Author Topic: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]  (Read 47889 times)

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2012, 10:09:30 AM »
1. Some as of yet unnamed squire/page of the WK it will be his fairy assistant that comes with the office.

2 A) Mouse will be the first to notice his return but this may not be known as he can't speak his first contact will be with Molly.
  B) a Babylon 5 quote Molly: "I thought you were dead?" Harry: "I was, I'm better now."
  C) I originally read coolest as in awesome and thought Molly pouncing on him and planting one(kiss) on him sounded "cool". However I may had missunderstood and now I believe that coolest is as in cold reaction, for that I bet Daniel carpenter will be the most upset with Harry, one for not passing a sword to him or another and two for messin up his sister.
  D) Murphy kick him around some then kiss him and drop the L word.

3. His blasting rod magic will be inverted to suck heat out and be a freeze ray as he did before. Still a heat ray just the absence of it.

4. I nominate Boreas the old Greek god of the north wind and winter, a challenger to Mabs sphere of influence.

5. The conflict will ultimately be the choice between Molly or Murphy which symbolize the mortal and mystical sides of his dual existance. He will find a way to postpone the choice.

6. He will meet Fix at Mac's and warn him that when its time to throw down he'll call him first to get his affairs in order. Fix will pick a fight anyway, Harry will beat him but not kill him, adn let him know his offer stands, fix will agree.

7. Harry will find that Boreas or his "big bad" is on the BC and he is the one that sent the Athame to Lea and the wintercourt to disrupt it.

8. That Lash and Lasciel are aware of eachother and Harr is the battleground.

9. Harry will get the red gem back and it will give him some secret that his mom stored away in it, beyond the secret of all the ways/gates.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 03:17:19 PM by Faithmage »

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2012, 02:26:22 PM »
1) My prediction is that Butters is the main companion, mostly due to the fact that I think Harry will need access to Bob, but his position as Winter Knight will cause complications should he actually re-take possession of Bob. Bob will be needed to educate Harry about the powers of the Winter Knight, the range of responsibilities and hierarchy of allegiances, and for a fair bit of comic relief between Harry, Butters and Bob.

A) Butters will be first since Harry will need immediate use of Bob once he ventures out from Arctis Tor.
B) Harry will arrive in time to save Butters from a Fomor.  He will then make a bad pun about “frozen fish sticks”.
C) Murphy will have the best reaction. Initially, she’ll shoot at him since she will believe him to be a shape-shifting imposter. After she realizes that he’s real, she’ll kick him in the groin for making her think he was dead.
D) Molly will have the most touching reaction since she’ll feel the weight of having to fill his shoes and the weight of having Lea as her teacher lift off her shoulders. There will be sobbing a-plenty all the way around.

3) His cool (no pun intended) new power will be the ability to flash-freeze opponents in place. He will then, using his “how can I combine magic, with technology, with cool sci-fi movie references?” style of operating, combine this ability with shooting the frozen opponents with a gun, thus shattering them like the T1000 in Terminator 2 where Arnold shot him after being doused in liquid nitrogen.

4) The enemy Mab sends him after will be: Bob. Mab still harbors her grudge toward Bob and dispatches Harry to hunt him down and return him. Harry will spend a great deal of time finding wording loopholes to explain why he has not yet completed the task, before realizing that he can hunt down Evil Bob and return him to Mab for apparently full credit, and can preserve “his” Bob at the same time. Instead of the Normandy re-creation we saw previously, we’ll see a re-creation of Hitler’s bunker as the Winter Knight storms Evil Bob’s sanctum.  Evil Bob, will, however, have aligned with the Black Council and Harry will need to battle, freeze, and shatter several Fomor agents to get to Evil Bob – whereupon he will use the really sneaky trick of making Evil Bob try to escape in an animal – like Bob does with Mister, only to have Harry freeze it solid, locking him inside for transport to Mab.

5) Harry’s choice will be whether to turn Bob over to Mab as per his orders, or if he should try to defy Mab right out of the gate.  The choice will be to spare Bob, and then the “give her Evil Bob” thought arises.

6) They will meet at Harry’s coming out party at Arctis Tor shortly after the intro chapters we saw in Ghost Story. The interactions from Harry’s end will be “well, isn’t this awkward?” and will be extremely stiff and formal from Fix’s end, to make sure everything is kept strictly in accordance with protocol, lest something happen. These instructions for Fix will come from Lily and will be painful for Harry to figure out, but he will understand given his new position relative to Fix and Lily.

7) Harry will learn about the timing of the Black Council’s plans – i.e., why now? But he will still be in the dark about what the actual plans are or what the goals are.

8) My 3 WAG Theories:
A) Lash is alive and well in Harry’s head, and is just waiting for Harry to contact her directly before she can manifest herself to him – just like the first time she had to wait until he used Hellfire.
B) Lara is part of the Black Council – Harry becomes more sure of this, but not 100%, when he learns how she was able to get a carrier group to help out in the aftermath of Chitzen Itza.
C) Lea is working to replace Mab as Winter Queen and will start trying to enlist Harry now that he’s the Winter Knight to help her toward that end.

9) My predictions about things that will be revealed in Cold Days:
A) Harry, as the Winter Knight, cannot enter Michael’s house unless specifically invited by Michael. The guardian angels will react to his Knighthood negatively.
B) Harry has to learn how to clean his new place all over again since the brownies who cleaned his old apartment were provided by Lily. As the Winter Knight, agents of Summer will not be able to work on his place.
C) Luccio will be killed off-screen by the Black Council to prevent her from remembering who altered her mind to seduce Harry and thus remove his protection from Lara and the White Court.
D) Justine is pregnant.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 02:45:06 PM by ebliss1 »
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2012, 02:45:48 PM »
BTW - great thread, and I love how many of us are envisioning Murphy kicking Harry.
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2012, 03:13:08 PM »
1) Throwing in with the Toot crowd (though Harry's going to need some money if he's to pay the delivery guy).

2a) I'm guessing it'll be multiple people, more or less at once, at the "birthday party". Seems likely to me that all signatories of the Accords might be invited to have a delegation at such a shindig, so anyone there'll get the reveal all at once. This could include Fix, Lily, Ramirez, Luccio, Steed, Thomas, Marcone (and friends), and potentially one of the Senior Council (with Ebenezar, Listens to Wind, and Rashid being the coolest options).

2b) I'm thinking "mostly dead" or "got better" references are most fitting, but I think that, given the rushed nature of the Demonreach situation, he's likely going to keep not being able to pull something fun off (and be frustrated by this).

2c) Marcone. Dude's ice.

2d) Michael. He's been largely out of our sight lately, but there's no way Harry doesn't check in with Maggie to some extent or another, and Harry's exploits (and their results) in the last few books have to have been having an effect on the man. I mean, he's watched his daughter go nuts, his friend tear himself to pieces, the world take several steps towards hell, and now, suddenly, Harry's back... and in the clutches of evil. Don't tell me that encounter won't be wrenching.

3) I'm not the first to say it, but the gun from the cover. Magic plus rifle equals plus ten to badass.

4) It seems like one heck of a coincidence for Demonreach to be 24 hours from exploding right when Harry comes back, so it seems likely that that's someone's effort to disrupt his power base because holy crap he's back and scary as hell. It would have to be someone who would feel threatened by Harry coming back, would know about Demonreach, and would have the chops to pull off such a disruption, so I'm going to guess the Black Council is the big bad of the book. (I honestly don't see the immortal-killing being as important as the Demonreach situation. I don't think it'll be anyone we really know all that well.)

5) Could be that Mab's target is very hard to kill without offing some innocents as well. (Maybe an innocent host for the immortal or some such?)

6) They'll basically end up in a Harry-Marcone sort of relationship. ("We're cool, and we can work together, but both of us know we're going to end up fighting at some point, and we're both going to be prepared.")

7) I'm thinking we won't learn huge amounts, but we might hit upon one of their agents and get a hint at their motivations and goals.

8) Lash is the parasite, Uriel didn't actually straight give Harry Soulfire, Murphy's going to take up a Sword.

9) Harry ends up setting up shop on Demonreach and working out a few not-so-deadly Ways to and from Chicago. One of the first things he builds is a pizza oven.
There's no better promise of entertainment to come than a brief, subtle mention of Harry making some calls off-screen.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2012, 05:45:25 PM »

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Fix who will teach Harry about Faerie and Knighting and will be a way for Harry to demonstrate his determination to be independent of Mab.  Other significant figures will be Bob, Toot Toot, and Maeve.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead?

Murphy because he will go to her first about how to get involved again in Chicago.

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

Turns out I was mostly dead instead of all dead. (Princess Bride if for some reason the reference doesn't click)

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

Kincaid.  Who will be in Murphy's company when Dresden comes to visit.

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Thomas.  The way that Harry and he have problems opening up to each other means this is going to be spectacularly awkward but heartfelt.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

Making things out of ice.  Instant focus items that not quite as good as a dedicated blasting rod, or staff, or shield bracelet, can be called up at any time and used in a pinch.  Also finding new ways to mix fire and ice.  If you are familiar with Chrono Trigger, think the antipode dual skill for the destructive effect.  On the constructive side, working out an approximation of icy hot for himself.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

Unnamed Black Court elder in league with the Black Council.  Immortal in this case only refers to the potential to live forever if their life is not ended by an outside agent. 

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

This book is going to be about Mab exploiting a rift in the Black Council to dish out some vengeance.  The choice is going to be which faction Harry decides to help in the end.  With Marva and Cowl both seeking help, Harry needs to decide which Devil he leaves standing and which he kills.  He sides with Cowl.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Strained at first meeting until Harry assures Fix that if they ever come in to conflict Harry first will warn Fix that that's how its got to be.  With Maeve and Lily working deals in the past, I see no reason for the Summer Knight and Winter Knight not to pal about when not directly in conflict.  See prediction 1 of Fix as my choice of main supporting character.  Fix will survive but will be wounded, and the implication will be that Titania will see this injury as a reason to start thinking about replacing Fix.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

See prediction 5 about different factions in the Black Council at odds.  We are going to learn a little more about what went down at Arctis Tor in Proven Guilty and get a little more about why both Marva and Cowl were in Dead Beat working different angles.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

Odin is Black Council - evidence only
The Eebs survived - confirmed

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

Harry is going to get a look at the Athame, decide it is something important, and then totally fail to follow through on it... just like he failed to follow through on the importance of Demonreach

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2012, 06:21:04 PM »
The Questions:

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

I think his side kick will be Gaard, after Harry goes back to Odin for help on how to kill an immortal. Molly and Thomas will also play significantly into the plot, as they track down Harry together after hearing he’s alive from Fix, and then proceed to kick his a**.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 

I think Marcone finds out first, but who knows if he’ll share it with everyone else. I say he qualifies as a friend since he has a working relationship with Harry.
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

I think the reunion will be spoiled initially by Harry running for his life from something, running into a comrade, and then dragging them into his mess and a dangerous situation.

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

 Mister of course. He’s too cool to care. He’ll acknowledge he’s back, and go back to whatever it is cats do.
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Mouse. Never interfere between a man and his dog! He’ll get tackled to the floor probably, just because its another opportunity for Harry to get knocked around  :)

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

Seeing how he used that AK-47 in self defense, I say he starts slinging Hail or icicles at bullet speed.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

The “immortal” he’s set to kill will be none other than Mab’s hubby, St. Nick. He enabled  the attack on Arctis Tor after squabbling with his wife about dinner always being served cold!

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?
Whopper or Double Whopper

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

 Fix learned from his last attempt to intimidate Harry. He’ll be all smiles and cooperate with him, but feed him false information that sends Harry into a trap. Harry will end up forgiving Fix after he realized Puts him in his place and takes the long-term perspective.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

We’ll learn why Arctis Tor was attacked and why Mab permitted it and captured Molly.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

No clue

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.
I think Bob will be at the birthday celebration as Mab’s prisoner. We last left him in the NN, and we all know she’s the reason he keeps to his skull… Now we finally will know why!

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2012, 06:36:31 PM »
1. Cait Sith and Molly alternating.

2a. My gut says Toot will be first, because Harry needs to find Molly as soon as he hits town to keep her off the chopping block.
2b. Princess Bride "Mostly Dead", or LOTR Gandalf are strong picks, but I'm thinking Python "Just a fleshwound".
2c. Murphy, with Molly as a close 2nd.
2d. When Harry finally comes to the Carpenters to see Maggie and Mouse.

3. The gun, we know it's going to be in the book, there's got to be something more to it.

4. My money's on Cowl as the big bad, Harry will finally get the upper hand on him when Lash makes her presence known.

5. It's probably going to have something to do with Demonreach or Elaine, I've got no clue really.

6. Fix will be startled, mentally soil himself, and tread carefully around Harry...Harry will offer a non-aggression pact for the meeting while both of them deal with their respective Queen's geass when trying to talk to one another.

7. It will be revealed that the BC orchestrated the destruction of the Red Court and the rise of the Fomor to advance their agenda to bring the Old Ones back.

8. WAG1: Warden Chandler is Black Council, possibly Cowl. WAG2: Murphy will walk in on the Harry/Molly reunion and hilarity will ensue. WAG3: Harry will have an "interesting" conversation with Lara. (Considering she worked out that Harry is no longer under the protection of Susan's Love, something is definitely going to come of it)

9. Thomas will lose his cool when he sees Harry, and when asked to prove who he is Harry will make some comment about "repeat as necessary" much to Justine's amusement and his brother's discomfort.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2012, 12:02:55 AM »
1) I would love to see Lea forced to tag along. It would up the ante as to the "heavy" they had to face and how much Power would be required to take him/her/it down.

2a) I'm going long-odds and saying Ramirez. Will be the Emissary from the White Council at Mab's party.
2b) "I was only mostly dead, not all dead. There's a difference."
2c) Butters: "Polka really DOESN'T die!!!"
2d) Maggie. I feel like the Carpenters are going to have told her all about her father, and when she sees him, it'll be a true "first" meeting.

3) The rifle on the cover, which will be a tribute to Sir Soandso (forgot his name) from GS and will be his new weapon against spiritual entities. It would come in handy against battling the souls Harry will encounter when Mab orders Harry to assassinate

4) Uriel. Mab is furious that he reminded Harry of his free will and that he doesn't have to compromise his morals, and wishes to exact her revenge.

5) Obviously Harry will not assassinate Uriel and will choose to defy Mab, so the majority of the book will be spent finding a loophole while keeping up appearances.

6) the encounter with Fix will be anticlimactic. They'll acknowledge each other, but Harry will have no reason to mix with Summer forces and thusly will largely be avoided.

7) We will find out who was responsible for the security breach at Arcangel.

8) We will find out what exists on the NeverNever side of Demonreach.

9) Lash will make a limited appearance.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 12:41:56 AM by KnightShade »

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2012, 12:40:45 AM »
Hey everyone new to the boards and only started reading the books at the end of last year. With that in mind I'm sure I'll be way off with predictions - seeing how most of what is in my thinking has been probably debunked already - but here goes.

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

Well probably a new character who hasn't been introduced yet seeing how Changes seemed to imply he can't really return to his old life, and maybe someone who was also friendly with his mum. This might help in that she possesses knowledge or a weapon/artifact of his mothers. Regarding who will also have a significant contribution to the plot, Mab of course, Demonreach and a wild stab in the dark.... Elaine.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead?
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

a. I'll go for Molly to find out first seeing how Lea is a big part of her life now.
b. Maybe Sherlock Holmes seeing how he died and came back to life. Elementary my dear Murph.
c. Bob the skull will be pretty funny so I'll plump for that. Hey you sound like James Marsters again boss.
d. One would think automatically Murph or Molly but just for the hell of it I'm going to go for Billy Borden or Lea.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

Seeing how Mab is Queen of Air and Darkness maybe some sort of blinding spell plunging rooms into darkness etc. And maybe Icefire to go with soul and formerly hellfire along with that rifle on the cover too.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

Maybe someone who hasn't featured yet who is a Black Council member or a big hitter we know already like Donar Vadderung.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

Gotta be friends versus Winter Knight obligations.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much guaranteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Fix will survive alright but if it comes to fisticuffs a stalemate will ensue seeing as Harry is new at being a Knight and Fix isn't.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

Arctis Tor and the motivations of its attack seems most likely. We'll probably learn more of someone previously not implicated in Black Council affairs, maybe Ancient Mai.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days

I'll just let my mind go nuts for this. Margaret LeFay had Cassandra's Tears which is why she did so many things to influence Harry's future. Elaine will take up one of the Knights swords. Molly has taken up a coin of the Blackened Denarius. 

I'm bound to be way off with all this but it's great to just muck about guessing - the more unlikely the better. Anyway it will be good reading others ideas too.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2012, 02:59:06 AM »
And maybe Icefire

Does not compute.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2012, 04:45:04 AM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?
The Lesser Malk Harry already has a relationship with cats.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead?
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

A Mister
I don't think there will be any he will be running from something/one and meet some of the JSC
Murphy she will kill him
Murphy See above

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?
Improved hand to hand skills Which Murphy will find about about when she try to kick what she thinks is his shape shifting ass

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

Lilly, the summer Lady, Harry will prove to MAb that she is more vaulable alive and under control then Dead.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

Gotta be friends versus Winter Knight obligations. Namely letting Lilly live.

 6) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much guaranteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?
Harry will arrange for it to be at Mac's Forcing a peacefull meeting Just to P**s off Mab

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?
The names of at least two members one of whom will be the figure who runs from the room in PG before he smashed the reaper thru the screen.

8) WAG See number seven above and and that Butters and Murphy have hooked up.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2012, 10:58:11 AM »
In reply to you thecuriousfan: Icefire does not compute.  I agree Icefire seems like it couldn't exist, maybe Coldfire could, but hey it's Harry Dresden anything is possible. And it doesn't need to be completely literal, It could refer to a spell that effected either him or his opponents internally (like shielding him from emotions for instance).
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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2012, 11:11:47 PM »
Summer and Winter must always be in balance, so if Harry is in motion then Fix must be as well. I suspect this will be much like that where Fix and Harry are cats paws working together. As a bit of a throw, I fully expect Maive will be a major ally, much like Lara was in Blood Rites.

a, Fix. Barely. I'm betting his apprentice will also be at the party as Lea's guest. Simply so that Lea can mindf-- her a little bit more.
b, show up with a glowing aura of soulfire as a means of flexing his muscle/first impression.
c, Bianca, who we'll find out has been kept alive this whole time as punishment (how cool would that be?)
d, Maggie would be the easy choice, but I somehow think Mort will be. It just seems so unlikely, the little bald man loses it as Harry validifies his abilities to talk to the dead as more than a simply parlor trick.

He's able to work with Frost spells much better, which would be obvious. Maybe a Frostfire spell that melts then cools an object.

It's gotta be Athame related. I'm guessing Mavra, who is now a pretty big bad with the Word of Kemmler. In terms of taking her down? It's gotta be harsh, bitter and unfeeling. I'm guessing he freezes her blood and watches her starve to death.

His choice is going to be breaking the Wizarding law by killing another human. Sure, he gets diplomatic immunity, but it tests his resolve of how far he'll go.

Fix is pretty selfless, much like Dresden was. I see him sacrificing himself in the end to defeat the big bad.

Bouncil is actually from another time, universe, or reality that is attempting to destablize ours to make it easier to take over.

We'll learn that Mavra isn't really Black Council. That she is actually at war with them as well. She uses the Kemmler book to wage war with them on an evil scale that Harry never would have been capable, evil versus evil with limitless potential.

Mab inherits Mister, who is bent to the other's will.

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2012, 11:15:08 PM »
c, Bianca, who we'll find out has been kept alive this whole time as punishment (how cool would that be?)

No one had reason to keep Bianca alive at the time she died (Okay, Lea did but she didn't know it).
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Cold Days Predict-a-thon. [All the latest Spoilers permitted]
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2012, 02:13:40 AM »
1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?
Toot.  He will be the only member of the Fae that isn’t out to stab Harry in the back.  And he will give away knowledge about the Fae that helps Harry escape from Mab’s clutches without being aware of the importance of the knowledge.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 
b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

 a.  Toot.  Harry meets him at the Winter party.
b.  He starts moaning about “brains” after someone makes a joke about the “living dead.”
c.  Warden Rodriguez. 
d.  Mouse. 

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

A combination of “Arctis” and his other tools.  Lots of ways to combine “fire” and “ice” in the form of water magic, which we haven’t seen much of yet, but will be useful when dealing with the Formor.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

It has to be someone who has been competing with Mab for power . . . someone immortal . . . and we have not seen the Denarians in the past few books, so my guess is that he has his final show down with them.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

Harry realizes that he can no longer live in Chicago itself, but rather must live on the island of Demonreach.  It is too dangerous to live in the city.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

I don’t think will be as big an encounter as what happened in “Small Favor.”  Been there, done that.  There will be some tension between them at the “rebirth” party, and Fix will say that if it comes down to a battle, he will try his best to kill Harry.  Harry will respond that yes, you will “try” but will not succeed.  Something like that.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

The motivation is control of the Nevernever.  Which is why there will be some revelation that members of the Fae are aligned with the Black Council.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.
Sorry, I haven’t paid any attention to what those might be.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.
Harry finds new keepers for the swords of faith.  One of them is Daniel.  The other is his brother.  Not Murphy, because she still has issues.
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." - D. Vader