Sure, I'd be interested. Are they on the wiki in your .sig? Can't access that from work. (Oddly enough, this site is fine. *Shrug*)
I'll make this easy for you:
Description: You can see the future, or at least determine its shape somehow.
Skills Affected: Lore.
Effects:Divination. Add a Divination trapping to your Lore skill. Use that trapping for Assessments, Declarations, and knowledge rolls related to what will happen in the future.
Visions. The GM can cause you to have an infallibly-accurate vision of the future whenever he or she feels inclined.
I Saw That Coming. You may use your Lore skill for the Avoiding Surprise trapping of the Alertness skill.
Description: You can predict the actions of your opponents in combat, making it very difficult to get the drop on you.
Skills Affected: Alertness, sometimes Lore.
Effects:Always Prepared. Add two to your Alertness skill (or, if you have the Prophecy Power, your Lore skill) when using its Combat Initiative and Avoiding Surprise trappings.
Precognition. Whenever you are attacked, you may attempt to Assess the person attacking you with your Alertness skill. The person attacking you may defend with the skill that they're attacking you with. If you succeed, the GM should reveal either one of the target's Aspects or an Aspect that applies to their attack.
Application Of Prophecy. If you possess the Prophecy Power, you may use your Lore skill for the Precognition trapping of this Power and the Combat Initiative trapping of the Alertness skill.
The custom power was mainly my idea to avoid charging him full price for something that makes a lot of sense for his character. After all, his only question was "Can I take Inhuman Speed and just ignore the movement bonuses?" I have great players. 
Locnil's suggestion might be the way to go, then.
I'd rather make a new Power, but that's because I like making new Powers.
PS: The wiki is in a shameful state. Haven't updated in ages...the threads linked in the post above are a much better bet if you need to find a Power.