Okay, I stalled on writing this because I wanted to write something with action and adventure! I wanted daring do!
Instead, this other idea sprung to mind. It's not action (again!) But some of you tell me that it doesn't always have to be in order to be effective.
Anyway, this story idea lodged there, refusing to let me put it aside. I couldn't write anything else til it was done and out of the chute.
Maybe this will be the prologue (back story) that lets me go into an uban fantasy genre where spiritual warfare is played out against fallen predators. It's world building told through a conversation.
For the moment though, it's a stand alone scene of around 1,500 words. It honestly won't take you long if you would like to read it and give me feedback. Send me the email addy you want me to use in Private Message here on the board today and I'll send you a copy. Each of you will get various versions as I'll send the one that is most polished when you ping me.
Ask yourself those qualifying questions that we've been discussing and tell me if my passive character is compelling enough to hold your attention. Do I hook you in the beginning? Are my characters believable? Does it feel satisfying for an ending?
In advance I'll say thank you to all who contributed to this thread, and an even bigger thank you with sloppy kisses to all who read and comment for me!
(It never feels real to me until someone else reads it...)