Author Topic: Help please, new to game  (Read 6806 times)

Offline Mrmdubois

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2012, 08:38:00 PM »
Yeah, I suggested it be Invokeable temporary aspects earlier in this thread then you could have it last as long as you want/need, but eh.

Offline Catryn008

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2012, 01:04:47 AM »
Mrmdubois, could you explain the temporary aspect thing to me? How do they work? How do you apply them? How do they go away?

Its like Lavecki said, it is weird that the mild is for one scene. That's a good point. I was viewing this more as the stages the victim goes through before being gone forever. I didn't envision this to be a combat power. And yes, there are multiple NPCs who are walking around with the consequences on them. (The Yehasuri are attacking people in a subdivision, starting with the kids first. That's one of my hooks. The PCs are friends with a family who suddenly stopped talking about their kids and are saying all the photos of children they have are their nephew and nieces. Another PC was scoping out the subdivision and found a child without a shadow.)

And I hadn't thought about the catch actually healing the damage to the victim... that's a nice twist. I was just thinking all of the fae had to have that weakness. (Too many years playing D&D, I think that's hindering my understanding of Fate.)

I'll make the adjustments to Lore and other items you guys pointed out. 

Thank you so much!!!

Offline JDK002

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2012, 03:18:03 PM »
Temporary aspects are for situations when placing an aspect similar to a consequence makes sense, but no actual stress was taken.  For example: you character burns down a building fighting a black court vamp.  A witness sees you fleeing the scene and gives you description to the police.  So the GM decides to give you the temp aspect of "The Police Want Me for Questioning".

This aspect is treated as if it's on you character sheet until it makes sense to get rid of the aspect, usually through things happening in the game.  Temp aspects can also be used as a positive, they don't always have to be a bad thing.

One of my characters has had the aspect "Infected by Shadow" for the last 4 sessions because she was tainted by Shadow People.  It won't go away until she starts trying to get rid of it.

Offline Lavecki121

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2012, 03:45:55 PM »
Also you could have it affect NPC's around the PC's, to the point where they dont exist. Could be a plot hook for the PC's too if the owner of the bar they frequent starts to dissapear

Offline Catryn008

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2012, 03:55:11 PM »
So for temporary aspects there isn't really a game mechanic for it?  Should I just convert it to a Yehasuri specific-power (is that something I can do?)? If I ever applied it to the PCs I'd need a way they could defend against it, but for NPCs, its a plot mechanic.

And Lavecki, its already affecting them. :) Two PCs have a friend who has forgotten her kids and their investigating it. When they pulled up the friend's facebook page, I had them roll (mind at home... at work.... can't remember exactly) to see if they recognized the kids. One did and one didn't. It was funny telling one of the PCs that he knows they have kids, but those kids in the photos aren't theirs. THAT led to some interesting in-group banter.

Depending on what they do tomorrow (meaning they discover the Yehasuri and find the "cure" and get it implemented), I might have it start to affect them. The professional thief will probably be the most likely target. He's the one who is currently out snooping around.

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2012, 04:23:24 PM »
Yea temporary aspects have very vague rules. They last multiple "rounds" but a round could be seconds, minits, days, weeks, months...ect. Its until the aspect should go away, narativly speaking.

For instance the building that has the aspect "Faulty Wiring" that is a temp aspect. it would stay there until the wiring is fixed. Stuff like that.

Offline Mrmdubois

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2012, 07:19:57 PM »
Yea temporary aspects have very vague rules. They last multiple "rounds" but a round could be seconds, minits, days, weeks, months...ect. Its until the aspect should go away, narativly speaking.

For instance the building that has the aspect "Faulty Wiring" that is a temp aspect. it would stay there until the wiring is fixed. Stuff like that.

Right. And adding on to that because it's an Aspect then Fate points can be spent to Invoke it for effect or +2 on a roll.  It's also good to keep in mind that your players may think of a way to make the temporary Aspects, slapped on them by the Yasahuri, work for them.  Like, if no one remembers who they are them they're not a suspect when they knock over a gas station, when your players get creative it's awesome and the same rules apply, they can spend FP to Invoke for effect or the roll bonus.

Offline Catryn008

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2012, 01:07:21 AM »
So how would you guys revise them to account for this power?

Offline Catryn008

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2012, 03:10:37 AM »
What if I did either a shift chart?
+1 lose fingerprints
+2 lose footprints

Or it stacks modified by shifts? (Must apply in order.)
Success-lose fingerprints
Success +2 shift-lose fingerprints and lose footprints
Success +4 shift-lose fingerprints, lose footprints and lose shadow

Then if I play verse a character they can block with Discipline.

Offline Mrmdubois

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2012, 04:21:11 AM »
Basically you don't need to stat it.  When a Yasahuri uses his power to steal a trace of someone the target has a defense that needs to be beaten, usually Discipline plus probably the mental stress track.  Since I believe you set it up as a Ritual or Thaumaturgy power then the Yasahuri just needs to set up a number of shifts to beat the defense of his target and place an Aspect via Declaration or maneuver.  The process will be the same for every Aspect you want to place no matter how high you pile them.  Except!  It will actually get easier because when the Aspect is first placed it can be tagged for free for a +2 to placing another such Aspect.  So, you took the target's shadow, tag that for +2 on the next ritual to place No Fingerprints.  Then you can tag No Finger Prints, and pay a FP to invoke No Shadow to place No Identity or whatever the next worst thing could be.  Someone who has most of his traces stolen will have a lot of Aspects piled up on him if he hasn't gotten them removed.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2012, 04:55:03 AM »
...could you explain the temporary aspect thing to me? How do they work? How do you apply them? How do they go away?
Mechanically, temporary aspects are created by maneuvers or declarations - a skill roll.  As with most skill rolls, the actual roll is generally skipped unless the outcome is in doubt and both success and failure are 'interesting'.  Just as you don't roll every time you're driving down the street you shouldn't have to roll to see Ronald McDonald sprinting away from an explosion.  Some things are simply obvious.  ;)

Once applied, the aspect is either 'fragile' and lasts one exchange before disappearing or, with a better roll and appropriate situation, persistent enough to last until the situation changes and obviates it.  Generally these last a single scene but some may last longer - it's all context dependent.  However long they last, the creator gets only one free use.  Subsequent uses must be paid for with fate points.  This isn't because they're gone, it's simply encouraging the narrative to move on rather than repeating the same action over an over.  In many ways temporary aspects are how FATE discourages "I hit it!  I hit it again.  Another time.  And again."  The cost of reusing an aspect vs. using one for the first time provide a mechanical feedback loop encouraging players to move on to the next concept. 

What if I did either a shift chart?
+1 lose fingerprints
+2 lose footprints
I'd write the power as a persistent block.  Something along the lines of:
Trackless [-2]  You leave little of yourself behind; even those small signs which are left behind fade very quickly.
Skills Affected:  Stealth
 Ephemeral Tracks.  Signs and tracks left by you begin disappearing after an hour and decay over time.  Any tracker must overcome a block equal to the number of time increments (see Time Increment table) between "an hour" and however much longer it's taken them to start looking in order to see anything.
 Dissolving Essence.  With concentration you can leave fewer signs and force those you do leave to decay faster.  A Stealth roll will shorten the starting time increment one step per two shifts. 
This allows chases (at some point you want the PCs to catch the bad guys) while making any delay an obstruction to be overcome. 
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Offline Mrmdubois

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2012, 08:05:06 AM »
Mechanically, temporary aspects are created by maneuvers or declarations - a skill roll.  As with most skill rolls, the actual roll is generally skipped unless the outcome is in doubt and both success and failure are 'interesting'.  Just as you don't roll every time you're driving down the street you shouldn't have to roll to see Ronald McDonald sprinting away from an explosion.  Some things are simply obvious.  ;)

Once applied, the aspect is either 'fragile' and lasts one exchange before disappearing or, with a better roll and appropriate situation, persistent enough to last until the situation changes and obviates it.  Generally these last a single scene but some may last longer - it's all context dependent.  However long they last, the creator gets only one free use.  Subsequent uses must be paid for with fate points.  This isn't because they're gone, it's simply encouraging the narrative to move on rather than repeating the same action over an over.  In many ways temporary aspects are how FATE discourages "I hit it!  I hit it again.  Another time.  And again."  The cost of reusing an aspect vs. using one for the first time provide a mechanical feedback loop encouraging players to move on to the next concept. 
I'd write the power as a persistent block.  Something along the lines of:
Trackless [-2]  You leave little of yourself behind; even those small signs which are left behind fade very quickly.
Skills Affected:  Stealth
 Ephemeral Tracks.  Signs and tracks left by you begin disappearing after an hour and decay over time.  Any tracker must overcome a block equal to the number of time increments (see Time Increment table) between "an hour" and however much longer it's taken them to start looking in order to see anything.
 Dissolving Essence.  With concentration you can leave fewer signs and force those you do leave to decay faster.  A Stealth roll will shorten the starting time increment one step per two shifts. 
This allows chases (at some point you want the PCs to catch the bad guys) while making any delay an obstruction to be overcome.

Interesting power, the point though is to take the traces of other people's existence and make those disappear, not to do it to yourself.

Also as you know your spot on about the Aspects thing.  Although in this case I think it makes sense for a theft of a person's traces to keep building on itself.  Presumably the Yasahuri have no positive Refresh, so it would be interesting to see them being compelled constantly to have the FP to use their power.

And now I have a thought for a Ritual:  Theft character.  Thanks!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 08:10:05 AM by Mrmdubois »

Offline Catryn008

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2012, 02:20:42 PM »
Ok, here's the revised Chieftain:

Big Little Man
High Aspect: Faerie trickster/Yehasuri Chieftain
Aspect: Quick to anger, slow to forget
Aspect: In-charge around here

Alertness (+3) Inhuman speed (+4) = 8

+5: Stealth (under darkness +2)
+4: Lore, Presence, Discipline,
+3: Conviction, Athletics: +3 (+1 to all) (+2 to dodge), Alertness (+2 perception)
+2: Deceit, Burglary, Rapport
 +1: Weapons (knife-weapon: 1)



Diminutive Size [-1]--Hard to detect--+4 to Stealth attempts to remain hidden; Small is big--+2 to any perception (Alertness, Investigation); Wee--Endurance no greater than mediocre for health stress capacity, use of Might skill -2 to -4, inflict only 1 point of physical stress per attack (can be improved with weapons), +1 Athletics to dodge

The catch [+0]--Cold iron and [+/-0] ritual of offering-negates all Taking spell aspects except for Taken Out.

Inhuman speed [-2]--+4 Alertness for initiative, +1 to all Athletics checks, move to another zone without the -1 penalty, difficulty factors due to moving are reduced by two when rolling Stealth
Glamours [-2]--minor veils & seemings
Thaumaturgy [-3]--Taking spell: Lore vs Discipline

Temporary aspects: (+2 mild) Losing yourself--retina identification, fingerprints gone, hair shows up as generic human

(+4 moderate) No shadow--no longer casts a shadow, doesn't leave footprints

(+6 severe) Forgotten--Doesn't remember self, others forget as well

(+8 extreme) Lost--target pulled into the Nevernever, after 6 months, memories of human world too weak to pull target out of the Nevernever.

Channeling [-2]--Spirit (trappings of darkness)

Cloak of shadows [-1]--See in the dark--no penalty for darkness; Melt into the shadows--under cover of darkness +2 bonus to stealth

Refresh spent -11

Focus items
Deer bone wand (+1 thaumaturgy; transformative, +1 conviction; casting control)
Panthers hat pin (+1 offensive; spirit, +1 control; spirit)--pinned to a John Deere baseball cap that has had feathers attached to it. (plot device/hint to identity of rogue caster)

Mental: OOOO
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Offline Catryn008

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2012, 02:23:32 PM »
The minions:

High Aspect: Faerie trickster
Aspect: Quick to anger, slow to forget

Alertness (+4) Inhuman speed (+4) = 8

Stealth: +4 (under darkness +2)
Deceit: +4
Burglary: +3
Athletics: +3 (+1 to all) (+2 to dodge)
Presence: +3
Rapport +2
Discipline: +2
Weapons +2 (knife weapon:1)



Diminutive Size [-1]--Hard to detect--+4 to Stealth attempts to remain hidden; Small is big--+2 to any perception (Alertness, Investigation); Wee--Endurance no greater than mediocre for health stress capacity, use of Might skill -2 to -4, inflict only 1 point of physical stress per attack (can be improved with weapons), +1 Athletics to dodge

The catch [+0]--Cold iron and [+/-0] ritual of offering

Inhuman speed [-2]--+4 Alertness for initiative, +1 to all Athletics checks, move to another zone without the -1 penalty, difficulty factors due to moving are reduced by two when rolling Stealth
Glamours [-2]--minor veils & seemings

Cloak of shadows [-1]--See in the dark--no penalty for darkness; Melt into the shadows--under cover of darkness +2 bonus to stealth

Refresh spent -6

Mental: OOOO
Physical: OO
Social: OOO

Offline Haru

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Re: Help please, new to game
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2012, 02:28:04 PM »
Once applied, the aspect is either 'fragile' and lasts one exchange before disappearing
That is not correct. A fragile aspect lasts until its tag is used, so it can not be invoked any further using fate points. A fragile aspect is created, when the defender and the attacker draw even on their rolls (If there is no defender, then the aspect is fragile, when the roll is equal to the difficulty).

For a power to make someone lose oneself, might I suggest using incite emotion?

- Emotion Touch
This would give you the power to use deceit at +2 to do appropriate maneuvers on your opponent. It also gives you the ability to use deceit to block your opponents actions ("Wait, what was I supposed to do?").

- Lasting Emotion
This will let you attack your opponent using deceit. It is basically the same as the above, only that consequences brought on by this power can stick around much longer. A maneuver could be removed by simply getting home and being around your family again. A consequence? That'll need a psychiatrist and a lot of time at least.

- Potent Emotion
This adds another layer of nasty, making your deceit attacks weapon:4, almost making sure that you inflict a consequence on a hit.

Keep in mind that you can also do pretty nasty stuff as a taken out result. If the defender does not want to take a consequence, he'll be taken out and you can dictate what happens next, including everything on your list of aspects.
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