So I'm using Dresden Files RPG to run a Monster Hunters mashup game at a convention this Saturday. Basically, it's a League of Extraordinary Monster Hunters from the last 30 years or so. Current characters include:
Wheedonverse: Buffy, Angel, Spike
Doctor Who: The Doctor
Ghostbusters: Peter Venkman
Men In Black: J
Hellboy: Hellboy
I'd like to add a few more choices for my players, and I could really use some help generating aspects for additional characters.
I'm going with a High Concept, Trouble, and three more, leaving a couple of empty slots for players to fill in.
If anyone is inspired to write some aspects for the following, you'd have me deepest gratitude.
Wheedonverse: Willow
Doctor Who: Captain Jack Harkness (more Doctor Who than Torchwood), River Song
Ghostbusters: Ray, Egon and Winston
X-Files: Dr. Dana Scully
Or anyone else you can think of. Thanks.