Would it really be game breaking to allow a caster to set up a thaumaturgic ritual in order to recharge an enchanted item?
I realize that it's not exactly canon by the series or the rule books, but if it was a feature built into the item I'm not really sure why it couldn't be done. Probably safer if it -is- a feature since I imagine that would increase the cost of the item to create, perhaps taking up another item slot. But with the possible setbacks of failing a ritual, and the time consumed by performing a ritual that might balance things out just fine.
What do you guys think?
Mostly I see this not really being an issue anyway, except for perhaps something like a generator, set it, let it start to burn through shifts of duration as it works and when it gets low or runs out then run a refueling ritual. The practicality of it is mostly for creating a possibly cheaper way of achieving longer duration effects. Could make that whole wizard problem with technology somewhat easier to bear though if they could create magical analogues, which I think they should.