Author Topic: Performance skill ideas?  (Read 2745 times)

Offline fantazero

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Performance skill ideas?
« on: October 04, 2012, 11:23:05 PM »
We're playing in a San Fran Dresden Game set in 1848
I'm playing a Brothel Owner Mrs. Virginia Lily.
My Highest skill is Performance at +4.

I took one Performance stunt related to using performance instead of deceit when it comes to defending myself from lies.

So I have 8 Fatepoints every game!


need some Performance "Attacks" or "Cheats" I can use during the game

Offline Lamech

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Re: Performance skill ideas?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 01:09:20 AM »
Well first I would try to get the current stunt replaced with a better one. Or at least a bit broader than just lies...

Besides taking more stunts, some things you can do:
1) Have if modify favorably existing skills. You could insult someone in the form of a song, or have it help in a social conflict via letter.
2) Create aspects! This is either done via performance or creating artwork. You could make a Lovely Painting the sale of which (a.k.a. tagging) helps with resources roles, or Sketch of the Target for helping with thaumaturgy. Or you could sing for the party making everyone Confident and Determined. Basically you act like a DnD bard. You sing and people get better at stuff.

Stunts can do cool things though!
1)From the existing ones, poet is good for modifying anything you need to right. Similar custom stunts would help whatever your favored mode of performance too.
2) Pointed performance is good too. You can direct aspects at certain people! PC one is doing it right. and PC two is out leader and similar.
3) Consider a stunt like "Irresistible Performance" that lets you sing and dance and perform as an in combat maneuvers on people. Then you can even be more like a bard!

Offline Taran

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Re: Performance skill ideas?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 01:03:35 PM »
What kind of Performer is your character?  A dancer, poet, singer, painter, public speaker?

Perform to dodge if you dance.
Writing letters to convince people (like rapport).
Distracting Enemies to give your allies a better chance to hit
Brothel about contortionist-type ability to escape bonds...

I think a lot of ideas might require stunts or the use of a FP upon execution since they're using the trappings of other skills...but, I guess, that's why you have 8FP's to burn.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Performance skill ideas?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 04:01:56 PM »
need some Performance "Attacks" or "Cheats" I can use during the game
With eight fate points using aspects is going to be your strong point.  I'd work on a list of potential maneuvers and declarations which fit your character.  Performance should work for applying aspects related to distracting or confusing but also take a look at your other skills.  Internally directed skills such as Conviction or Discipline are great for navel gazing maneuvers and declarations, active skills may do the same or extend aspects to the scene and opponents.

You'll end up getting the free tag and having enough fate points to use other aspects at the same time...potentially even dropping a bunch at once for an 'alpha strike' - though that would probably leave you few fate points for later.
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Offline Llayne

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Re: Performance skill ideas?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 06:34:18 PM »
I've been tossing around the idea of an Actor, and looking at how to use Performance as well. The Trapping "Creative Communication" says performance can modify other skills.

In their Public Speaking example, it can modify Rapport, Intimidation, Presence and Deceit as long as the communication has a 'creative component.' What if the communication itself was the creative component, if he was acting tough to enhance an Intimidation roll, or portraying honesty to boost his Deceit skill?

I was just wondering if that fell within the bounds of the existing trapping, or if it would require some sort of "All the World is a Stage" stunt. Or if even that stunt would be too powerful.

Offline Lamech

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Re: Performance skill ideas?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 06:53:17 PM »

need some Performance "Attacks" or "Cheats" I can use during the game
Oh for attacks you'll need a stunt of some sort. Example:
Stage Combat: You've played around with a few weapons on the stage. In fact, to get better at making fights look real you actually learned how to use a few. You may pick two melee weapons and use perform to attack with them.

But that is one of the things stunts do, give skills new trappings.

Offline JDK002

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Re: Performance skill ideas?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 07:01:20 PM »
I've been tossing around the idea of an Actor, and looking at how to use Performance as well. The Trapping "Creative Communication" says performance can modify other skills.

In their Public Speaking example, it can modify Rapport, Intimidation, Presence and Deceit as long as the communication has a 'creative component.' What if the communication itself was the creative component, if he was acting tough to enhance an Intimidation roll, or portraying honesty to boost his Deceit skill?

I was just wondering if that fell within the bounds of the existing trapping, or if it would require some sort of "All the World is a Stage" stunt. Or if even that stunt would be too powerful.
For an "All the world is a stage" kind of stunt, it could be something like "may always use Performance as a positive modifier for social attacks when you have the attention of 3 or more NPC's".  It's stratching the RAW for stunts slightly I think, but the "crowd" stipulation would keep it from being broadly overpowered I think.