Author Topic: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?  (Read 5743 times)

Offline JDK002

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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2012, 06:37:54 PM »
Taran makes a damn good arguement for emmisary of power.  There are a few episodes of the show that play into the "spirit of the slayer".  One where Dracula talks about how the slayer power is "rooted in darkness" "a darkness that rivals my own".  Which tracks later on in the show when the origins of the slayer are revealed.

Also the first episode that The Primal (the spirit of the slayer essentally) is in.  It gets pissed that Buffy allows her friend to tap into the spirit for a spell.  That the slayer "walks alone" and "no friends, only death".   

another one where Spike talks about how he killed two slayers.  Saying that a slayer deals in death every day, that they are just a little bit in love with it.  That every slayer secretly has a death wish.

Offline Keryth

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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2012, 07:47:30 PM »
Hey there, I'm working on putting new a game together in the next few weeks with a fellow Dresden fan and one of the players wants to play as a Slayer-like character. As in he pretty much wants a character with Inhuman Strength and Speed but not one who is a vampire or a scion (ie: subject to the hunger/thirst or mortality vs. supernatural Choice). I get where he's coming from, he's read a few of the books and instead of being a magical player (like Harry) he wants to be physical threat to the vamps, faeries, and baddies we go up against while still remaining a "free agent".

The problem is that he agreed that it should stay true to the source material and we haven't been able to come up with an idea that works the way we'd like. Power in the Dresdenverse is never free. Has anyone created a similar character or have any ideas?

Well, I've put together a Slayer template for my upcoming campaign. Even got some help from everyone here to balance it out. It's on my Obsidian Portal site (see my signature below for link). You'll find it there, under the Rules Tab, Templates Tab. Hope it helps
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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2012, 07:51:45 PM »
They may not have had to pay the usual prices for their power, but there's a price all the same. For instance...

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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2012, 07:01:03 PM »
As in he pretty much wants a character with Inhuman Strength and Speed but not one who is a vampire or a scion (ie: subject to the hunger/thirst or mortality vs. supernatural Choice).

If you want him to remain essentially a mortal then another option might be that the character acquired an Item of Power that gives him the physical attributes to face off against monsters.  Perhaps the Venatori Uborum or the Watchers or whatever gave it to him.  Perhaps not everyone can use it and he possesses the ancestry that is required. 

Other than that Scions and Emissaries can both be good choices.
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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2012, 07:21:56 PM »
Hmm, I think a Buffy-flavored Slayer could be easily created by having the player take Inhuman Strength and Inhuman Toughness (and/or Inhuman Recovery) with stunts to flesh their abilities further.

Just don't get caught up on the fact that he isn't using the Pure Mortal template. Really the High Concept and aspects are all you need to worry about. 

Offline Radecliffe

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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2012, 02:51:41 PM »
That's not true. Did the Alphas have to pay a price for their power?

No, they just had to learn how to use their magical potential.

If you want to have a human direct her magical potential towards being strong and fast and tough, you can. Just take an appropriate high concept and whatever Powers seem reasonable.

I've made characters like this before, though I'd have trouble finding one with an actual backstory. Most of the characters I've made are generic.

I'd have to disagree with this.  There is always a price.  Though I do agree with the thought that the price is probably on a par with the power gained.  Part of the problem with making this statement one way or the other though is that we really don't have a complete picture of the Alphas.  They are important secondary characters, sure, but still secondary characters. 

My guess is that their "price" is a little of their humanity.  Not nearly so much as a hexen wulf, of course, since there is no demonic element.  But look at Billy in the last few books.  Definite signs of animal aggression and ferocity.  Not really a typical human response but not surprising from a person that has spent years learning to BE an animal. 

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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2012, 05:12:17 PM »
Seems to me all you'd have to do to take care of the obligations is require a High Concept (or even Trouble) along the lines of "Obligations of a Slayer", so that the GM can Compel it whenever it would be relevant.

As far as powers go, I'm definitely down with Inhuman Strength and Recovery. I'd allow Toughness as well, since Buffy can take some souped-up hits in the TV series that would flatten a normal person. As far as Inhuman Speed goes, I'd maybe downgrade it to a one-refresh "Inhuman Reflexes", that lets her dodge and gives her an Alertness bonus, without the fast running that the TV show SAID she had, but never really showed. Then something for the dreams and you're good to go. 8 refresh, total.
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Re: Buffy or Slayer-like Character?
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2012, 02:45:39 AM »
I'd have to disagree with this.  There is always a price.  Though I do agree with the thought that the price is probably on a par with the power gained.  Part of the problem with making this statement one way or the other though is that we really don't have a complete picture of the Alphas.  They are important secondary characters, sure, but still secondary characters. 

My guess is that their "price" is a little of their humanity.  Not nearly so much as a hexen wulf, of course, since there is no demonic element.  But look at Billy in the last few books.  Definite signs of animal aggression and ferocity.  Not really a typical human response but not surprising from a person that has spent years learning to BE an animal.

That's not a price. It's just a lifestyle change.

Act like an animal, become animalistic.

Act like anything, become like that thing.

Not sure how you can spin that into a general "all power has a price" idea.

By that standard, everything has a price. Which sort of makes the whole "power at a price" thing kinda lame; eating rhubarb has a price too.