Author Topic: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat  (Read 6010 times)

Offline Todjaeger

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Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:14:45 PM »
Hello, I'm looking into modelling an Evocation-based sleep spell which can be cast in combat.  What I'm trying to determine is whether or not such a spell is viable, of if it would be overall too difficult to be worthwhile (i.e. have your opponent fall asleep during a fight...).

The examples given of sleep spells in the RAW are Thaumaturgy.

What I was considering was using Spirit Evocations to inflict mental stress, but to get to the Taken Out result, all the Consequence boxes need to be filled. Also, the target's recovery time would be considerable if they opted to take all possible Consequences to avoid being put to sleep.

Does anyone have some alternate thoughts?

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 06:27:39 PM »
You could make it an offensive block. The target resists with endurance, and as long as the block is up, it can't do anything. Though a block that blocks everything should be able to be overcome by everything, which kind of makes this a weak option. Every other evocation option would be too weak as well. Or too strong, if you would, for example, allow a tag for effect on a maneuver spell to take someone out.

I like the approach of turning signature spells into powers of their own. For a sleep spell, you could adopt the incite emotion power, and you'll have a pretty powerful sleep spell at your disposal.
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 06:29:04 PM »
You don't need all the consequence boxes filled to get a Taken Out. You can be Taken Out without taking any consequences at all.

That said, there's really no reason this spell can't just be a regular physical attack spell, with the Taken Out result being "you fall asleep."
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 06:30:56 PM »
Hello, I'm looking into modelling an Evocation-based sleep spell which can be cast in combat.  What I'm trying to determine is whether or not such a spell is viable, of if it would be overall too difficult to be worthwhile (i.e. have your opponent fall asleep during a fight...).

The examples given of sleep spells in the RAW are Thaumaturgy.

What I was considering was using Spirit Evocations to inflict mental stress, but to get to the Taken Out result, all the Consequence boxes need to be filled. Also, the target's recovery time would be considerable if they opted to take all possible Consequences to avoid being put to sleep.

Does anyone have some alternate thoughts?


I'd say it would be possible. but *really* difficult. Because that's effectively soft-touch psychomancy, it's a very grey area within the Laws, and converting Thaumaturgy to Evocation always results in prohibitively high power costs. There's also the question of being able to control the magic sufficiently well to put someone to sleep temporarily, rather than permanently. we know Molly does it in GS, but other than that there's nothing to suggest it's possible when the target is resisiting.
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 06:46:59 PM »
Oooooooor, simply flavor the spell that it's making the target physically exhausted. Fudging with peoples' brains isn't the only way to make someone fall asleep. Just drain their strength until they're physically tired.
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Offline Haru

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 07:00:19 PM »
Oooooooor, simply flavor the spell that it's making the target physically exhausted. Fudging with peoples' brains isn't the only way to make someone fall asleep. Just drain their strength until they're physically tired.
Hmm, that gives me an idea. How about an offensive armor spell? You set up an offensive block as armor, so you divide its power by 2, but then it will stick to the skill it targets, and it will effectively reduce that skill by the armor rating of the spell.

If you target the endurance skill, and the target needs to make an endurance check at some point, he will have to use the reduced value of the skill, so he would be more likely to fail. More of an exhaust spell than a sleep spell, but maybe that's something to build on. Stress boxes should not be affected by this, of course.
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2012, 10:03:55 PM »
Keep in mind that DFRPG mental damage is not the "stun" damage that it is in other game systems.  A sleep spell using a mental attack should more likely induce narcolepsy than a nice nap.  As Mr. Death suggested, making someone tired enough to fall asleep reflects physical stress, not mental stress.

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 11:26:00 PM »
Oooooooor, simply flavor the spell that it's making the target physically exhausted. Fudging with peoples' brains isn't the only way to make someone fall asleep. Just drain their strength until they're physically tired.

Or suck the air of their lungs and increase the oxygen content of the air they breath and make them faint...flavour flavour
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2012, 01:21:59 AM »
Mechanically, it's just an attack.  Likely on the physical track (to cause physical exhaustion, rather than mental).  Consequences could be "Tired" "Exhausted" "Running on Fumes" and taken out would be sound asleep. 

If it's mental, it likely requires Thaumaturgy (Bio or Psychomancy) at Evocation's methods and speed.

I like the changing air composition idea.

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2012, 10:08:00 AM »
Mechanically, it's just an attack.  Likely on the physical track (to cause physical exhaustion, rather than mental).  Consequences could be "Tired" "Exhausted" "Running on Fumes" and taken out would be sound asleep. 

Not so much sound asleep as black out/fainted from severe exhaustion. Running a body down until it collapses really is more aggressive then "sleep spell" makes it sound.

Then again if you make those consequences "yawn" "drowsiness" "eyes sagging" it might sound a lot more freandly but I can't think of any severe consequences that don't sound severe.
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2012, 10:21:49 AM »
Severe Consequences also don't just up and evaporate after a good night's sleep.
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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2012, 11:04:42 AM »
Severe Consequences also don't just up and evaporate after a good night's sleep.

"Narcolepsy" or "Rolling Blackouts"

Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2012, 05:03:07 AM »
Severe Consequences also don't just up and evaporate after a good night's sleep.

The Stress and Consequences track is part of what is causing me some trouble in terms of modelling the spell.

The desired end result of the spell is effectively a Taken Out result, in the form of the target being Taken Out via sleep.  Unfortunately, if the target is resisting being Taken Out (and why wouldn't they resist?) then sufficient Stress needs to be caused to force a Taken Out result, with the attacker flavoring the result with Sleep as opposed to dead.  The target would still have to 'pay' for any consequences they took attempting to avoid being put to sleep.

Unless of course the target opted to Concede and allowed themselves to be Taken Out instead of taking any Consequences.

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2012, 06:19:32 AM »
Put the characters in a situation where they know they've got a ways to go and they might need those higher level consequences later on. A severe consequence is at the "We're taking you the ER dude" level in my mind. Maybe slip them the hint that (to use a D&D analogy) taking a severe consequence at that point would be like using your highest level spell on the random encounter.

Offline Haru

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Re: Evocation-based sleep spell cast in Combat
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2012, 09:46:31 AM »
Looking at the sleep spells in YS again, I can't help but notice, that those are not actually sleep spells in the sense you want it to be for your evocations, Todjaeger. They are, in fact, blocks against nightmares, the sleeping part is only secondary to the whole thing and voluntary.

As many have said, it will probably come down to a taken out result. You'll want to use sleep spells on mooks with 2 stress boxes and no consequences, to take them out without killing. Everyone else doesn't even have to take a sleep themed consequence. You could take the typical "twisted ankle" and say you got dizzy for a moment when the spell hit and you tripped. Since metagaming is a regular part of the DFRPG, I don't think there is a problem for the players knowing if their characters are facing a mook or something tougher. They will probably know anyway once the first mook is taken out by looking at him too hard.
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