Author Topic: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?  (Read 2858 times)

Offline JediDresden

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I know in other Fate games they have organizations with stats, I have looked at Starblazers for example.  I would like to make some organizations write ups similar to other games.  Have others attempted this - because if so I do not want to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.

If no one has attempted it where should I start, besides the obvious.  I know it should have aspects, maybe some skills and stunts.  But what sort of benefits - if any should or would an organization give to a PC. I would put some stipulations on belonging to an organization (probably a correct aspect on the PC's Sheet).  I do not want a big benefit, but I think they should get something - maybe a free tag or invoke to use?

For example, what would the White Council's organization sheet look like?  or the Paranet's?  or a group like Marcone's?

Here is my first 2 minute attempt at the White Council:
White Council
Magical Heavyweights
They think they know it all
(and a couple of others)

Lore: 7
Contacts: 5
Resources: 5

(I'm at a loss)

Is it Worth it to create Organizations in the DFRPG?  I think it would add extra depth to the setting myself.

Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 08:33:59 PM »
I think in the right campaign it could be fun. However, I feel getting too statty with organizations can add complexity where it's not needed. Unless you are going to run some sort of interorganizational combat scene, I'd imagine important traits for an org would be the Aspects that define its goals and drawbacks.

If I wanted a real up-in-the-air, political stage, big-picture game with statted organizations, I'd stat the orgs with Aspects and Skills, sure. They'd have some sort of stress track or tracks. Then each session, assuming the PCs were somewhat successful in their goals, it could count as a Maneuver in the overall conflict between organizations. I'm thinking something like Burning Empires or Reign here, where the PCs serve to tip the scales in this overarching political conflict but their efforts aren't guarantors of success in the big picture even if their personal actions server their individual purposes.

Offline JDK002

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Re: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 11:39:08 PM »
I agree with the admiral.  Most character concepts require at least one aspect that ties you to any faction the character is allied with.  I also would imagine stats and aspects for factions and organizations wouldn't come into play all that often on a players personal story (which is the games strong suit in terms of role playing IMO).

But I also agree it could be interesting if you are doing to do some big faction vs faction battle royal with your players stuck in the middle of it.  It may also be a good set of general aspects to use as guild lines for npc's of that faction.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2012, 01:45:34 AM »
Is it Worth it to create Organizations in the DFRPG?
I create organization 'stats' at a very minimal level, essentially just aspects, faces, and a few notes.  Unless you're planning 'social' combat at a societal level I don't think you need much more.  No need for stress or consequences without said combat and few stunts or skills fit a society.  If they have a library with bonuses (stunts) to some scholarship or investigation rolls I tie that to the location.

Here's an example from my notes:  Lazarus Society
Quote from: LS
High Concept: Hidden Search for Eternal Life
Trouble: Unscrupulous Methods No One Else Will Condone
Aspects: Secret Society; Corporate Movers and Shakers; Corrupt Politicians;
Faces: Bradly Morrison (County Judge), Patricia Manning (CEO Blackthorne Inc), Joseph P. Hinson (CEO Levitha Inc)
Membership: Rich men and women who are willing to do anything to continue living.
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Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2012, 03:02:27 AM »
I would put some stipulations on belonging to an organization (probably a correct aspect on the PC's Sheet).  I do not want a big benefit, but I think they should get something - maybe a free tag or invoke to use?

Honestly, looking at this, it sounds like you want a slightly reskinned Marked By Power type ability. That's if you really want a specific ability - simply having an Aspect relating to membership would allow for invokes for effect to rustle up help from the organization, while Compels handle that same organization calling in favors.

Offline Deadworld

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Re: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2012, 08:49:01 AM »
Thread necromancy? Check.

I would recommend taking a look at how Legends of Anglerre builds organizations. I've given some thought to this myself; the conflict between organizations in a modern setting could be a lot of fun and if it's a heavy focus in the game, the benefits of statting them out and maintaining them could be well worth the effort. The core of Fate is the fractal, after all, so why not use it?

You could use scaling to build groups of enemies (or large, terrifying monsters! Haunted skyscraper? That'd be cool...). The construct (armies, big monsters) rules and the org rules in LoA seem to be mix and match as needed. Take what you see there and mutate the stunts and skills into a more modern feel.

Offline AstronaughtAndy

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Re: Using the Fate Fractal to make Organizations... How would you do it?
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2012, 12:22:12 PM »
As long as we're violating the Fifth Law of Magic I'd like to throw this out:

One reason it could be worth statting out and giving skills to an organization is because it gives you a quick reference for interactions with members of said organization. And you could give the organization some skills that a character wouldn't necessarily have. Say the organization sends some toughs to break the PCs knees, well the org has Good Weapons, hence the thugs have Good Weapons. Say they need to break into a building, well the org has Great Security, so there's the difficulty for Burglary and Stealth rolls. Say the org is a band of Kobolds and they have Fair Craftsmanship with a stunt that gives them a +2 to the complexity of their traps.