Author Topic: character help  (Read 1837 times)

Offline raydjulia

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character help
« on: August 25, 2012, 11:22:01 AM »
Im looking for some help with a char concept, im thinking of a scion of the erlking, and young man early 20s , hard around the edges. high concept: son of the erlking  trouble:hunter or hunted (or maybe  Hunted by the hunter).
 Aspects:  I know im going to regret this
               You cant escape me
               Stupidly stubborn
I want him to a hunter, but not you typical hunter he will hunter down and find anything , person , item , etc for the right price. well thats how its starts anyways , i want him to have a change or heart, at some point and decide that doing the right thing doesnt have a price.

possible powers: echo of beasts( has ability to track by smell, very cool for a hunter)
                       Channeling: Balefire  ( i read somewhere that the erlking uses balefire)
                        inhuman speed
                        swift transition( he can track u anywere)

i have never made a char and would any ideas of maybe a suggestion or 2 , or if anyone wants to post a char fleshed out with these ideas i would appreciate it

Offline Todjaeger

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Re: character help
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 04:02:49 AM »
The first question which springs immediately to mind, is what is the power level you're starting out at?

So far, the powers as listed cost 7 Refresh.

A few thoughts on those powers though.  My impression of Swift Transition was that it was intended more as a power for entities of the Nevernever, whom normally can only cross to/from the mortal world in areas where they have an affinity, like the parking lot of a Bass Pro Shop for the Erlking.  Swift Transition enables an entity to cross to or from the mortal world anywhere, unless restrained or if the area is protected somehow (Threshold, Ward, Circle, etc). 

What might be a better fit for a mortal would be World Walker, which would also give a bonus to Survival rolls when moving through the Nevernever.

Also Balefire seems to be more a form of Sponsored Magic, possibly the Erlking's equivalent to Seelie or Unseelie Magic.

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