spell that can increase and decrease illumination in an area. Haven't statted out the spells yet but I'm just trying to come up some more creative uses. Illusions and stuff are another obvious idea. I figure the veil, the blinding flash, and one other would be good for rote spells (He has 3 lore). Also apologies for the slight incoherency of my post... It's been a long day.

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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 10:55:16 PM »
For an attack, focus the light onto a point quickly and viciously. Boom. Burned out eyes, etc.

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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2013, 12:04:12 AM »
I'd think photomancy is basically spirit magic? 

Lights, veils, illusions, lasers, darkness(lack of light or voiding an area of light).

Maneuvers:  blinded, catches for beasties that don't like sunlight (GM approval), "well lit" on a scene, hypnotized, strobe (maybe making a declaration or assessment that someone is epiliptic or sensitive to this), Nauseated, shadowy(by dimming lights), "prepared" because you sent things through time?

Attacks: lasers, I don't know much science or what photons are capable of...

Blocks: Veils(perception); movement..? I don't know how it could block movement; Block attacks by making yourself shine super brightly so people can't look directly at you or make yourself blurry with illusions.

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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2013, 12:57:02 AM »
Yeah, attacking with light directly will pretty much be lasers. Though you can also do it indirectly. Blind someone so he trips up and falls just at the right time to really hurt himself. Or you can make things appear where they aren't, if you bend the light around a bit, similar to what happens to your perception of a spoon in a glass of water. (keyword "refraction")

You can do pretty much the same for every other action. Defending like that should be easy, you just make your opponent believe you are somewhere else by bending the light between yourself and him. Or slow the light that's reflected from your body down, so it takes a few seconds until someone sees you, so people always see where you were a few seconds ago, not where you are right now.

Like with the elements, you could also incorporate things like speed, since light is, you know, really fast.  :P
A block like Elaine's hyper awareness spell, that sort of grants you lightning fast reflexes.

If you want to go "electromagnetic radiation", instead of only visible light, you could have some fun with infrared to heat things up without anyone seeing anything. Or you could send out some sort of radar waves to orient yourself in darkness. Or even send out radio waves. To the other side of the spectrum, you have gamma radiation, where you can do all kinds of nasty stuff with.

How far do you want to take this? You could really stretch it by incorporating quantum effects with the whole probability thing (keyword "double slit experiment").
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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2013, 06:54:45 AM »
It can depend on how your character views elemental magic. I have a character where his view of magic is that it is an energy, just like electricity or heat. As such, evocations involving electricity, heat (heat, not fire) and light come very easily to him. But he has a lot of trouble with wind, earth or fire evocations. In his mind, fire is not energy, its a chemical reaction, so he finds it extremely difficult to use. Likewise, Harry has a sword cane which has been crafted to help with his Earth magic evocations. He's used this a few times for spells involving magnetism. For him magnetism is earth magic. But the same spell my character would consider simply another application of electromagnetic energy, just like a bolt of lightning.

So, its not out of the realm of possibilities for my character to learn to use magic to shoot microwaves at enemies. Which seems fairly gruesome in retrospect. But something like that would probably be beyond Harry.
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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 09:58:28 PM »
My photomancer character is an artist who views magic as a form of art. He uses Spirit evocations to create light effects such as blinding flashes and searing lasers. Here are the thaumaturgy spells in his Grimoire.

Illuminated Marks: Allows one to track or view the actions of another person by lighting up footprints, fingerprints and other types of marks.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy divination
Complexity: 4 (the equivalent of a “great” investigation)
Effect: Trails and prints light up as though the target had been covered in glow-in-the-dark goo and left some behind everywhere they went.
Variations: More power can be used to extend the duration.
Notes: Thomas prefers to do this ritual at either dawn or dusk (+2 shifts), using a full length mirror (+2 shifts), the angelic sigils for “Travel” and “Universe” would be written on the back of the mirror (+ 2 shifts) and a perfect circle drawn around it with a square inside for the four directions (+2 shifts), he would finally use a drop of his own blood to activate the ritual (+1 shift).

Sight Link: See through the eyes of a target.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy divination
Complexity: 12 (Base difficulty 4 + 4 to overcome conviction, + 4 to overcome thresholds)
Duration: 1 Scene
Effect: Caster can see whatever the target sees by closing his eyes, or can direct the vision into a reflective surface. Information gathered is visual only, to gain auditory information Thomas would need to do a straight divination and sacrifice his complexity bonus while casting. If the target is alert and happens to see their own reflection they may see Thomas reflected in their eyes concealing this residual image adds +3 to the complexity.
Variations: Can increase the duration through additional shifts of power. Extra power may also be necessary to combat wards. Thomas can modify this spell to provide auditory information and if he chooses to use this connection to speak to his target he may do so. He may also choose to observe the target from a fixed point rather than through their eyes.
Notes: Thomas casts this spell by drawing a perfect circle (+2 shifts) around a mirror (+2 shifts), the angelic sigil for “watching”  (+2 shifts) would then be drawn on the back of a canvass on which he would paint a lifelike portrait of the target (+2 shifts) with a bit of their hair or blood mixed into the paint (+2 shifts) which he would paint directly prior to casting for a few hours as a form of mediation to clear his mind and focus it on his target (+2 shifts).

Paint the Past: Allows an artist to look at a person, object, or scene and create a painting of it that reveals something that has happened to that person, or at that location in the recent past.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy divination
Complexity: 4 to paint an event that occurred within the past week (+1 for every time increment increase back).
Effect: The caster concentrates on a specific event they wish to gather information about and enters a trance-like state while painting a picture of the scene so that when the work is complete it reveals information about the event that occurred, though the information frequently comes in symbolic forms that must be translated.
Variations: Thomas can also use similar methodology to the paint the future, but the information gleaned from doing so is highly symbolic and represents only possible events.
Notes: Thomas takes time to clear his mind while painting, as one would through meditation (+2 shifts), and paints the target with careful accuracy in order to create a stronger link (+2 shifts). He uses a circle with the angelic sigil for the “Past” or “Future”, depending on the desired effect of his painting (+2 Shifts). Creating at the painting at the same time of day as the event he wishes to see helps create a stronger link as well (+2 shifts).

Mirror Image: Create a duplicate of something that mirrors the movements of the original in order to confuse onlookers.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy conjuration
Complexity: Depends on the object; for Thomas to duplicate himself the complexity is 11 (5 for a basic animate object, +2 for extra size, +4 to make the disguise a strength of Great).
Duration: Lasts until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.
Effect: As a photomancy conjuration the illusion is visual only, in order to make the object solid and add sound Thomas must forfeit his photomancy bonus.
Variations: Complexity is reduced for objects of smaller size and complexity, a small item like a coin with no moving parts is a 1, while a larger item like a sword, or one with a few moving parts is a 3.
Notes: Thomas casts this spell by drawing a perfect circle (+2 shifts) around a mirror (+2 shifts) reflecting either the actually thing he wishes to duplicate or a skillful painting of the target (+2 shifts), if possible he mixes a bit of a physical piece of the target into the paint (+2 shifts), the angelic sigil for “twin” (+2 shifts) would then be drawn onto the back of the painting, which he would paint directly prior to casting for a few hours as a form of medition to clear his mind and focus it on his target (+2 shifts).

Back in a Flash: The target becomes invisible by bending light around him, but when he chooses to reveal himself there is a flash and sparks fly through the air as light slams back into it’s proper space.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy veil
Complexity: 8 (6 for block strength, 2 so that veiled subject can still see).
Duration: Lasts until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first (or until the target crosses a magical barrier or chooses to reveal himself).
Effect: Light bends around the target so that people can see what is directly behind him and he becomes effectively invisible. As a photomancy veil the illusion is visual only, in order to block the other senses Thomas must forfeit his photomancy bonus.
Variations: Extra power can be added to alter the whole body, and to change the size and shape of the target.
Notes: Thomas casts this spell by drawing a perfect circle (+2 shifts) around a painting of the target as he wishes it to appear (+2 shifts), if possible he mixes a bit of a physical piece of the target into the paint (+2 shifts), the angelic sigil for “mask” (+2 shifts) would then be drawn onto the back of the painting, which he would paint directly prior to casting for a few hours as a form of meditation to clear his mind and focus it on his target (+2 shifts).

Glamour Masque: Change the appearance of a person to someone or something else entirely.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy conjuration
Complexity: 7 (3 for a simple face change, +4 to make the disguise a strength of Great).
Duration: Lasts until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.
Effect: As a photomancy conjuration the illusion is visual only, in order to add ectoplasm for solidity Thomas must forfeit his photomancy bonus.
Variations: Extra power can be added to alter the whole body, and to change the size and shape of the target.
Notes: Thomas casts this spell by drawing a perfect circle (+2 shifts) around a painting of the target as he wishes it to appear (+2 shifts), if possible he mixes a bit of a physical piece of the target into the paint (+2 shifts), the angelic sigil for “mask” (+2 shifts) would then be drawn onto the back of the painting, which he would paint directly prior to casting for a few hours as a form of meditation to clear his mind and focus it on his target (+2 shifts).

Chimerical Reality: Change the appearance of a room, building or landscape to something else entirely.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Photomancy conjuration
Complexity: 9 for a small room (3 for a basic mask, + 2 to affect an entire zone, +4 to make the disguise a strength of Great).
Duration: Lasts until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.
Effect: As a photomancy conjuration the illusion is visual only, in order to add ectoplasm for solidity Thomas must forfeit his photomancy bonus.
Variations: Extra power can be added for each additional zone affected.
Notes: Thomas casts this spell by drawing a perfect circle (+2 shifts) around a painting of the target as he wishes it to appear (+2 shifts), if possible he mixes a bit of a physical piece of the target into the paint (+2 shifts), the angelic sigil for “mask” (+2 shifts) would then be drawn onto the back of the painting, which he would paint directly prior to casting for a few hours as a form of meditation to clear his mind and focus it on his target (+2 shifts).

Dreamweaving: Create a dreamscape or story in a painting, which, if someone concentrates on they will experience the next time they sleep.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Psychomancy conjuration
Complexity: 9 for a single scene (3 for a basic mask, + 2 to affect an entire zone, +4 to make the disguise a strength, believability, of Great).
Effect: As a psychomancy conjuration the scene appears entirely in a person’s mind and once the proscribed scene is over there is no predicting where the mind will take the dream next.
Variations: Extra power can be added for additional scenes are plot points to appear in the dream.
Notes: Thomas casts this spell by drawing a perfect circle (+2 shifts) around a painting of the scene he wishes to appear in the dream (+2 shifts), if possible he mixes a bit of a physical piece of the target into the paint (+2 shifts), the angelic sigil for “dream” (+2 shifts) would then be drawn onto the back of the painting, which he would paint directly prior to casting for a few hours as a form of meditation to clear his mind and focus it on his target (+2 shifts).

Offline Mayhawk

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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2013, 10:00:54 PM »
And here are my photomancer's evocations (he uses Greek rather than Latin for evocations, just to be different):

Anaitho - Blade of Light (Rote): Hit an enemy with burning beam of focused light.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, attack
Power: 5 shifts (Uses sword to help summon and control)
Control: Roll discipline, plus specialization and focus item, to control and as attack.
Target: One target in line of sight, inflicting physical stress
Duration: One action
Opposed by: Target’s athletics, magical blocks, or other appropriate skill
Variations: Change the number of shifts for a more powerful attack and/or divide the shifts between multiple targets.

Antanaklasis - Shield of Light (Rote): Makes it difficult to hit a target by bending and distorting the light around him.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, defensive block
Power: 4 shifts
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Target begins to warp and flicker like a strobe light combined with a fun-house mirror drastically increasing the difficulty to hit it. Can extend the duration by summoning and controlling one additional shift of power for each additional exchange.
Variations: Thomas can choose to use this as a Armor: 2 rather than a 4 shift block. He may also call up additional shifts of power to extend the duration or strength of the block.

Antiphlego - Flashy-dashy Lights (Rote): A flash of light and pyrotechnic sparks bursts in the air and distracts onlookers.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, evasive maneuver
Power: 4 shifts (3 for effect, 1 for entire room)
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: A moment
Effect: Places the temporary aspect “Distracted” on everyone in the room, allowing Thomas to make a quick getaway without notice.
Opposed by: Alertness
Variations: Thomas sometimes summons extra shifts of power to extend the duration of the effect. He also uses this in conjunction with his Out With a Bang spell.

Asterope - Out with a Bang: A flash of light and pyrotechnic sparks bursts in the air as the target disappears.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, evasive block
Power: 4 shifts (3 for effect, 1 for duration)
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: A moment
Effect: Blocks the ability of others to see the target by bending light around and away from him, deepening shadows around him and making him fully transparent.
Opposed by: Alertness
Variations: Thomas may use extra shift to extend the duration or strength of the block. Can extend the duration by summoning and controlling one additional shift of power for each additional exchange.

Antaugazo - Luminescence: Make an object glow to light up an area.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, revealing maneuver
Power: 4 shifts (3 for effect, 1 for duration)
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: One scene
Effect: Places the temporary aspect “Luminescent” on the target so it glows with a flickering eathereal light, as though illuminated by some kind of spirit flame enough to light up a dark room like the average flashlight and reveal anything or anyone hidden there.
Opposed by: Stealth
Variations: Thomas can also make an orb of pure spirit light that looks like whit flame hover in his hand if he doesn’t have an object he wants to make luminescent, but usually he uses his sword for this if it’s on hand.

Antiphotizomai - Blinded by the Light: Temporarily stun or blind target with a bright flash of light.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, offensive maneuver
Power: 4 shifts
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Target is hit by a sudden blast of light placing the aspect “temporarily blinded” on them and making it nearly impossible for them to succeed at any action requiring sight.
Opposed by: Athletics or other appropriate skill
Variations: Thomas can choose to call up additional shifts of power to extend the duration or strength of the block, or number of people affected.

Apaugasma - Razzle-Dazzle: Target is dazed by a pyrotechnic light show of sparks and shimmering, dancing lights.
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, offensive block
Power: 4 shifts
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Dazzling lights dance before the target’s eyes blocking them from taking any action until they can summon the will to look away.
Opposed by: Discipline or other appropriate skill.
Variations: Thomas can choose to call up additional shifts of power to extend the duration or strength of the block, or number of people affected.

Apaugasmos - Aura of the Otherworld: Target is bathed in dazzling light, giving them an eerie and intimidating demeanor
Type: Spirit (Light) evocation, intimidating maneuver
Power: 4 shifts (3 for effect + 1 for extended duration)
Control: Role discipline plus specialization and focus item.
Duration: One scene
Effect: Target is given the temporary aspect (Otherworldly Aura), making them more intimidating, or in some cases, entrancing.
Opposed by: Discipline or other appropriate skill
Variations: Thomas can choose to call up additional shifts of power to extend the duration or number of people affected.

Anastrapto - Hand of Light: This spell extends a visible hand of force out to grab and move small to medium-sized objects short distances.
Type: Spirit (Force) evocation, moving maneuver
Power: 4 shifts (3 for effect, 1 for extra lifting power beyond what he could normally lift with his own hand)
Control: Roll Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items
Duration: A moment.
Effect: The target is lifted through the air in any direction Thomas wishes. It may be moved as quickly as if he were actually carrying it.
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics
Variations: Extra shifts would allow the movement of larger objects over greater distances (extended duration).

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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2013, 10:59:04 PM »

What about drawing on Light's metaphysical side to dispel veils and glamers and such?

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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 01:17:00 PM »
What about drawing on Light's metaphysical side to dispel veils and glamers and such?
You probably have to spin that as related to Sunlight specifically, which is more about New Beginnings and whatnot that the light itself. However that opens up a lot of potentially powerful possibilities since Sunlight is a Catch for so many things, so Id double check it with the GM.

Photographs can be used for Thaumaturgical links to people, and if your character specializes in them it might make them a more powerful connection that for the average person, which would be used for all kinds of interesting things, depending on how much you like the target. 

As a relatively powerful spell you might be able to trap their mind/spirit in a photograph, branching off the old belief that photos would steal a piece of your Soul.  Or as a lesser version it might simply immobilize the target for a short duration.

Mayhawk those are some pretty kickass spells.
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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2013, 02:53:07 PM »
I don't think Dawn's 'new beginnings' association needs come into play at all.
Quite simply, light reveals truth.  To 'cast light upon' a situation is to reveal the truth of it.  It stands to reason that photomancy could then have a particular prediliction for dispelling glamours, veils, and other means of hiding or disguising the truth from sight.
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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2013, 02:55:00 PM »
To 'cast light upon' a situation is to reveal the truth of it.
And thus, the proverbomancer was born ;)
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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2013, 03:07:04 PM »
I don't think Dawn's 'new beginnings' association needs come into play at all.
Quite simply, light reveals truth.  To 'cast light upon' a situation is to reveal the truth of it.  It stands to reason that photomancy could then have a particular prediliction for dispelling glamours, veils, and other means of hiding or disguising the truth from sight.
Ah, gotcha.  I thought it was a reference to the way sunrises wash away spells. 
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Re: Photomancy
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2013, 04:02:02 PM »
I don't think Dawn's 'new beginnings' association needs come into play at all.
Quite simply, light reveals truth.  To 'cast light upon' a situation is to reveal the truth of it.  It stands to reason that photomancy could then have a particular prediliction for dispelling glamours, veils, and other means of hiding or disguising the truth from sight.

Exactly. The same way Harry can use fire to destroy black magic because fire cleanses and consumes, light reveals and can dispel glamery