That's Chuck's schtick, the faux rudeness and the crudeness. Those are tools he uses to punch through and get some people's attention. Doesn't work for everyone, but it works for some, which is a good thing in the end.
So long as it works, and in this case I think it does.
Personally, and maybe this is from my attempt to write a PG/PG13 book, I think you can use alternate words like. If you are getting so frustrated you want to take a two-by-four and pound someones melon like head until juices start coming out..., or you can go straight to Hades if that's your path but I suggest. Or sweet crying...
I agree the F-bombs and H's can get through to some that can't be reached otherwise. But if you are a word smith.... Like with my Amazon E-book helper post. You can hold them by the jacket and kick them in the pants at the appropriate moments until they get motivated, without necessarily crawling into the verbal gutter and rolling around.
That said, perhaps I am creating a mountain=molehill situation. Since I honestly wasn't offended or upset or anything by what I read, which from looking at my response so far I can see how I might come across as. Let me just finish by saying, I hope his post helped some people. It takes all types and all types of messages and communication formats.
If even one prospective author was helped and winds up putting out a book I will read and enjoy then his work is worthy and should be out there.
Just come on man, your a word smith, so smith some alternates language already! Show us some of those skills!
The Deposed King