Nope! I had to google what that was.
There is a subtle art to "casting" PCs and NPCs, especially NPCs. When you say an NPC looks like Nic Cage, there is an immediate memetic onslaught that, assuming your players are similarly versed in the same media as you, primes their expectations of this NPC.
Yeah I get a lot of mileage out of that in my WOD game. It's also useful for metascrewing your players.

For example, if you cast Malcom McDowell as anyone most likely the players will be suspicious of him and assume he's the evil bad guy waiting to screw them over. Because most of the time he plays bad guys. In fact I can't really think of any roll he's ever played where he was a good guy.
So, make him completely honest, completely forthright, genuinely compassionate and caring and put him in a position of authority over the players. I would totally cast McDowell as Father Forthill. They will create their own drama and you can sit back and watch the fireworks. Yeah it's sort of underhanded but they're making assumptions based on out of character knowledge.
I've also done it unknowingly a couple of times. In my WOD game, I have a very old Werewolf matron named Mother Dawn. She's actually a Black Fury from Greece but for some reason when I first introduced her to the game with my current players I just could not get my Greek accent to work. I think part of it was I had sat down and watched like 4 episodes of True Blood with my wife the night before. Bill Compton's Louisiana accent came out and took over. Now whenever I think of Mother Dawn, she learned to speak English in Louisiana hence the accent. Though I imagine a native Greek coming to America in 1910 and learning to speak English in Louisiana would probably be nearly incomprehensible due to the blending of accents. But hey, you work with what you got.

By the second game, the characters decided that she was Mother Abigail Freemantle from The Stand because of that accent. She's not. She's not even close. Mother Dawn was a hell of a warrior in her prime. She's also Greek. But hey, if that's the assumptions they want to make that's fine. I can run with that. They assume that she is a good guy and that she has the best interests of the world at heart. In this case, she does, but the best interests of the world don't necessarily mean the best interests of the PCs.
One of the other unintended consequences of this game was that the players decided that any female that offered them fresh baked cookies was good. Mother Dawn did it. Another NPC did it and they both turned out to be fighting the good fight. The next person to do it, naturally, will be eeevil.

Possibly cast as Mary-Louise Parker. She looks sweet and friendly, though the character she plays in Weeds is a little on the dark side. She cares a lot about her family but has done a lot of dark and questionable things because of it without considering who might get caught in the crossfire.

I've also completely ripped off the Archangel Gabriel from The Prophecy, starring Christopher Walken because I just love that character. The players invariably assume that he is the same epic bad ass that once threatened someone with: "I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls, and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why. " and they're generally terrified of him. Even when he's just some homeless indigent appearing in a bit role in the game and is completely harmless. Some times I even throw in the trumpet for the heck of it. I can even do a reasonable approximation of his accent.
Yes I get a lot of mileage out of casting =)