Yet another issue to wrestle with, courtesy of the book that comes next after the one I am currently working on.
This series is from a single first-person POV. The plot opens with an Event, which my protagonist gets called in to have a look at, and that covers the first two chapters. Three different sets of consequence then ensue (apparent effects of the Event on local aliens and humans finding out about that, apparent effects of the Event on local humans, and political responses among the local government). About a third of the way into the book the political stuff takes precedence and I am pretty clear on pacing with the other stuff from there to the end, as my protagonist's ability to do anything about the other two issues becomes pretty tightly constrained by a worsening environment on the streets. What's making me a bit grumpy is that for chapters 3-10 or so, I have a couple of chapters worth of each of three different threads of consequence, and not yet any clear idea what order they go in. as a whole thing. I'm happy with my logic for fitting the end of the book together, but I would rather have a natural flow in the first ten chapters; on the one hand, I don't want the failure mode of yanking my protag from the middle of one investigation into another too much (though she has annoying superiors who will do that a couple of times); the way Death Masks does that with Harry going back and forth between the Denarians/Shroud plot and the Red Court plot would be an example that does not quite work for me. On the other hand, I don't want to spend so much continuous time on any one thread that the other threads fade into the background and seem not to be so important. (it would in some ways be easier if I had more than one viewpoint, but as I have one viewpoint through all the story up until then, and plans for one viewpoint for all the story subsequent, I'm not on for throwing in a couple of disposable viewpoints as a cheap solution here.)
I suspect the answer to this is going to be to just keep going over it until other connections come to mind that give me small-scale plot logic, but right now it is irritating the heck out of me.