Author Topic: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe  (Read 7291 times)

Offline Mr. Death

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Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:13:28 PM »
So in my scenario, there's a high profile wedding going on, and representatives from the local supernatural nations are invited (Winter and Summer courts and Monoc are attending--the Jade Court was invited, but respectfully declined) and I'm having some trouble deciding on wedding gifts. The Summer Court is going to offer some wildflower enchanted to promote the bride's fertility, the Valkyrie's going to bring a keg of mead (again, fertility) and a sword and shield (for the groom), but I've no idea what Maeve might bring as a wedding gift. Any ideas for something appropriately Wintery for the occasion?

If it helps, the scenario's taking place right around the same time as Ghost Story, and the couple are Inari Raith and Bobby.
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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2012, 05:34:27 PM »
Maeve?  Something juuuuuust this shy of a horrible spiteful insult, I think.  Useful, but at the sime, not nice. 

A jumbo-sized box of condoms, maybe?  Not sure what tone to go for.

Also, keep in mind the Fae situation regarding gifts and exchanges.  If they don't get something back from the wedding, it could be... problematic.

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 05:48:23 PM »
Maeve?  Something juuuuuust this shy of a horrible spiteful insult, I think.  Useful, but at the sime, not nice. 

A jumbo-sized box of condoms, maybe?  Not sure what tone to go for.
Yeah, that's the problem I'm having too. At the moment, Maeve has no reason to insult them (or Lara, who's hosting the party) but all the wintery stuff I can think of is a touch on the 'evil' side.

Generally speaking, I'd say Maeve is representing her Court more than just herself, so probably something a little more courtly than a box of condoms is in order :P

Also, keep in mind the Fae situation regarding gifts and exchanges.  If they don't get something back from the wedding, it could be... problematic.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, and I've got ideas for what the Fae will receive in return. Lara knows how to play the game, after all.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 05:50:27 PM by Mr. Death »
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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 06:12:11 PM »
Remember that Winter isn't necessarily spiteful, evil etc. Maybe something that would genuinely help the couple, but isn't exactly the kind of thing you'd want.

Considering the Summer court's increasing the Bride's fertility, maybe an enchantment that can reduce fertility if the couple so chooses. Mirrors the other court, is genuinely useful, and is pretty much the same as the condoms, just a shade more tasteful. Mab's style, and since Maeve is representing her, that would make sense. Useful, but not the kind of thing you'd talk about at a wedding. Very Winter.
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Offline Chrono

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 06:15:59 PM »
I would reccommend something like a vial of poison for their enemies, a guardian spirit frozen in an ice crystal to warn them of oncoming danger, or if you really wanna mess with stuff one of the swords of the Cross (I know another powerful winter fae that offered one as a gift).

The winter fae tend to give gifts either representing death or treasures that they acquired from someone else that they don't consider valuable in and of its self.

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2012, 07:19:13 PM »
How about a cursed item.

Like an amulet to go with that sword and shield from Monoc that while it does make the wearer more brave it also instills bloodlust and an addiction for battle where the user over time will become so dependent that he will destroy himself as he tries to quench the thirst of battle.

Or something along those destructive tendencies where their marriage would not last for long. (of course a long time for mortals and Fae are different. ;) )

Offline Perspicacity

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2012, 07:44:06 PM »
A malk kitten.

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2012, 07:47:35 PM »
How about a cursed item.

Like an amulet to go with that sword and shield from Monoc that while it does make the wearer more brave it also instills bloodlust and an addiction for battle where the user over time will become so dependent that he will destroy himself as he tries to quench the thirst of battle.

Or something along those destructive tendencies where their marriage would not last for long. (of course a long time for mortals and Fae are different. ;) )
Well, Bobby isn't someone who's going to use a sword and shield much (it's mostly a symbolic gift, I figure), but I like the idea of something that seems well-meaning but is meant to decay the marriage.
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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2012, 07:59:45 PM »
I think the object itself should be, as a mirror to the wildflower from summer, a flower of eternal ice.

But what does it do? I don't think they would go and do something malevolent just for fun. Or could, for that matter, since neither Inari nor Bobby are affiliated with the Faerie courts. However, I could see Mab plotting to get house Raith on her side, since she is collecting power left and right, and this would be a good way to get on Inari's big sisters good side. Maybe something that not quite counters Summer's gift, but complements it. Summer's gift is fertility, which will probably lead to a lot of offspring. Winter's gift could make those kids stronger, healthier, fitter. Maybe Mab is planning on breeding a new knight, or she wants to influence new emissaries from the start. She would well be devious and patient enough to do such a thing, and it would be easy enough to get the kids, since she could simply take back her gift and have them feel weak, so they'd come crawling to her for that strength back and maybe more.
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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2012, 08:18:26 PM »
How about this:

Cloak of Snow
+2 Item of Power
-1 -Cloak of Shadows (Reflavored for immunity to Whiteout conditions and Hiding in Snowy Environs)
-2 -Lesser Glamours (Illusions and Phantasms sculpted from snowflakes and snowdrifts etc)

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2012, 09:06:38 PM »
I should clarify that I'm not talking in a mechanical sense, just thematic--Inari and Bobby aren't going to become prominent characters or anything, the wedding's primarily a backdrop for the game's larger plot, and a way to introduce Lara as a major player in the area.

I like the idea of it mirroring Summer's gift in some way, though.
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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2012, 09:46:34 PM »
A bearskin rug, maybe a polar bear? It's the kind of thing you'd think about to keep you warm through a cold winter. It can really tie the room together, if the room is a log cabin deep in Alaska or Colorado or something. Maybe it reinforces the couple's threshold or something, provides some protection to their home as opposed to the couple themselves?

And the backhanded Wintery thing is that it's a freaking bear rug. Wasn't Bobby supposed to be a feng shui designer after his film gig? They might be able to make it work, but it works best as kind of an eyesore. But it was a wedding gift, so they can't just pack it away, not for a while at least.

Bonus points for being a polar bear rug, because anyone mundane who sees it will think that they're assholes.  :)

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2012, 10:11:32 PM »
Ice sculpture. Does nothing, but it's very pretty and lasts forever.

Offline amberpup

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2012, 10:23:54 PM »
A one (or two, even three)  free "Babysitting" ticket.
To the why... Since everyone else got the babymaking part covered, the smart move would be what comes next. A baby, and the promise not for merely a item but a act. To watch over their child for a set time period, even if Heaven or Hell is about to thump its parents.

And such, it does several things that benefit both Maeve and the parents. Like for Maeve, it puts her in the child's life. Which could prove profitable later once the child is grown. For the parents, having such a haven for your child if things go all crazy and world-ending. Plus its practically, which can only bring a smile to Maeve.

Offline Praxidicae

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Re: Wedding Gifts from the Sidhe
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2012, 10:51:12 PM »
An offer to 'Godmother' their first-born.
Just look at the situations Lea's involvement in his life got Harry into, and even her best intentioned actions were often incomprehensible from a mortal perspective (Wanting to turn him into a Feyhound in order to keep him safe from harm for example).
Something that the less knowledgeable on the Fae would see as a powerful boon ("Ooh, this uber-powerful being is going to protect our kid from enemies; ensure that he/she prospers; and god-forbid anything happens to us, will ensure they are well cared for"), but those in the know will see as a potential trap/trouble ("Uh oh, this uber-powerful being is attempting to tie our bloodline to it for the forceable future").