I'd forget girls aren't supposed to instigate or express opinions or like, do a really neato judo throw on them when they didn't heed verbal warnings. Is that Anarchist? Chaotic?
First I would say, thats hot...but yeah... I doubt your Anarchist... unless this sounds like you:
Anarchist Characters Will . . .
1. May keep his word.
2. Lie and cheat if he feels it necessary.
3. Not likely to kill an unarmed foe, but certainly knockout, attack, or beat up an unarmed foe.
4. Never kill an innocent (but may harm or kidnap).
5. Not likely to help someone without some ulterior motive (even if it's only to show-off).
6. Seldom kill for pleasure.
7. Use torture to extract information (not likely to torture for pleasure).
8. Does not work well in a group (this is the cocky, loudmouth who is likely to do as he damn well pleases).
9. Have little respect for self-discipline or authority.
10. May betray a friend.
Most people in my experience are Abberrant, rarely nicer since people don't always stop at the side of a road to help someone with a flat(even if they have the time), but few fall below this due to the sticking point of harming an innocent.
most people just don't take some child on the street and use them as human shields or outright hurt them for the sake of hurting them.
That said, almost everyone could can do some very horrible things if they feel justified. Looking back when I was younger (and hopefully just less enlightened), I did a lot of things that I would not consider now... but at the same time I know that if circumstances were right.. well best to keep those thoughts out of mind least a pysch eval pop up