Author Topic: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]  (Read 47890 times)

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2012, 09:11:58 PM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

I feel this is going to be a Fairy based book, Harry is pretty smart. There will be no main sidekick, Harry will mistrust everyone. Mab will play the most significant contribution to the plot, we will probably see a great of interaction between them.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 


b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

I actually hope he doesn't snark, and just smiles then walks back through to the Never Never after helping his friends out discretely.

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

Rodriguez, he will be there and likely make a pop culture reference on Harrys behalf

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Eb, he just got his grand kid back from the presumed dead.

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

Hes going to rely on knowledge. Before, he traded for personal gain, now he trades for Winters gain, there is no or not as much cost to the knowledge. He will actually find out useful information before finding himself in quicksand without a rope.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

I havent really thought about this, so much so the blurb kind of caught me off guard. I think it will be a demon of significant influence. Perhaps not one of significant power but their death will be a strategic blow to demonkind.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

To kill with Magic. As I understand it, as an agent of Winter he is now longer bound by the Laws of Magic.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Limited, I think this may get brushed over for this book considering everything else that goes on. I think the Fix/Harry relationship will devolve to counterparts as it should be. Neither one knowing what the others real agenda might be. Previously, Harry was essentially a neutral party to Fix and Lily, no longer.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

I would not be surprised if we did not learn of all the major players through Mab. The knowledge will be offered the low price of killing this ''one immortal''.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

Dont follow any

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

I hope there will be a scene involving a public gathering of the White Council where Harry personally confronts the Merlin, hopefully by shooting him with a gun. He may use an empty chamber, just to illustrate a point regarding any thoughts the Merlin might be having regarding Mollys fate.

The event if it does happen will be an attempt to make it appear as though Harry has severed all ties with the Council in favour of Winter. Probably under advice from Mab in order to allow for Black Council members within the Council to make a mistake believing Harry is no longer an issue.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2012, 11:26:12 AM »
First post here on forum... Hi everyone!  ;)

1/ Cait Sith, Leah, Bob and Molly
2/ in Chicago you say - so ...
a - Bob (if ghost counts), if you ask only about people, then Butters
b - Princess Bride "Mostly Dead" like or LOTR Gandalf like quote
c - Thomas
d - Molly

3/ I'll go for the rifle as shown on book cover

4/ a new black council character which do not directly appear (but maybe was mentioned) in previous books

5/ Harry will fight internally about how much "winter power" he can absorb/get, how much he like to be involved in feerie court matters. A big choice will be if he like to stay a Winter Knight (and be loyal to Mab, with all new power and all new good things this can bring him) or he decide to go on his own path with unknown consequences to him a and to those he loves.

6/ Harry and Fix will be opponents (at least in this book). They both will try to play fair, but it would not be easy.  Fix will survive, but their relationship will be far from friendly (at least for some time).

7/ We learn more about attack at Artics Tor, and why Mab is near to mad in last books.

8/ first, the idea that Leah is plotting against the Mab, and trying to be a new Winter Queen, and that he will try to involve Harry into this - promising him release from winter knighthood if he help her
and second, Black Council will try to recruit/blackmail someone from Harry close friends for copperation, for spying on Harry and Grey Council.

9/ We learn more about Harry's powers with regards to outsiders. At least one more member of Black Council (beside Cowl) will be revealed. At least one more member of Grey Council (beside Odin) will be revealed. A new sword wielder (Fidellachius) will be revealed. And  I do not think that we will see Lash in this book.


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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2012, 11:44:49 AM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Main: Cait Sith and he will be no help at all. Side: Lash & Molly.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 
a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 

Murphy after soulgazing she will deck him. Then Molly will curse at him. Then Mouse will flatten him. Lastly Charity will punch him. Lash will comment on his choice of women. I officially coin the term punchhug.

Murphy is first since she is the easiest to find and Thomas comes once Murphy calls him.

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

Mab will open a portal for him, it will lead to his grave ..which has been filled with earth.

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

Molly, she will be frickin angry and go full nightmare porn on the presumed Harry illusion.
Harry - Hey Mac
Mac - grunts & gets Harry a free beer

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Mouse, Harry will need a towel.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

His primary powerup will be using his future-sight to sense bullets, he will be pretty hard to assassinate.
Fire&Ice grenades, a miniature sun surrounded by an equally cold ice shell, upon impact interesting things happen.
Harry will tell Caith Sith to do stuff. Sith will do it badly. After a while Harry gets foxy enough to outfox the malk ..sometimes.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

Thorned Namshiel. He will use the coin as soulfire battery.
Lasciels revenge will be a secondary plotline.
Several Formor clashes but no definite victory.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

Doing what Mab says no matter the cost.
Or between doing what Mab says and what she wants.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Fix will be very far away. Harry will wave at him. They might talk a bit by shouting over the distance.
Or they will fight by very artfully missing each other, hard on the terrain though.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

How Mab was wounded. Who was on the attack on Arctis Tor. A Cowl - Formor connection.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.
Cowl is Justin.
Kemmler is alive.
Mab repaired little Chicago.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.
Mab is/was pregnant.
The white god is the sun.
Molly makes full Council in this book.
Harry visits Susans grave.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 04:48:57 PM by dpara »
SH[Mavra---- Molly- Lash+ Elaine+ Murphy++]

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2012, 02:55:33 PM »
Hey – thanks for this tread! Here are my predictions.

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book. Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help? Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Main sidekick – Eb, Harry has to kill an immortal and Eb is the heaviest hitter Harry is close to. Cat Sith will act much like Bob did in early books being a source of information.

As Changes, GS and CD are an internal trilogy, Harry will have to interact with those he hurt the most. Karen, Molly and Thomas in order to close up the in trilogy story lines.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? - Bob, because he is too connected, he knows first.

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"? – Several movie references like suggested by others

c. Who will have the coolest reaction? – If we see him in this book, Marcone might have a good line or two kind of like “… of course Harry is back, it would be too good to be true if he stayed dead”

d. Who will have the most touching reaction? – Thomas. Changes and GS were too horrible for Molly for her to have a gushy touching reaction the first time she sees Harry. Karen was going down a hard path in GS, see more about her in the special credit section below.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom. Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

As winter knight, he will have the ability to quickly find ways that lead to areas controlled by winter making for handy escapes.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about. In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific. Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

Mab will send Harry after HHWB or perhaps some other lower level walker/outsider to test his outsider bane powers which I believe is the main reason Mab has wanted Harry as winter knight.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book. A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different. What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

His most critical choice will be three – how he interacts with Karen, Molly and Thomas. All three he loves in different ways, all three have been important comrades and foxhole buddies, and to lose any one of them because of his prior choice to kill himself would tear a big hole in Harry’s soul.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix. What will their interactions be? Will Fix survive?

Mab knows the BAT is coming; any summer/winter conflict beyond what is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance is a waste of time. Still it is possible Fix will be sent after Harry. If there is a fight, Harry will be hard pressed to defend himself as Fix is more experienced at the knighthood thing. Harry will try to not kill Fix and try to subdue him instead. It will take some wizard like trick/power to enable Harry to survive.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council"). What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

Harry will find out that there is not one collective set of bad guys responsible for all the weirdness in the last thirteen books. We will learn the most about Cowl and who he works for/with. We might learn if Cowl’s group is using outsiders as a tool to control/change the world, or if they want to destroy the world.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards. Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

We will learn that Cowl is Simon.

We will learn that there has been time travel in prior books, but Harry will not time travel in CD.

9 ) Extra credit: Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score. Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

Harry will insult several people… or is that too general  ;)

At the party Harry and Cat Sith are on their way to at the end of Ch 2 - Mab will command Harry to kill some random mortal who got messed up with the Fea to test his loyalty and gauge how cold he has become.

Toward the end of CD, Lash will comeback enough to let Harry know she is still around, but with limits. I can see an end of book conversation between Harry and Lash as a nice lead up and teaser to book 15.

We will see more and learn more about the talking spiders.

Lastly the Ship named Karen will either hit and iceberg named Harry and sink. Or they will pick up where they were at the end of Changes. It is likely the moment of truth for their relationship. JB will give the Harry Karren romance a final thumbs up or down.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 02:59:07 PM by SAZ »
Last night I had a vision. The World in flames. Terror and death spreading across the globe in an unstoppable wave, destroying anything resembling order or civilization. At the center of it – I saw Mister. Sitting there grooming himself, looking disinterested.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2012, 06:53:55 PM »
Molly, she will be frickin angry and go full nightmare porn on the presumed Harry illusion. oor

Harry: *opens Sight, dispelling the illusions then starts explaining things.*
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2012, 02:37:40 AM »
1) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Sith, Bob, Lash, and Molly.

2) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 
a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 

Murphy will throw him across the room. Thomas will punch him. Butters will scream “Polka will never die”
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

He will say," I am Gandalf the White. And I come back to you now - at the turn of the tide.”

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Michael he will thank god then cry like a big teddy bear

3) in nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

I can’t help but notice the Winchester in his hand. One can only assume it is enchanted to do some bad things that he points it at. He will move to using other elements than fire to fight.

4) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

I am thinking some of the Fomor will be involved and maybe Mavra.

5) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

I am thinking it will be what to do about his daughter. I think there are enough things that could have figured out that he has a kid by now.

6) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Fix will survive as long as he remembers who the real badass Knight is. I think there reactions will center on that point.
7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

how/why  the black council got mab to move her forces so they could attack Arctis Tor.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

Butters gets a girlfriend.
Molly has lost her mind.
Mab is having Harrys baby.

If u failed to read the welcome sign I will remind you of what it says “We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.” Welcome to the Dresdenverse feel free to scream like a girl any time.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2012, 06:41:05 PM »
The Questions:

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Oh this is a good one... I'm going to go with the one companion everyone always forgets about... Mouse.

As for other characters who will have a significant contribution:

1. Molly - She is Harry's apprentice, his responsibility, Wizard or not Harry won't leave her out to die under the Doom of Damocles.
2. Lea - Harry is the Winter Knight now, his Godmother will likely play a more significant role than normal.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

a. Molly - He has to go to Molly. His death hurt her so much it radically damaged her character. She is under a death sentence and is being hunted by the Wardens. Harry has to go to her.

b. This will depend on who he reappears to of course. A lot of people are quoting a Ghandalf the White quote and that is very possible... However I will be very disappointed if Jim neglects his comic book references if he doesn't make a Jean Grey or Captain America comment about his revival.

c. Coolest... Probably Murph. She's going to probably make some kind of comment that SHE plans on killing him.

d. Most touching... Michael Carpenter... Or alternatively Harry's child. I expect to see Michael hug Harry tightly and I expect him to cry.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

I am probably very wrong here, and if I am, oops... BUT... Jim seems to really like physics in his magic. He really is a fan of the laws of thermodynamics. So what I'd love to see the Winter Knight do is... Exploding ice. Mix ice with Harry's personal flare for fire. IE a spiky ice ball that, at the center, super heats, which can cause the ice to explode (no joke, you can make water explode in a microwave) so an ice shrapnel grenade just seems freaking awesome to me.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

Odin. It was recently revealed that Odin is the head of everyone's favorite mystical security firm. I would love to see Harry have to tangle with the All Father.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

I think that, in order to kill the "Immortal" in the blurb, he will have to kill an innocent. As in there is no way to kill the "Immortal" without killing the innocent. I just don't think Harry will do it, but he is under his geas to Winter... It will be a no win situation.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

I don't see them coming to blows. I see it being kind of what was done before. When they were talking "as friends" it will be as friends, when they are talking "as knights" it will be very (heh) cold and Fix will be very matter of fact. If Harry and him meet in the field, and they are on opposing sides, Fix will tell Harry plainly that he will kill him.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

I'm going to go with Cowl. Now that Harry has "died" and he has "sold himself" to Winter, I think Cowl will offer to let him join them. Maybe even offer to free Harry from his servitude in exchange. I think that Cowl's motivation is going to be pretty typically super villain, but he will try to sell it as something other than that, and I think Harry will call him for being a "comic book villain" to his face for it.

Most likely Cowl's motivation is something along the lines of, "We have power, yet we hide and we let this lesser people rule this world. They will destroy it, they squander what they have, we will take control and we will show them a better way... In order to do this we have to take extreme measures however..."

Somewhere in there Cowl will make some comment about how the White Council is weak.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

I am not sure what the acronym WAG means?

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

Bob the Skull will tell Harry that he knew he wasn't dead all along, Harry will ask why he didn't say anything, Bob will either reply "because that wouldn't have been any fun" or he will reply that, "Harry, you never asked."
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 06:50:02 PM by HWalsh »

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2012, 08:46:52 PM »
I am not sure what the acronym WAG means?

Wild Ass Guess.
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2012, 10:05:28 PM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 
   Molly or Murphy
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
         Something along the lines of "My Death has been grossly overated or I'm 3/3 baby!.
c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
        Murphy's gonna beat the f**k out of him
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?
    Well, Mouse and Mister are out so I'm guessing Maggie
- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?
        Some sort of Ice/blizzard storm. Think an Icy twist on Forzare, and hopefully some sort of icy shield or dupe.
4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down? Santa Clause, and death by Chocolate.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes? Not sure.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?
           One smack down dragout fight, and Titania is gonna be looking for a new knight.
7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?
                                Exactly what happened during their fight at arctis tor.
8 ) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.
9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.
DV Geek Code 1.2 BK++ YR 7  JB+ TH++ CL+++ BC++ MC+ SH(Molly)+++ SH(Murphy)+ SH-(Mab) Elaine=Future Knight of Summer/Former Necromancer.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2012, 10:12:01 PM »
Murphy's gonna beat the f**k out of him

Didn't Harry shields successfully repel a charging Murphy in the short stories? ;)
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Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2012, 10:06:53 PM »
If Harry is a knight then Toot Toot may be his squire.
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2012, 12:33:13 PM »
How funny would it be if Dresden first came across Mortimer, who started talking down to him because he figured he was still a spirit... so Harry goes along with it pretending to talk to "ghosts" that Mort can't see until they're in mixed company and other people acknowledge his presence. Basically screwing with Mort's confidence in his ability lol

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2012, 08:24:10 PM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?
Sith will be the reluctant Pancho.  Toot Toot and Sith snark a lot.
2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.
a.   Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead?
b.   What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
Carlos is about to ambush Molly at the order of Merlin, but Harry steps out of shadow, and says “I think not.” And something about bottlecaps, like “you don’t get to be Winter Knight by collecting bottle caps.”
c.   Who will have the coolest reaction?
Morty will have an even cooler & more hysterical reaction than when Harry the Ghost visited him.  Especially since he and Murphy are now living together. Well, his house did burn down. And Murphy could use a change from bad boys like Kincaid.
d.   Who will have the most touching reaction?
Obviously, Mouse.  What’s more touching than a boy and his dog reunited?
Mister will be aloof with Harry but will slap Sith across the room out of jealous
3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be most useful to him during the story (and how)?
The shotgun shown on the cover is a  multipurpose tool—flame thrower, staff, cudgel All in one.  But it’s a misdirection.  Harry’s  new tattoos pack a lot of real power .  They won’t fall off like those rings and bracelets.  Or freeze his skin in Winter.
4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?
Mab sends Harry after that dragon. She wants whatever his present at the party when Lea received the athame.
 5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?
Harry must choose between a long range objective and letting a loved one die.  Personally I’m hoping Ebenezer bites the dust.    Harry could have saved granddad easy enough but the other option was more essential to saving the world.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?
]Fix and Harry have a beer and grumble about their job duties.  Fix survives the hangover.
7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?
It goes back to the period when Margaret was young, when the Merlin sent the wardens after her.   Margaret then decides to have a child who will be powerful enough to fight whatever the Black Council is planning. 
8 ) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.
1.    LC was repaired by subconscious Harry after Lash informed him of the problem.  Our Harry was just sleepwalking.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to withi n Cold Days will be counted.
I really hope the “parasite” Mab referred to is Lash but I fear that in those missing minutes, before all the Red Court vamps died, that one bit Harry and he now has a spiritual parasite Hunger. Lash and the Hunger snark a lot. Subconscious Harry drinks a lot.
Harry visits the tomb of Susan and the sale of Kleenex skyrockets.
Before Ebenezer dies he tells Harry that the Merlin is his other grandfather.   Ebenezer married the Merlin’s daughter and kept Margaret’s birth a secret from the Merlin.  Martha Liberty was the midwife. And Margaret's mother.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2012, 08:48:07 PM »
@Lee: He didn't get a spiritual parasite the last time he was bitten, why get one now?
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2012, 09:54:24 PM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?
Toot Toot and Sith

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead?

Molly - Lea has been teaching her, after all, as a proxy for Harry - and with Lea's being a Winter vassal, it would seem to be a natural that Molly would know through her. Something along the lines of, "La, it's been fun, teaching you, but all this time spent with mortals is boring. Glad my time with you is finally over." Molly --"Wha, what do you mean?" "Silly girl, I was stepping in for Harry when he wasn't available to teach you. Now he is." Molly -- "WHAT?!?!?!" Harry, walking in, "Hello, Molly. Yes, it's me. And yes, it's a long story. The first thing I want to say to you, tho, is, 'I'm so sorry.'"

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
Sheridan-esque: "I was dead. I'm better now."  (Gandalf's lines, while very cool, sound too epic and important - not the snark we've come to know and love from Harry.)

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
Murphy - I agree with others who claim it will be a cool combo of joy and anger. Hugs and punches, tears and swearing, all in the space of about 3 minutes

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Molly - She will stare in shock. Then break down in tears while hugging him fiercely

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?
It's got to be a new host of "cold" spells. He's already used ice arrows/spears (Changes, Arianna duel). That one he will probably work with more than he has in the past. I see him perhaps using ice as a means to wall something in - either to imprison or to slow down.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?
The blurb says that Harry's first "assignment" is an immortal. My guess would be an old god, one that is responsible for the threat to Demonreach. My own theory about what Demonreach is the gateway for, is hell itself. Therefore, I'm thinking that Harry somehow figures out how to banish his baddie straight to Hell. Permanently.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?
See my answer below to Harry's interaction with Fix. I think the choice that Harry will make will be to save Fix, even though doing so will jeopardize his chance to finish the task Mab has set for him.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much guaranteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Fix will be terrified. Even though he has grown in power as SK, I think he still doesn't consider himself to be anywhere near Harry's ability when it comes to magic use. I think that Harry is going to find a way to show Fix that he is still a friend. (Even though Harry was angry when Fix pulled a gun on him in that one instance, he also discovered that Fix rigged the confrontation as a way to warn him that Summer was after Harry, despite Titania's geis.) Fix will survive - and it will be because Harry saved his life.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?
I think we're going to see more of who on the Nevernever side of things is part of the BC. If my theory of The Demonreach gateway to Hell is correct, we're going to see more of the demonic and outsider influence, and what motives are.

8 ) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.
Here's mine: the immortal Harry will be asked to kill is none other than Odin - and we know how hard/impossible that would be. Harry is going to find the real enemy, and take him out, not the one (Odin) that Mab asked him to take out.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 12:05:45 PM by knnn »