Author Topic: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic  (Read 4617 times)

Offline kereo

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Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:16:23 PM »
Hey all,

First time poster, but have been lurking for a while. In our upcoming adventure, I'm playing a new character that uses sponsored magic. My character is the "Ebon Knight of the Nightmare Court". The idea behind it is that the Nightmare Court was basically absorbed into Winter during the Fae wars. It's ruler, was not too pleased about that and is now secretly undermining Mab, even going as far as to create his own knight, in the hopes of one day becoming the ruler of all of Winter.

I was discussing his spell options with one of our other players (who is a rule nut) and he basically claimed that sponsored magic can't do too many complex/powerful things and that it's underpowered (without incurring massive debts anyway). Here's the spells I was hoping to stat:

Horrid Phantasm
íomhá Uafásach (horrible image)
Makes the target see an illusion that instils fear, thereby unnerving him.  (add aspect)

Cage of tormenting nightmares
Tromluí caighean (nightmare cage)
A mental attack that locks the target in place for x exchanges as he is trapped in a hallucination. After breaking free, the target takes some damage as the mind makes the torture real.

Mind break
Liom briseadh (mind break)
Stabbing his sword into a sphere of shadowy energy, an illusionary blade appears and stabs the target in his head, dealing mental damage.

Wave of agony
Tonn céasadh (wave of agony)
A surge of shadowy tendrils bursts from the casters shadow, impaling enemies in the zone, dealing physical damage.

Would these be possible? Or are they overpowered in anyway and not possible with sponsored magic without incurring massive debt on use?


ps: if anyone is interrested I can post the (very) short story of why Auberon (couldn't find a better Fae name :P) decided to backstab Mab.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 07:20:59 PM by kereo »

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2012, 07:27:44 PM »
Sponsored Magic isn't so much a power, but a collection of powers sharing some common traits.  Because of this, it's difficult to say just what a particular form of Sponsored Magic can accomplish without seeing the writeup of that particular form.

That being said, aside from a bit of nitpicking (Cage of tormenting nightmares sounds like a combination Block and Attack, not a maneuver), I see nothing there that would be wholly unreasonable under some hypothetical Sponsored Magic, assuming it granted some degree of 'evothaum'.
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Offline kereo

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 07:30:44 PM »
Well, the idea was "nightmare" magic. So stuff that deals with unnerving/scaring the crap out of people, by ways of illusionary and mental attacks. If that makes any sense.

Also, I found something about a revised pdf with the search function, but I can't find this document anywhere. Where could I find this?


Offline Taran

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2012, 07:40:33 PM »
As far as I know, you don't incur debt but your character is beholden to your sponsor in a way.  He's given you that power to further his own goals.   That will be reflected by your aspects and compels.  Your spells have to stay within the theme of the "element(s)".  Yours are shadow/nightmare and your spells seem to reflect that.  You shouldn't be able to run around casting light spells....

Mental damage spells might bring the Wardens down on you, though...unless your master is a signatory of the accords.  It depends how your group sees sponsored magic and the Laws.  But even if your group doesn't consider sponsored magic as Law-breaking, Wardens, in game, might still try to take you out.

I find sponsored magic is as powerful as regular magic because it can do as much - if not more - as long as you are creative enough within the limits of your Theme.  Also, thaumaturgy at the speed of evocation is sweet.

Sponsored debt is something else entirely.  It's getting access to a power from your sponsor that you don't typically have and, in return, you owe something in return (a compel).  So, for example, you might want inhuman speed for a scene...although there's not much you can't replicate with sponsored magic.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2012, 08:04:41 PM »
I agree with Tedronai for the most part, but I'd like to add that I wouldn't allow you to make mental attacks with evocation's speed unless you were making weapon rating-less thaumaturgy-as-evocation attacks.

Sponsored Magic is in no way weak, it makes Channeling + Ritual look sad.

Offline Centarion

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2012, 08:10:29 PM »
On the topic of debt, the character will have some aspect (like the high concept you posted) that mentions his relationship to his patron. This will be an aspect that is often compelled to have him act according to his sponsor's wishes. Additionally, whenever he uses his magic he may take a point of sponsor debt (potentially up to some limit) instead of/in addition to spending a fate point (granting a +2 or a re-roll). Then the sponsor can compel him using this debt (he does not receive a fate point for complying, nor can he get out of it without spending a real fate point). The above is all covered in the book in the Sponsored Magic long section. The note about taking additional powers may also be something you consider, this is covered in the section of the book where it covers temporary powers.


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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2012, 09:29:48 PM »

As others have stated, Sponsored Magic is not at all weak, and the ability to Invoke aspects without FP expenditure is a nice bonus, although you do pay for it in the long run.

Like any other form of Magic, Sponsored Magic can do absolutely anything, as long as you can justify it. So as long as you say how your spell fits within your sponsor's agenda, you can do it.

As Tedronai said, Cage of nightmares looks a little vague as to what it does. If you post an explanation of what you wanted to achieve with the spell, we could put a mechanic to it. As written, it functions as more of a thaumaturgic spell than an evocation, what with the multiple stages. If your 'Nightmare magic' grants some form of thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation, that would be okay, although it would have a very high power cost.

Incidentally, your other player is mistaken about sponsored Magic - you don't actually ever have to take a point of Debt, its just there as an option. Granted, you will get compelled on the sponsor-relevant Aspect, but you shouldn't be getting these significantly more than the other players.
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Offline kereo

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2012, 10:12:26 PM »
As far as I know, you don't incur debt but your character is beholden to your sponsor in a way.  He's given you that power to further his own goals.   That will be reflected by your aspects and compels.  Your spells have to stay within the theme of the "element(s)".  Yours are shadow/nightmare and your spells seem to reflect that.  You shouldn't be able to run around casting light spells....

That much I knew :)

Mental damage spells might bring the Wardens down on you, though...unless your master is a signatory of the accords.  It depends how your group sees sponsored magic and the Laws.  But even if your group doesn't consider sponsored magic as Law-breaking, Wardens, in game, might still try to take you out.

Yeah, we discussed it. Technically, he's part of Winter, so the wardens can't touch him directly. The GM did say that if they find out they might make his life miserable in other ways though ;)

As Tedronai said, Cage of nightmares looks a little vague as to what it does. If you post an explanation of what you wanted to achieve with the spell, we could put a mechanic to it. As written, it functions as more of a thaumaturgic spell than an evocation, what with the multiple stages. If your 'Nightmare magic' grants some form of thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation, that would be okay, although it would have a very high power cost.

Well, it's not a weapon attack. Basically, the idea is as as following: An opponent gets trapped in an illusion. In this illusion, he gets tortured continuously for what feels like ages. The mind however, makes this damage real (like in the matrix!). So, he gets a small amount of damage.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2012, 10:44:26 PM »
Trapped how?  Does it actually block actions? 

Offline JDK002

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2012, 03:12:33 AM »
Nothing you listed seems out of the realm of your sponsor theme.  Though as others have said Cage of Nightmares needs to be clarified mechanically.  Normally you have to choose what type of mechanic you're blocking (movement, attacks, ect), and normally these don't do damage.

But sponsored magic lets you do evothaum.  So in theory you could cast something that blocks multiple things and causes damage.  But the power cost would be absurdly high and probably not very practical.  Unless I just have a total misunderstanding of sponsored magic, it hasn't come up much in my game.


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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2012, 07:44:26 AM »
Certain kinds of Sponsored Magic give you thaumaturgy at the speed and methods of Evocation, true. In this case, I'd say you'd probably get psychomancy, limited to causing fear/nightmares, which would open up Cage of Nigtmares for use, although this would be an extremely high-power-cost spell.
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Offline Taran

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2012, 11:50:39 AM »
Cage of nightmares...a spell that blocks all actions and also causes damage... hmm, sounds a lot like that spell that everyone hates!

I have no experience doing Thaum spells that do multiple effects, so I'm curious how it'd work.  Would you set up the weapon power of the spell to be the strength of the block and then make the difference between the defence and attack be the damage?  You'd also need extra shifts for duration.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2012, 12:22:55 PM »
Do it as a grapple, but require an action to do anything other than block.  Use the control roll for targeting.  If the targets beats the targeting roll, no grapple.

Want to deal 1 stress?  Standard action.
Want to place aspect?  Standard action.

Then it's not broken.  The reason Orbius is broken is that it ignores the action economy.

Offline Taran

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2012, 02:00:43 PM »
Do it as a grapple, but require an action to do anything other than block.  Use the control roll for targeting.  If the targets beats the targeting roll, no grapple.

Want to deal 1 stress?  Standard action.
Want to place aspect?  Standard action.

Then it's not broken.  The reason Orbius is broken is that it ignores the action economy.

Right on.

I probably wouldn't make it block movement.  I'd let the victim run around or flee the visions it thinks are chasing them.  It would block everything else though.

Probably Discipline would be the main skill to resist it, but Perception to notice what is ACTUALLY happening around them would work.  Allies could try to break the block by trying to get them to snap out of it (maybe an attack that doesn't cause stress, or a might check...)

Offline Rolf_Soldaat

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Re: Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2012, 05:56:13 PM »
Hi there, I'm the rule nut Kereo mentioned (I prefer the term power gamer).

My main problem with sponsored magic is the lack of power/control bonuses trough specializations and focus items, as well as the lack of enchanted item slots.

To illustrate my point: All hellfire does is give you one measly point of power/control when at the same refresh cost you could take evocation + refinement, resulting in up to 5 extra points of power/control.

Keep in mind though, this is coming from a combat oriented player so not much regard was given to taumaturgy.