Author Topic: Creating a Djinn  (Read 4658 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Creating a Djinn
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2012, 10:17:54 PM »
That's the whole point of the Limitation rewrite, isn't it?  Accomodating per-character/per-game costing?

Pretty much.

There were other motivations too, but I think that was the big one.

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Creating a Djinn
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2012, 11:29:06 PM »
"Why not?"


Wizards and spell casters need more spells per scene without being hampered?  Not in my opinion.  That has been my opinion since the game was first seen by me and always has been/will be.

They aren't powerful and according to some unbalanced as is?  Spells are already the best all around way to fight/design a character. 

They are the only way to make a big bad worse than the PC's by RAW in the late game anyhow.  Once a PC has all the mythic physical powers and some badass need to fall back on magic to make something better.

There are already wasy built in to get more spells per scene.  Consequences and enchanted items.

Do whatever you want in your own games: but such a power DOES NOT exist by rules as written for a good reason.

Meaningless rant spoiled: adds little but emphasis to my standpoint and is likely off putting to many.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Creating a Djinn
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2012, 08:17:41 PM »
You're acting like we'd be giving them the extra spells for free.

If you think casting extra spells with extra stress boxes is better than casting extra spells with extra consequences, you can make it cost more.

A wizard who chooses to cast extra spells is giving up the ability to cast better spells. And the ability to fly, and so on.

Given the amazing things you can buy with Refresh, making extra spells impossible to buy seems odd. Especially if you're only making it impossible by one specific method while calling every other method a-OK.

Offline GryMor

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Re: Creating a Djinn
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2012, 08:51:18 PM »
Given that -1 refresh for two minor consequences for spell casting is probably reasonable, and assuming conviction 4:

  Slots: 4, 5, 6, 7

Minor consequence:
  Slots:  5 or +2 to an existing slot
  Opens you up to invokes
  Takes at least twice as long to refresh when compared to stress.

First extra stress box:
  Slot: 8

Second extra stress box:
  Slot: 9

I think the argument can be made that the Invoke and 'start healing' down sides of consequences are more than enough to make up for the apparent added flexibility, so an extra stress box is worth on the order of 6 minor consequences (refresh every scene rather than every other scene) and should be priced as -2 refresh per box at minimum, no more than 3 boxs, and they still look cheap at that pricing.