Author Topic: Out of game activities.  (Read 2474 times)

Offline JDK002

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Out of game activities.
« on: August 29, 2012, 08:31:58 PM »
I GM a fairly casual group.  We get together once a week when things actually go as planned.  We only play maybe 4-5 hour sessions due to work schedules and social lives.

One of my players had the fantastic idea of starting a characters blog for the group.  Basically between sessions they can post entries about what their character thinks about the current situation, what they do between story arcs, anything they want really.  This also let's me post intriguing introductions to new scenarios or important new characters.  In turn I reward any player who does an entry with either a minor milestone or a free fate point at the start of the next session.

I'm wondering does anyone else do things like this to keep players invested and interested in the game between sessions?  I would like to do more things like above since my group desnt get to play nearly as much as I would like.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Out of game activities.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2012, 08:54:15 PM »
We play through IRC, and upload the logs to a small forum we run every week. I (as GM) then take the time to write up a small epilogue to the story, usually (but not always) from the POV of my own NPC I run with the players. It usually deals with the stuff they don't want to have to deal with every week: hiding the bodies, some plot exposition, fallout from the villains, etc. I make sure nothing pivotal happens at this point; any plot changes are up to the players during play. When I include their characters, I make sure to stay true to their motivations and personalities, so they don't feel like I'm puppeting THEIR actions.

I often encourage the players to do these sorts of things, too. Their character just had something major happen and they need some alone time to deal with it. Write up your own epilogue! Who says there has to be just one? Also, in preparation for sessions (or sometimes in prep for epilogues), I'll run some one-on-one mini-sessions with them during any free time we come up with.

That's about it from my end; just thought I'd throw in what I've got. Your group sounds a lot like ours.
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Offline JDK002

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Re: Out of game activities.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 06:04:44 PM »
Are 1 on 1 sessions actually fun?  I've got it in my head that without the player interaction it would get stale quick.  But I've never tried it so I'm curious to know.  I've put forth the offer to do small side stories when only a few players can make it to a session but we haven't actually done so yet.

Though I do see some potential in 1 on 1 sessions in building off of them into full player sessions.  Developing it so certain players are privy to bits of information other players don't have.  Encouraging player interaction and communication.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Out of game activities.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 06:27:15 PM »
That's exactly it. It's more to build up potential interactions down the line. I don't do it but rarely, when it'd be plot relevant for something to happen to them individually. They are fun, but in small doses.
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Offline AstronaughtAndy

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Re: Out of game activities.
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2012, 06:16:32 AM »
I actually have a facebook page for the town newspaper of my campaign setting. It is a veritable arsenal of plot hooks.

Offline Chrono

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Re: Out of game activities.
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2012, 06:39:40 PM »
Our group uses a folder on a local forum site. I post a newsletter written by a clueless local and do episode recaps. I try not to overobsess about the game, but it is hard.

Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: Out of game activities.
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2012, 07:53:25 PM »
Astronaughtandy, I'd be curious for a link to the fb page. want to look at how you do that. I would love to do something like that but I'm not sure which medium/site I want to use for it.


I have tried to do character blogs but usually laziness takes over. I do find for Dresden Files... google maps and adding your own custom pins/locations is very very nice. ^^