Well, after two trips to KC from Wichita, to see Unity Temple and other Jim Butcher fans, but no Jim Butcher, I'm pretty certain I can't make a third.
Several reasons for that, including some mentioned above. Foremost, it's especially difficult for retail employees to get time off from work during the holiday rush. Next, Country Club Plaza is bad enough to reach during a typical rush hour, but during the holiday season, only the diabolical would suggest it. And though RDB's staff was there to advise us on the 29th that the signing wasn't happening, they DID say the 11th would happen, and there was nothing on the website today to indicate otherwise.
At least a dozen other people likewise didn't get the message.
I don't blame Jim Butcher for any of it. Getting well is all I ask of him.
If there's a chance he'll ever make a trip to Wichita or OKC, perhaps I'll get my chance for an autograph.
But, as long as Rainy Day Books is involved, there's not a snowball's chance in July Texas heat that I will.