Author Topic: Thaumaturgy: My brain hurts  (Read 4388 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Thaumaturgy: My brain hurts
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2012, 06:09:58 AM »
And Sanctaphrax makes a decent point about summoning not depending on powers, but these are the rules as written.

Indeed. I don't like it, but it's official-ish at least.

It's trivially easy to change this as GM by simply giving more powerful creatures higher conviction scores. If for some reason, you want a low conviction on something you want to be difficult to summon, give it an appropriate stunt or power to resist summoning.

You know, this is a pretty good summary of why bad rules are bad. They force you to perform mechanical contortions, like some kind of mathematical circus performer.

I'm not saying that Sanctaphrax has a bad custom method (I haven't read it, but he usually has fairly good ideas), but if you make custom rules about too many things, you can wind up losing your way.

You're very kind. And probably right.

These particular house rules are easy to slot in, but even so...

Also, while I'm thinking about it. If your Raven Mockers would normally be Taken Out without taking mire than a moderate (like mooks tend to be), subtract six from the difficulty. Similarly, really powerful creatures might take an extreme, so add eight to theirs.

Definitely do that.